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Created February 9, 2018 17:56
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Mididings scene switch callback
#!/usr/bin/env python
Two alternatives for scene switch callback.
1. Using a custom made Hook() object, which responds only *after* a scene
change has been made. This means that if a scene switch request contains
a non existing scene/subscene, nothing happens.
2. Rewriting the private Engine.scene_switch_callback function, which
intercepts scene switch requests and can do some further actions before
the change is actually made.
This example uses a "Control" port and changes scene according to the octave
of a NOTEON event. The event is then discarded here, which is not required; if
you want to keep it, remember to reroute if there are less outputs than inputs.
from mididings import *
from mididings.engine import Engine, current_scene, current_subscene, switch_scene
in_ports = (
('Some keyboard', ),
('Control', ),
client_name='Chatty router',
scene_dict = {s: Pass() for s in range(1, 5)}
class Messenger(object):
def __init__(self):
self.scene = 0
self.subscene = 0
self.on_switch_scene = self.startup_switch_scene
def on_start(self):
print('Mididings started!')
def startup_switch_scene(self, *args):
#Startup callback showing "default" scene info;
#scene and subscene are 1 index based
self.scene = current_scene() + 1
self.subscene = current_subscene() + 1
print('Start scene: {}\nStart subscene: {}\n'.format(self.scene, self.subscene))
self.on_switch_scene = self.real_switch_scene
def real_switch_scene(self, scene, subscene):
#Do something when a scene/subscene has changed; here we show a message
#only when a scene/subscene actually changes
if scene != self.scene:
print('Scene changed from {} to {}'.format(self.scene, scene))
elif subscene != self.subscene:
print('Subscene changed from {} to {}'.format(self.subscene, subscene))
self.scene = scene
self.subscene = subscene
started = False
old_scene = 0
old_subscene = 0
def scene_switch_callback(cb, engine, scene, subscene):
#This is called *before* trying to change the scene
global started
global old_scene
global old_subscene
#call the original Engine() class method
cb(engine, scene, subscene)
if not started:
print('Mididings started!\nCurrent scene: {}\nCurrent subscene: {}'.format(old_scene + 1, old_subscene + 1))
started = True
#Do something before trying to change the scene
if old_scene != scene:
print('Scene changing from {} to {}'.format(old_scene + 1, scene + 1))
elif old_subscene != subscene:
print('Subscene changing from {} to {}'.format(old_subscene, current_subscene()))
old_scene = scene
old_subscene = subscene
#Uncomment to use the hook class
#Uncomment to use method renaming
#Engine.scene_switch_callback = lambda engine, scene, subscene, cb=Engine.scene_switch_callback: scene_switch_callback(cb, engine, scene, subscene)
def switch(event):
switch_scene(event.note // 12)
run(scenes=scene_dict, control=PortFilter('Control')>>Filter(NOTEON)>>Process(switch)>>Discard())
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