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Python system information tool
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Archey-m [version 0.2.8-1]
# Archey [version 0.2.8]
# Archey is a system information tool written in Python.
# Maintained by Melik Manukyan <>
# ASCII art by Brett Bohnenkamper <>
# Changes Jerome Launay <>
# Fedora support by YeOK <>
# Modified by M. Hendrix for Raspbian
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.
# See for the full license text.
# Import libraries
import os
# import sys
# import subprocess
# import optparse
import re
# import linecache
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
# from optparse import OptionParser
from getpass import getuser
# from time import ctime, sleep
# Display [Comment/Uncomment to Enable/Disable information.]
display = [
'date', # Display current date and time
'user', # Display Username
'hostname', # Display Machine Hostname
'distro', # Display Distribution
'kernel', # Display Kernel Version
'uptime', # Display System Uptime
'wm', # Display Window Manager
'de', # Display Desktop Environment
'sh', # Display Current Shell
'term', # Display Current Terminal
'packages', # Display Number of Packages Installed
'cpu', # Display CPU Model
'ram', # Display RAM Usage
'disk' # Display Disk Usage
# Array containing Values
result = []
# Define processes for identifying Desktop Environmentss, Window Managers, Shells.
de_dict = {
'gnome-session': 'GNOME',
'ksmserver': 'KDE',
'xfce4-session': 'Xfce'}
wm_dict = {
'awesome': 'Awesome',
'beryl': 'Beryl',
'blackbox': 'Blackbox',
'compiz': 'Compiz',
'dwm': 'DWM',
'enlightenment': 'Enlightenment',
'fluxbox': 'Fluxbox',
'fvwm': 'FVWM',
'i3': 'i3',
'icewm': 'IceWM',
'kwin': 'KWin',
'metacity': 'Metacity',
'musca': 'Musca',
'openbox': 'Openbox',
'pekwm': 'PekWM',
'ratpoison': 'ratpoison',
'scrotwm': 'ScrotWM',
'wmaker': 'Window Maker',
'wmfs': 'Wmfs',
'wmii': 'wmii',
'xfwm4': 'Xfwm',
'xmonad': 'xmonad'}
sh_dict = {
'zsh': 'Zsh',
'bash': 'Bash',
'dash': 'Dash',
'fish': 'Fish',
'ksh': 'Ksh',
'csh': 'Csh',
'jsh': 'Jsh',
'tcsh': 'Tcsh'}
# Define Colour Scheme
clear = '\x1b[0m'
blackB = '\x1b[0;30m'
blackB = '\x1b[1;30m'
redN = '\x1b[0;31m'
redB = '\x1b[1;31m'
greenN = '\x1b[0;32m'
greenB = '\x1b[1;32m'
yellowN = '\x1b[0;33m'
yellowB = '\x1b[1;33m'
blueN = '\x1b[0;34m'
blueB = '\x1b[1;34m'
magentaN = '\x1b[0;35m'
magentaB = '\x1b[1;35m'
cyanN = '\x1b[0;36m'
cyanB = '\x1b[1;36m'
whiteN = '\x1b[0;37m'
whiteB = '\x1b[1;37m'
# Find running processes.
def xmonadfix(str):
if re.compile("xmonad").match(str):
return "xmonad"
return str
p1 = Popen(['ps', '-u', getuser()], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].split('\n')
processes = map(xmonadfix, [process.split()[3] for process in p1 if process])
p1 = None
# Find Distro.
DetectDistro = Popen(['lsb_release', '-i'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].split(':')[1].lstrip('\t').rstrip('\n')
# Print coloured key with normal value.
def output(key, value):
if DetectDistro == 'Ubuntu':
output = '%s%s:%s %s' % (redB, key, clear, value)
if DetectDistro == 'Arch':
output = '%s%s:%s %s' % (blueB, key, clear, value)
if (DetectDistro == 'Debian') or (DetectDistro == 'Raspbian'):
output = '%s%s:%s %s' % (redB, key, clear, value)
if DetectDistro == 'Fedora':
output = '%s%s:%s %s' % (blueB, key, clear, value)
if DetectDistro == 'CrunchBang':
output = '%s%s:%s %s' % (whiteN, key, clear, value)
if DetectDistro == 'LinuxMint':
output = '%s%s:%s %s' % (greenB, key, clear, value)
# Date Function.
def date_display():
now = Popen(['date'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].rstrip('\n')
output('Date', now)
# RAM Function.
def ram_display():
raminfo = Popen(['free', '-m'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].split('\n')
ram = ''.join(filter(re.compile('M').search, raminfo)).split()
used = int(ram[2]) - int(ram[5]) - int(ram[6])
usedpercent = ((float(used) / float(ram[1])) * 100)
if usedpercent <= 33:
ramdisplay = '%s%s MB %s/ %s MB' % (greenB, used, clear, ram[1])
output('RAM', ramdisplay)
if usedpercent > 33 and usedpercent < 67:
ramdisplay = '%s%s MB %s/ %s MB' % (yellowB, used, clear, ram[1])
output('RAM', ramdisplay)
if usedpercent >= 67:
ramdisplay = '%s%s MB %s/ %s MB' % (redB, used, clear, ram[1])
output('RAM', ramdisplay)
# Operating System Function.
def distro_display():
arch = Popen(['uname', '-m'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].rstrip('\n')
if (DetectDistro == 'Debian') or (DetectDistro == 'Raspbian'):
release = Popen(['lsb_release', '-r'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].split(':')[1].lstrip('\t').rstrip('\n')
distro = 'Debian %s %s' % (release, arch)
if DetectDistro == 'Ubuntu':
release = Popen(['lsb_release', '-r'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].split(':')[1].lstrip('\t').rstrip('\n')
distro = 'Ubuntu %s %s' % (release, arch)
if DetectDistro == 'Arch':
distro = 'Arch Linux %s' % arch
if DetectDistro == 'Fedora':
release = Popen(['lsb_release', '-r'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].split(':')[1].lstrip('\t').rstrip('\n')
distro = 'Fedora %s %s' % (release, arch)
if DetectDistro == 'CrunchBang':
release = Popen(['lsb_release', '-r'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].split(':')[1].lstrip('\t').rstrip('\n')
if DetectDistro == 'LinuxMint':
release = Popen(['lsb_release', '-r'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].split(':')[1].lstrip('\t').rstrip('\n')
distro = 'Mint %s %s' % (release, arch)
output('OS', distro)
# Kernel Function.
def kernel_display():
kernel = Popen(['uname', '-r'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].rstrip('\n')
output('Kernel', kernel)
def user_display():
username = os.getenv('USER')
output('User', username)
# Hostname Function.
def hostname_display():
hostname = Popen(['uname', '-n'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].rstrip('\n')
output('Hostname', hostname)
# CPU Function.
def cpu_display():
cpuinfo = 'no CPU info'
file = open('/proc/cpuinfo').readlines()
for f in file:
g = f.split()
if len(g) > 1:
if (g[0] + g[1] == "modelname"):
cpuinfo = re.sub(' +', ' ', f.replace('model name\t: ', '').rstrip('\n'))
output('CPU', cpuinfo)
# Uptime Function.
def uptime_display():
fuptime = int(open('/proc/uptime').read().split('.')[0])
day = int(fuptime / 86400)
fuptime = fuptime % 86400
hour = int(fuptime / 3600)
fuptime = fuptime % 3600
minute = int(fuptime / 60)
uptime = ''
if day == 1:
uptime += '%d day, ' % day
if day > 1:
uptime += '%d days, ' % day
uptime += '%d:%02d' % (hour, minute)
output('Uptime', uptime)
# Desktop Environment Function.
def de_display():
for key in de_dict.keys():
if key in processes:
de = de_dict[key]
output('Desktop Environment', de)
# Window Manager Function.
def wm_display():
for key in wm_dict.keys():
if key in processes:
wm = wm_dict[key]
output('Window Manager', wm)
# Shell Function.
def sh_display():
sh = os.getenv("SHELL").split('/')[-1].capitalize()
output('Shell', sh)
# Terminal Function.
def term_display():
term = os.getenv("TERM").split('/')[-1].capitalize()
output('Terminal', term)
# Packages Function.
def packages_display():
if DetectDistro == 'Ubuntu':
p1 = Popen(['dpkg', '--get-selections'], stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(['grep', '-v', 'deinstall'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
p3 = Popen(['wc', '-l'], stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
packages = p3.communicate()[0].rstrip('\n')
output('Packages', packages)
if DetectDistro == 'Arch':
p1 = Popen(['pacman', '-Q'], stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(['wc', '-l'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
packages = p2.communicate()[0].rstrip('\n')
output('Packages', packages)
if (DetectDistro == 'Debian') or (DetectDistro == 'Raspbian'):
p1 = Popen(['dpkg', '--get-selections'], stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(['grep', '-v', 'deinstall'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
p3 = Popen(['wc', '-l'], stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
packages = p3.communicate()[0].rstrip('\n')
output('Packages', packages)
if DetectDistro == 'CrunchBang':
p1 = Popen(['dpkg', '--get-selections'], stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(['grep', '-v', 'deinstall'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
p3 = Popen(['wc', '-l'], stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
packages = p3.communicate()[0].rstrip('\n')
output('Packages', packages)
if DetectDistro == 'Fedora':
p1 = Popen(['rpm', '-qa'], stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(['wc', '-l'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
packages = p2.communicate()[0].rstrip('\n')
if DetectDistro == 'LinuxMint':
p1 = Popen(['dpkg', '--get-selections'], stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(['grep', '-v', 'deinstall'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
p3 = Popen(['wc', '-l'], stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
packages = p3.communicate()[0].rstrip('\n')
output('Packages', packages)
# Disk Function.
def disk_display():
p1 = Popen(['df', '-Tlh', '--total', '-t', 'ext4', '-t', 'ext3', '-t', 'ext2', '-t', 'reiserfs', '-t', 'jfs', '-t', 'ntfs', '-t', 'fat32', '-t', 'btrfs', '-t', 'fuseblk'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
total = p1.splitlines()[-1]
used = total.split()[3]
size = total.split()[2]
usedpercent = float(re.sub("[A-Z]", "", used)) / float(re.sub("[A-Z]", "", size)) * 100
if usedpercent <= 33:
fs = '%s%s %s/ %s' % (greenB, used, clear, size)
output('Disk', fs)
if usedpercent > 33 and usedpercent < 67:
fs = '%s%s %s/ %s' % (yellowB, used, clear, size)
output('Disk', fs)
if usedpercent >= 67:
fs = '%s%s %s/ %s' % (redB, used, clear, size)
output('Disk', fs)
# Run functions found in 'display' array.
for x in display:
funcname = x + '_display'
func = locals()[funcname]
# Array containing values.
result.extend([''] * (20 - len(display)))
# Result.
if DetectDistro == 'Ubuntu':
print """
%s .oyhhs: %s
%s ..--.., %sshhhhhh- %s
%s -+++++++++`:%syyhhyo` %s
%s .-- %s-++++++++/-.-%s::-` %s
%s .::::- %s:-----:/+++/++/. %s
%s -:::::-. %s.:++++++: %s
%s ,,, %s.:::::-` %s.++++++- %s
%s./+++/-%s`-::- %s./////: %s
%s+++++++ %s.::- %s
%s./+++/-`%s-::- %s:yyyyyo %s
%s ``` `%s-::::-` %s:yhhhhh: %s
%s -:::::-. %s`-ohhhhhh+ %s
%s .::::-` %s-o+///+oyhhyyyhy: %s
%s `.-- %s/yhhhhhhhy+%s,.... %s
%s /hhhhhhhhh%s-.-:::; %s
%s `.:://::- %s-:::::; %s
%s `.-:-' %s
%s %s
%s""" % (redN, result[0], redB, redN, result[1], redB, redN, result[2], yellowB, redB, redN, result[3], yellowB, redB, result[4], yellowB, redB, result[5], redB, yellowB, redB, result[6], redB, yellowB, redB, result[7], redB, yellowB, result[8], redB, yellowB, redN, result[9], redB, yellowB, redN, result[10], yellowB, redN, result[11], yellowB, redN, result[12], yellowB, redN, yellowB, result[13], redN, yellowB, result[14], redN, yellowB, result[15], yellowB, result[16], yellowB, result[17], clear)
if DetectDistro == 'Arch':
print """%s
%s + %s
%s # %s
%s ### %s
%s ##### %s
%s ###### %s
%s ; #####; %s
%s +##.##### %s
%s +########## %s
%s ######%s#####%s##; %s
%s ###%s############%s+ %s
%s #%s###### ####### %s
%s .######; ;###;`\". %s
%s .#######; ;#####. %s
%s #########. .########` %s
%s ######' '###### %s
%s ;#### ####; %s
%s ##' '## %s
%s #' `# %s%s """ % (blueB, blueB, result[0], blueB, result[1], blueB, result[2], blueB, result[3], blueB, result[4], blueB, result[5], blueB, result[6], blueB, result[7], blueB, blueN, blueB, result[8], blueB, blueN, blueB, result[9], blueB, blueN, result[10], blueN, result[11], blueN, result[12], blueN, result[13], blueN, result[14], blueN, result[15], blueN, result[16], blueN, result[17], clear)
if (DetectDistro == 'Debian') or (DetectDistro == 'Raspbian'):
print """%s
%s %s
%s _sudZUZ#Z#XZo=_ %s
%s _jmZZ2!!~---~!!X##wx %s
%s .<wdP~~ -!YZL, %s
%s .mX2' _xaaa__ XZ[. %s
%s oZ[ _jdXY!~?S#wa ]Xb; %s
%s _#e' .]X2( ~Xw| )XXc %s
%s .2Z` ]X[. xY| ]oZ( %s
%s .2#; )3k; _s!~ jXf` %s
%s 1Z> -]Xb/ ~ __#2( %s
%s -Zo; +!4ZwerfgnZZXY' %s
%s *#[, ~-?!!!!!!-~ %s
%s XUb;. %s
%s )YXL,, %s
%s +3#bc, %s
%s -)SSL,, %s
%s ~~~~~ %s
%s %s
%s """ % (redB, redB, result[0], redB, result[1], redB, result[2], redB, result[3], redB, result[4], redB, result[5], redB, result[6], redB, result[7], redB, result[8], redN, result[9], redN, result[10], redN, result[11], redN, result[12], redN, result[13], redN, result[14], redN, result[15], redN, result[16], redN, result[17], clear)
if DetectDistro == 'Fedora':
print """
%s :/------------:// %s
%s :------------------:// %s
%s :-----------%s/shhdhyo/%s-:// %s
%s /-----------%somMMMNNNMMMd/%s-:/ %s
%s :-----------%ssMMMdo:/%s -:/ %s
%s :-----------%s:MMMd%s------- --:/ %s
%s /-----------%s:MMMy%s------- ---/ %s
%s :------ --%s/+MMMh/%s-- ---: %s
%s :--- %soNMMMMMMMMMNho%s -----: %s
%s :-- %s+shhhMMMmhhy++%s ------: %s
%s :- -----%s:MMMy%s--------------/ %s
%s :- ------%s/MMMy%s-------------: %s
%s :- ----%s/hMMM+%s------------: %s
%s :--%s:dMMNdhhdNMMNo%s-----------: %s
%s :---%s:sdNMMMMNds:%s----------: %s
%s :------%s:://:%s-----------:// %s
%s :--------------------:// %s
%s %s
%s """ % (blueN, result[0], blueN, result[1], blueN, whiteB, blueN, result[2], blueN, whiteB, blueN, result[3], blueN, whiteB, blueN, result[4], blueN, whiteB, blueN, result[5], blueN, whiteB, blueN, result[6], blueN, whiteB, blueN, result[7], blueN, whiteB, blueN, result[8], blueN, whiteB, blueN, result[9], blueN, whiteB, blueN, result[10], blueN, whiteB, blueN, result[11], blueN, whiteB, blueN, result[12], blueN, whiteB, blueN, result[13], blueN, whiteB, blueN, result[14], blueN, whiteB, blueN, result[15], blueN, result[16], blueN, result[17], clear)
if DetectDistro == 'CrunchBang':
print """
%s ___ ___ _ %s
%s / / / / | | %s
%s / / / / | | %s
%s / / / / | | %s
%s _______/ /______/ /______ | | %s
%s /______ _______ _______/ | | %s
%s / / / / | | %s
%s / / / / | | %s
%s / / / / | | %s
%s ______/ /______/ /______ | | %s
%s/_____ _______ _______/ | | %s
%s / / / / | | %s
%s / / / / |_| %s
%s / / / / _ %s
%s / / / / | | %s
%s /__/ /__/ |_| %s
%s %s
%s %s
%s""" % (whiteN, result[0], whiteN, result[1], whiteN, result[2], whiteN, result[3], whiteN, result[4], whiteN, result[5], whiteN, result[6], whiteN, result[7], whiteN, result[8], whiteN, result[9], whiteN, result[10], whiteN, result[11], whiteN, result[12], whiteN, result[13], whiteN, result[14], whiteN, result[15], whiteN, result[16], whiteN, result[17], clear)
if DetectDistro == 'LinuxMint':
print """%s %s
%s MMm----::-://////////////oymNMd+` %s
%s MMd %s/++ %s-sNMd: %s
%s MMNso/` %sdMM `.::-. .-::.` %s.hMN: %s
%s ddddMMh %sdMM :hNMNMNhNMNMNh: `%sNMm %s
%s NMm %sdMM .NMN/-+MMM+-/NMN` %sdMM %s
%s NMm %sdMM -MMm `MMM dMM. %sdMM %s
%s NMm %sdMM -MMm `MMM dMM. %sdMM %s
%s NMm %sdMM .mmd `mmm yMM. %sdMM %s
%s NMm %sdMM` ..` ... ydm. %sdMM %s
%s hMM- %s+MMd/-------...-:sdds %sMMM %s
%s -NMm- %s:hNMNNNmdddddddddy/` %sdMM %s
%s -dMNs-``%s-::::-------.`` %sdMM %s
%s `/dMNmy+/:-------------:/yMMM %s
%s %s
%s %s
%s""" % (whiteB, result[0], whiteB, result[1], whiteB, result[2], whiteB, greenB, whiteB, result[3], whiteB, greenB, whiteB, result[4], whiteB, greenB, whiteB, result[5], whiteB, greenB, whiteB, result[6], whiteB, greenB, whiteB, result[7], whiteB, greenB, whiteB, result[8], whiteB, greenB, whiteB, result[9], whiteB, greenB, whiteB, result[10], whiteB, greenB, whiteB, result[11], whiteB, greenB, whiteB, result[12], whiteB, greenB, whiteB, result[13], whiteB, result[14], whiteB, result[15], whiteB, result[16], whiteB, result[17], clear)
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On Raspbian (Debian jessie):

$ free -V
free from procps-ng 3.3.9
$ free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           481        429         52          1          0        347
-/+ buffers/cache:         81        400
$ free -w
free: invalid option -- 'w'

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