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Created September 4, 2023 11:04
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# General #
# Set the Kenrel function
# Uniform Kernel
f = function(u) as.numeric((u<=0.5) & (u>=-0.5))
# Normal Kernel
f2 = function(u) dnorm(u)
# Epanechnikov kernel
f3 = function(u) 0.75*(1-u^2)*(u<=1)*(u>=-1)
Kernels = c(f, f2, f3)
KTitles = c("Uniform", "Normal", "Epanechnikov")
k = 1 # knob to choose Kernel
# Window-Size
D = seq(0.01, 0.21, 0.02) # list of Window-Sizes
# Set the graph X-axis
t = seq(0.05, 0.95, 0.01)
nt = length(t)
# Kernel Density Estimation #
n = 1000
# x = runif(n) # uniform density, a bit boring
x = c(rnorm(n, 0.2, 0.1), rnorm(n, 0.6, 0.1))
hist(x, breaks=20)
# Sub-Sample 1/10 for plotting
xx = sort(x)
smpl = xx[seq(1,2000, 15)]
density = data.frame(x=smpl, y=rep(0,length(smpl)))
KDE = function(x, t, d, kernel) {
# x - data points
# t - plotting points
# d - window size
# kernel - kernel
nt = length(t)
pdf = rep(0, nt)
for (i in 1:nt){
# Apply KDE
u = (t[i]-x)/d
pdfi = mean(sapply(u, kernel))/d
pdf[i] = pdfi
# Populate the Animation-Data-Frame, z1=t, z2=KDE estimate, frame=frame (window size)
mat = matrix(nrow=nt*10, ncol=3)
df = data.frame(z1=mat[,1], z2=mat[,2], frame=mat[,3])
for (frame in 1:length(D)) {
# Get window size for the "frame"
d = D[frame]
pdf = KDE(x, t, d, Kernels[[k]])
df[((frame-1)*nt+1):(frame*nt),1] = t
df[((frame-1)*nt+1):(frame*nt),2] = pdf
df[((frame-1)*nt+1):(frame*nt),3] = frame
plot(t, df[1:nt,2], type='l') # sanity check
title <- data.frame(x = 1:11, y = D) # use for title
# Create (gganimate) Animation
# create plot
p = ggplot() + # x-y data to use in animations
geom_point(mapping=aes(x=x, y=y), data=density, color='red', shape=4) +
geom_line(mapping=aes(x=z1, y=z2), data=df) +
ylim(0,2.75) + xlim(0,1) + # limits
labs(title = "Window Size:{title$y[as.integer(closest_state)]}, Kernel: {KTitles[k]}") # title
# create animation by changing the "frame" (window size) and adding transition
anim <- p + transition_states(frame, transition_length=1, state_length=1)
# Save Animation
# anim_save('KDE_Epanechnikov_kernel.gif', animation = last_animation())
# Create Plotly interactive graph
# create steps and plot all traces
f_plotly = function(df, type, ktype, title) {
steps <- list()
fig <- plot_ly() %>%
layout(title = paste0(type, ", kernel: ", ktype), yaxis = list(range=c(0,2.6)))
for (i in 1:11) {
if (i==1){
visible = T
} else {
visible = F
fig <- add_lines(fig, x=df$z1[df$frame==i], y=df$z2[df$frame==i], visible=visible,
name = title[i,2], type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', hoverinfo = 'name',
line=list(color='00CED1'), showlegend = FALSE)
step <- list(args = list('visible', rep(FALSE, 11)),
method = 'restyle', label={title[i,2]})
step$args[[2]][i] = TRUE
steps[[i]] = step
# add slider control to plot
fig <- fig %>%
layout(sliders = list(list(active = 0,
currentvalue = list(prefix = "Window: "),
steps = steps)))
f_plotly(df, "KDE", KTitles[k], title)
# Non Parametric Regression #
y = sin(10*x)+0.1*rnorm(2*n)
regression = data.frame(x=x, y=y)
# Nadarya-Watson (Moving Average - with Kernel Function)
NWReg = function(x, y, t, d, kernel) {
# x,y - data points
# t - plotting points
# d - window size
# kernel - kernel
nt = length(t)
y.h = rep(0, nt)
for (i in 1:nt){
# Apply NW Kernel
u = (t[i]-x)/d
w = sapply(u, kernel)
y.hi = sum(w*y)/(sum(w))
y.h[i] = y.hi
return(y.h) # return y.hat, i.e. regression
# Priestly-Chao (Generalization of Piece-Wise Linear)
PCReg = function(x, y, t, d, kernel) {
# x,y - data points
# t - plotting points
# d - window size
# kernel - kernel
ind = order(x)
xs = x[ind]
ys = y[ind]
nx = length(xs)
nt = length(t)
y.h = rep(0, nt)
for (i in 1:nt){
# Apply PC Kernel
u = (xs-t[i])/d
w = sapply(u[2:nx], kernel)
dw = xs[2:nx]-xs[1:(nx-1)]
y.hi = sum(w*dw*ys[2:nx])/d
y.h[i] = y.hi
return(y.h) # return y.hat, i.e. regression
t = seq(-0.1, 0.9, 0.01)
nt = length(t)
# Populate the Animation-Data-Frame, z1=t, z2=NW estimate, frame=frame (window size)
df2 = data.frame(z1=mat[,1], z2=mat[,2], frame=mat[,3])
for (frame in 1:length(D)) {
# Get window size for the "frame"
d = D[frame]
y.hat = NWReg(x, y, t, d, Kernels[[k]])
# y.hat = PCReg(x, y, t, d, Kernels[[k]])
df2[((frame-1)*nt+1):(frame*nt),1] = t
df2[((frame-1)*nt+1):(frame*nt),2] = y.hat
df2[((frame-1)*nt+1):(frame*nt),3] = frame
lines(t, df2[1:nt,2], col="red") # sanity check
# Animation
p = ggplot() +
geom_point(mapping=aes(x=x, y=y), data=regression) +
geom_line(mapping=aes(x=z1, y=z2), data=df2, col="red") +
ylim(-1.3,1.3) + xlim(-0.2,1) +
labs(title = "Window Size:{title$y[as.integer(closest_state)]}, Kernel: {KTitles[k]}")
anim <- p + transition_states(frame, transition_length=1, state_length=1)
# Save Animation
anim_save('Reg_NW_Uniform_kernel.gif', animation = last_animation())
# D.R.
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