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Last active January 3, 2016 07:28
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;; (load-file "/home/john/hobby-code/require-all-snippet.clj")
;; This file conditions a repl in various ways that I do all the time.
;; Firstly we want to 'require' all the namespaces on the classpath
;; This ensures that find-doc and the like will work
(require 'clojure.contrib.find-namespaces)
;; Some namespaces may fail to load, so catch any exceptions thrown
(defn- require-may-fail [ns]
(print "Attempting to require " ns ": ")
(require ns)
(println "success")
(catch Throwable e (println "couldn't require " ns "\nException\n" e "\n\n"))))
;; Generally we'd want clojure.*, clojure.contrib.*, and any project-specific namespaces
(defn require-all-namespaces-starting-with [strng]
(doall (map require-may-fail
(filter #(. (str %) startsWith strng)
;; Some of clojure's extra namespaces are so useful at the REPL that I want them
;; to have shorter names, i.e. I want to be able to type 'r/source' rather than
;; 'clojure.repl/source'.
;; This also means that emacs tab completion can find them with e.g. r/<TAB>
(require '(clojure [test :as t]
[inspector :as i]
[repl :as r]
[pprint :as pp]))
(require '(clojure.contrib
[trace :as cct]
[repl-utils :as ccr]))
;; It drives me up the wall that it's (doc re-pattern) but (find-doc "re-pattern").
;; Can use macros so that (fd re-pattern) (fd "re-pattern") and (fd 're-pattern) all mean the same thing
(defn stringify [x]
(println "stringify given" (str x))
(let [s (cond (string? x) x
(symbol? x) (str x)
(and (list? x) (= (first x) 'quote)) (str (second x))
:else (str x)) ]
(println (str "translating to: \"" s "\""))
;; Sometimes I like to ask which public functions a namespace provides.
(defn ns-publics-list [ns] (#(list (ns-name %) (map first (ns-publics %))) ns))
;; And occasionally which functions it pulls in (with refer or use)
(defn ns-refers-list [ns] (#(list (ns-name %) (map first (ns-refers %))) ns))
;; Nice pretty-printed versions of these functions, accepting strings, symbols or quoted symbol
(defmacro list-publics
([] `(clojure.pprint/pprint (ns-publics-list *ns*)))
([symbol-or-string] `(clojure.pprint/pprint (ns-publics-list (find-ns (symbol (stringify '~symbol-or-string)))))))
(defmacro list-refers
([] `(clojure.pprint/pprint (ns-refers-list *ns*)))
([symbol-or-string] `(clojure.pprint/pprint (ns-refers-list (find-ns (symbol (stringify '~symbol-or-string)))))))
;; List all the namespaces
(defn list-all-ns [] (clojure.pprint/pprint (sort (map ns-name (all-ns)))))
;; List all public functions in all namespaces!
(defn list-publics-all-ns [] (clojure.pprint/pprint (map #(list (ns-name %) (map first (ns-publics %))) (all-ns))))
;; With all the namespaces loaded, find-doc can be overwhelming.
;; This is like find-doc, but just gives the associated names.
(defn find-doc-names
"Prints the name of any var whose documentation or name contains a match for re-string-or-pattern"
(let [re (re-pattern re-string-or-pattern)]
(doseq [ns (all-ns)
v (sort-by (comp :name meta) (vals (ns-interns ns)))
:when (and (:doc (meta v))
(or (re-find (re-matcher re (:doc (meta v))))
(re-find (re-matcher re (str (:name (meta v)))))))]
(print v "\n"))))
;;find symbol or string in docs
(defmacro fd [symbol-or-string] `(find-doc (stringify '~symbol-or-string)))
(defmacro fdn [symbol-or-string] `(find-doc-names (stringify '~symbol-or-string)))
;; find the source file which defines a thing:
(defn source-file* [symbol] (:file (meta (resolve symbol))))
(defmacro source-file [symbol-or-string] `(source-file* (symbol (stringify '~symbol-or-string))))
;;get the methods of a java object
(defn meths [x] (println (apply str (interpose "\n" (map str (.getMethods (if (class? x) x (class x))))))))
;;get just the names of the methods
(defn meth-names[x] (map #(.getName %) (.getMethods (if (class? x) x (class x)))))
;;debugging macro try: (* 2 (dbg (* 3 4)))
(defmacro dbg [x] `(let [x# ~x] (do (println '~x "->" x#) x#)))
;;and pretty-printing version
(defmacro ppdbg [x]`(let [x# ~x]
(do (println "--")
(clojure.pprint/pprint '~x)
(println "->")
(clojure.pprint/pprint x#)
(println "--") x#)))
;;and one for running tests
(defmacro run-test [fn] `(test (resolve '~fn)))
;; def-let as in blogpost
(defmacro def-let
"like let, but binds the expressions globally."
[bindings & more]
(let [let-expr (macroexpand `(let ~bindings))
names-values (partition 2 (second let-expr))
defs (map #(cons 'def %) names-values)]
(concat (list 'do) defs more)))
;; Sometimes it's nice to check the classpath
(defn- get-classpath []
(sort (map (memfn getPath)
(seq (.getURLs (java.lang.ClassLoader/getSystemClassLoader))))))
(defn print-classpath []
(clojure.pprint/pprint (get-classpath)))
(defn get-current-directory []
(. ( ".") getCanonicalPath))
;;print the classpath
(println "Classpath:")
(println "Current Directory" (get-current-directory))
;;print the public functions in the current namespace
(println "Current Namespace")
;;hint on how to require project specific namespaces
(println "to require all namespaces starting with example:")
(println "(require-all-namespaces-starting-with \"example\")")
;; see
(println "setting *print-length* to 103, *print-level* to 13 to deal with infinities")
(println "you have to do this before starting the swank server if you want it to work in emacs evaluations")
(set! *print-length* 103)
(set! *print-level* 13)
;; but we don't need this bit,
;; (require 'clojure.contrib.repl-utils)
;; (clojure.contrib.repl-utils/add-break-thread!)
;; because swank repl threads already have a break handler set.
;; might come in useful for command line repls though.
;;require everything from clojure and clojure.contrib, so that find-doc can find it. Do it in an agent so it doesn't block repl startup. Jesus, am I really allowed to do this?
(def require-all-agent (agent "not done"))
(send-off require-all-agent (fn[agent] (with-out-str (require-all-namespaces-starting-with "clojure"))))
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