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Last active April 26, 2024 10:18
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Are you tired of plain old integer-based indexing? Use floats instead!
Are you tired of plain old integer-based indexing?
Use floats instead!
# Author: Markus H (MawKKe) 2024-04
import math
import typing as t
import pytest
def lerp(a, b, scale: float) -> float:
assert 0 <= scale <= 1
return (b-a) * scale + a
class InterpList(list):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.interp = kwargs.pop('interp', lerp)
def __getitem__(self, i: t.Union[float, int]):
a = super().__getitem__(math.floor(i))
b = super().__getitem__(math.ceil(i))
scale = i - math.floor(i)
return self.interp(a, b, scale)
def test_interplist():
l = InterpList([2, 7, -1, 8])
# old school integer indexing. ugh, so boring...
assert l[0] == 2
assert l[1] == 7
assert l[2] == -1
assert l[3] == 8
# index with floats, as mother nature intended
assert l[0.5] == pytest.approx(4.5, 0.001)
assert l[1.98] == pytest.approx(-0.8399, 0.001)
assert l[2.458] == pytest.approx(3.12, 0.001)
def test_interplist_fract():
from fractions import Fraction as F
l = InterpList([F(2,7), F(1,8), -F(2,81)])
assert l[F(1,2)] == F(23, 112)
assert l[1 + F(98,100)] == F(-703, 32400)
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