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Last active August 7, 2021 21:50
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MOVED TO: | Split audio file with ffmpeg based on chapter metadata
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import os
import re
import subprocess as sub
import argparse
import tempfile
import json
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from collections import namedtuple
# NOTE: moved to
# Split audio file into multiple files, using ffmpeg, with no loss in quality.
# Uses chapter metadata to decide at which timestamps to split the file. Obviously this script
# will only be able to split files with such metadata included. Chapter metadata should be
# visible from 'ffprobe <file>' output. If not, this script will be useless. Example metadata is
# the form:
# Chapter #0:0: start 0.000000, end 1079.000000
# Metadata:
# title : Chapter One
# Chapter #0:1: start 1079.000000, end 2040.000000
# Metadata:
# title : Chapter Two
# Chapter #0:2: start 2040.000000, end 2878.000000
# Metadata:
# title : Chapter Three
# Chapter #0:3: start 2878.000000, end 3506.000000
# Metadata:
# title : Chapter Four
# Chapter #0:4: start 3506.000000, end 4696.000000
# Metadata:
# title : Chapter Five
# Chapter #0:5: start 4696.000000, end 5741.000000
# Metadata:
# title : Chapter Six
# Chapter #0:6: start 5741.000000, end 7131.000000
# ...
# By default, the chapter files will be written into a temporary directory under /tmp.
# You may specify alternative output directory with '--outdir <path>', which will be created if it
# does not exist. Note that this script will never overwrite files, so you must delete conflicting
# files manually (or specify some other empty/nonexistent directory)
# The chapter titles will be included in the filenames if they are available in the chapter metadata.
# You may prevent this behaviour with flag '--no-use-title', in which case the filenames
# will include the input file basename instead (this is useful is your metadata is crappy, for example).
# This script will also instruct ffmpeg to write metadata in the resulting chapter files, including:
# - 'track': the chapter number; in the format X/Y, where X = chapter number, Y = total num of chapters.
# - 'title': the chapter title, as-is (if available)
# The chapter numbers are included in the output file names, padded with zeroes so that all
# numbers are of equal length. This makes the files much easier to sort by name.
# Work is done in parallel with the help of a thread pool. You may specify
# how many parallel jobs you want with command line param '--concurrency'.
# The default concurrency is equal to the number of cores available (although I think this
# might be silly since this kind of processing isn't so much cpu-bound as it is IO-bound).
# Dependencies:
# - Python 3.5 or newer
# - Obviously you need ffmpeg (and ffprobe) installed. Otherwise python3 stdlib should suffice.
# Author: Markus H (MawKKe)
# Date: 2018-07
def parseChapters(filename):
command = [ "ffprobe", '-i', filename, "-v", "error", "-print_format", "json", "-show_chapters"]
# ffmpeg & ffprobe write output into stderr, except when
# using -show_XXXX and -print_format. Strange.
p =, stdout=sub.PIPE, stderr=sub.PIPE)
# had we ran ffmpeg instead of ffprobe, this would throw since ffmpeg without
# an output file will exit with exitcode != 0
# .decode() will most likely explode if the ffprobe json output (chapter metadata)
# was written with some weird encoding, and even more so if the data contains text in
# multiple different text encodings...
output = p.stdout.decode('utf8')
d = json.loads(output)
return d
except sub.CalledProcessError as e:
print("ERROR: ", e)
print("FFPROBE-STDOUT: ", p.stdout)
print("FFPROBE-STDERR: ", p.stderr)
return None
# Helper type for collecting necessary information about chapter for processing
WorkItem = namedtuple("WorkItem", ["infile", "outfile", "start", "end", "ch_id", "ch_max", "ch_title"])
# Build command list from WorkItem. The command list can be directly passed to or similar.
def workitem_to_ffmpeg_cmd(wi):
# '-nostdin' param should prevent your terminal becoming all messed up during the pool processing.
# But if it does, you can fix it with 'reset' and/or 'stty sane'.
# If corruption still occurs, let me know (email is at the top of the file).
base_cmd = [
"-i", wi.infile,
"-v", "error",
"-map_chapters", "-1",
"-c", "copy",
"-ss", wi.start,
"-to", wi.end,
metadata_track = ["-metadata", "track={}/{}".format(wi.ch_id, wi.ch_max)]
# TODO how does this handle mangled title values?
metadata_title = ["-metadata", "title={}".format(wi.ch_title)] if wi.ch_title else []
# Build the final command
cmd = base_cmd + metadata_track + metadata_title + [wi.outfile]
return cmd
def main(argv):
p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
p.add_argument("--verbose", required=False, action="store_true", help="Show more output")
p.add_argument("--infile", required=True, help="Input file")
p.add_argument("--concurrency", required=False, default=cpu_count(), help="Number of concurrent processes", type=int)
p.add_argument("--dry-run", required=False, action='store_true', help="Show actions, do not actually split file")
p.add_argument("--no-use-title", "--no-use-title-as-filename", required=False, dest='use_title', action='store_false',
help="Prevent including chapter title in the filenames (in case it is garbage)")
p.add_argument("--outdir", required=False,
help="Output directory. If omitted, files are written into a new /tmp/ffmpeg-split-XXX directory.")
args = p.parse_args(argv[1:])
fbase, fext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.infile))
if 0 in [len(fbase), len(fext)]:
print("Something is wrong, basename or file extension is empty")
return -1
if fext.startswith("."):
fext = fext[1:]
info = parseChapters(args.infile)
if (info is None) or ("chapters" not in info) or (len(info["chapters"]) == 0):
print("Could not parse chapters, exiting...")
return -1
if args.outdir:
os.makedirs(args.outdir, exist_ok=True)
outdir = args.outdir
outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="ffmpeg-split-")
if args.verbose:
print("Output directory:", outdir)
def validate_chapter(ch):
start = ch['start']
end = ch['end']
if (end - start) <= 0:
print("WARNING: chapter {0} duration is zero or negative (start: {1}, end: {2}), skipping...".format(ch['id'], start, end))
return None
return ch
# Collect all valid chapters into a list
chapters = list(filter(None, (validate_chapter(ch) for ch in info["chapters"])))
# Find maximum chapter number
max_chapter = max(ch['id'] for ch in chapters)
# Produce equal-width zero-padded chapter numbers for use in filenames; makes sorting easier
chnum_format = lambda n: '{n:{fill}{width}}'.format(n=n, fill='0', width=len(str(max_chapter)))
# Compute output filename for chapter 'n' with 'title'.
def outfile_basename(n, title_maybe):
fmt = "ch {ch_num} - {title}.{ext}"
ch_num = chnum_format(n)
if args.use_title and title_maybe:
return fmt.format(ch_num=ch_num, title=title_maybe, ext=fext)
return fmt.format(ch_num=ch_num, title=fbase, ext=fext)
# Chapter to title (string) or None
def get_title_maybe(ch):
if "tags" not in ch:
return None
return ch["tags"].get("title", None)
def gen_workitems():
for chapter in chapters:
out_base = outfile_basename(chapter["id"], get_title_maybe(chapter))
yield WorkItem(
infile = args.infile,
outfile = os.path.join(outdir, out_base),
start = chapter["start_time"],
end = chapter["end_time"],
ch_id = chapter["id"],
ch_max = max_chapter,
ch_title = get_title_maybe(chapter)
# WIS = WorkItemS
WIS = list(gen_workitems())
# FIXME: dry-run usually means "no side-effects". However, this
# script will create the output directory in all cases.
if args.dry_run:
print("Dry run enabled. These commands would be run by workers:")
for cmd in (workitem_to_ffmpeg_cmd(wi) for wi in WIS):
print("Dry run complete. Exiting...")
return 0
print("Total: {0} chapters, concurrency: {1}".format(len(WIS), args.concurrency))
n_jobs = 0
errors = 0
success = 0
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=args.concurrency) as pool:
def start_all():
for wi in WIS:
if args.verbose:
print("Submitting job: {}".format(wi))
yield pool.submit(ffmpeg_split, wi), wi
futs = dict(start_all())
n_jobs = len(futs)
for fut in as_completed(futs):
result = fut.result()
# this looks nasty as hell, but hey, this is what they do in python docs..
except Exception as e:
errors += 1
print("ERROR: job '{}' generated an exeption: {}".format(futs[fut].outfile, e))
work_item = result["wi"]
if result['ok']:
success += 1
print("'{0}' - done".format(work_item.outfile))
errors += 1
proc = result["proc"]
print("FAILURE: {0}".format(work_item.outfile))
print("Command: {0}".format(res["cmd"]))
print("FFMPEG-STDOUT:", proc.stdout)
print("FFMPEG-STDERR:", proc.stderr)
print("-" * 20)
print("Processing done. Total jobs: {}, Success: {}, Errors: {}".format(n_jobs, success, errors))
if(errors > 0):
print("WARNING: there were errors. Some chapters may not have been processed correctly!")
print("Output directory:", outdir)
return 0
def ffmpeg_split(wi):
cmd = workitem_to_ffmpeg_cmd(wi)
s =, stdout=sub.PIPE, stderr=sub.PIPE)
return {'ok': True, 'wi': wi, 'proc': s, 'cmd': cmd}
except sub.CalledProcessError as e:
return {'ok': False, 'wi': wi, 'proc': e, 'cmd': cmd}
if __name__ == '__main__':
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MawKKe commented Aug 7, 2021

@halekii The current script version should now include the title in the output file metadata (if available in original chapter metadata). The script now also fills the 'track' metadata field with the chapter number

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halekii commented Aug 7, 2021

Fantastic, it works perfectly! The addition of the zero-padded chapter numbers to the filenames is also very useful. Thank you very much!

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