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Created February 16, 2016 17:27
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Query Jolla's commhistory.db for SMS's
jolla-sms.sql - Query Jolla's commhistory.db for SMS's.
- Shows sent/received from last 2 months, oldest to newest.
- Messages are printed with newlines replaced by spaces.
1) Place this file in ~/.local/
2) Put this function in your ~/.bashrc
function smsread(){
local SMS_SQL="$HOME/.local/jolla-sms.sql"
local COMMHIST="$HOME/.local/share/commhistory/commhistory.db"
cat "$SMS_SQL" | sqlite3 "$COMMHIST" -list -separator '|' -header | column -t -s '|'
3) Now you can run it via ssh:
$ ssh nemo@jolla smsread
4) Vuala!
Author: Markus H (MawKKe) - 2016-02-16
datetime(startTime, "unixepoch", "localtime") as timestamp,
(case when direction = 1 then "RECV" else "SENT" end) as dir,
printf("[%s]",remoteUid) as remote,
replace(replace(freeText, char(13), ' '), char(10), ' ') as message
date("now","-2 month") < date(startTime,"unixepoch")
type = 2
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