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Last active February 15, 2025 14:48
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Upload image from your Computer to Google Drive using HTML-form. Show image via URL (IMAGE function) in your Spreadsheet

Upload image from your Computer to Google Drive using HTML-form. Show image via URL (IMAGE function) in your Spreadsheet

About the script

The sctipt was originally designed by Kanshi TANAIKE.

Please see the original script and instructions first.

Script : Google Apps Script

// this function executes from html-form
function doPost(e) {
  var data = Utilities.base64Decode(;
  var blob = Utilities.newBlob(data, e.parameters.mimetype, e.parameters.filename);
  // save image to selected folder
  var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById('1tPY3eyK3qh5nDrgb_-G1Kl-ltYJp-j5k');                      // your folder id
  var file = folder.createFile(blob);
  // put the image with the help of a formula in a cell in Google Sheets
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('1BKkd5LwBYyGoi2um-S3pTCBKrUEko34m9vJu94K8uOQ');              // your spreadsheet id
  var r = ss.getSheetByName('Image_test').getRange('B2');                                        // your sheet name and cell-address
  var id = file.getId();
  r.setFormula('=IMAGE("' + id + '")');

  // here I want browser window to close 
  PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('my_unique_key', 'Done')  
  var output = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput("<b>Done!</b>");
  return output;
function doGet(e) {

// this function openes dialog window
function openImageForm()
  var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('UploadForm');
  SpreadsheetApp.getUi() // Or DocumentApp or SlidesApp or FormApp.
      .showModalDialog(html, 'Select image'); 

// this function executes from HTML-form and returnes signal to close the window
// after successful loading of the file to Drive
function clientSideFunctionToProcessReturnedData()
  var key = 'my_unique_key';
  var props = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties()
  while (true)
    var result = props.getProperty(key);
    if (result === 'Done')
      return true;
    // check each second

Script : HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Sample script for uploading image and pasting it to a cell</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T" crossorigin="anonymous">
	  <!--Solution with progress-bar from here:>
	  #progress_bar {
		margin: 10px 0;
		padding: 3px;
		border: 1px solid #000;
		font-size: 14px;
		clear: both;
		opacity: 0;
		-moz-transition: opacity 1s linear;
		-o-transition: opacity 1s linear;
		-webkit-transition: opacity 1s linear;
	  #progress_bar.loading {
		opacity: 1.0;
	  #progress_bar .percent {
		background-color: #99ccff;
		height: auto;
		width: 0;
                 <!---------------- P U T   Y O U R   W E B - A P P   U R L   H E R E  --------------->    
    <form action="" id="form" method="post">
        Upload a file
        <div id="data"></div>
        <input name="file" id="uploadfile" type="file" accept="image/*">        
        <input id="btnSubmit" type="submit">
    <div id="progress_bar"><div class="percent">0%</div></div>


		var reader;
		var progress = document.querySelector('.percent');

		// on error
		function errorHandler(evt) {
			switch( {
				alert('File Not Found!');
				alert('File is not readable');
				break; // noop
				alert('An error occurred reading this file.');
		// close html-window:
		function closeMe() {; }

		// onprogress
		function updateProgress(evt) {
			// evt is an ProgressEvent.
			if (evt.lengthComputable) {
				var percentLoaded = Math.round((evt.loaded / * 100);
				// Increase the progress bar length.
				if (percentLoaded < 100) { = percentLoaded + '%';
					progress.textContent = percentLoaded + '%';
		// to forse click-event. The form with file-select will open automatically
		function clickForse_() {
			var element = document.getElementById("uploadfile");;   
		// on file selected by user
		function handleFileSelect(evt) {
			// Reset progress indicator on new file selection. = '0%';
			progress.textContent = '0%';	
			reader = new FileReader();
			// remember selected file (first selected)
			var file = this.files[0];    
			reader.fileName =; // save name
			reader.onerror = errorHandler;
			reader.onprogress = updateProgress;
			reader.onabort = function(e) {
				alert('File read cancelled');
			reader.onloadstart = function(e) {
				document.getElementById('progress_bar').className = 'loading';
			reader.onload = function(e) {
				// create data object
				// form will send data via #data element
				html = '<input type="hidden" name="data" value="' +^.*,/, '') + '" >';
				html += '<input type="hidden" name="mimetype" value="' +^.*(?=;)/)[0] + '" >';
				html += '<input type="hidden" name="filename" value="' + + '" >';                
				// Ensure that the progress bar displays 100% at the end. = '100%';
				progress.textContent = '100%';
				// The form will close automatically when load to Google Drive is finished;
			// Read in the image file as a Data URL	

		// when user clicks button #uploadfile, add event handleFileSelect
		document.getElementById('uploadfile').addEventListener('change', handleFileSelect, false);
		// when document is loaded, add event 
		document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', clickForse_, false); // gives error

The above script is developed to create some improvements in user interaction with the form:

  1. The window with image select will open automatically

  2. A user will see the progress bar of image loading

  3. The HTML-window will close automatically when loading to drive is finished

There are also restrictions I've made:

  • the script form has a restriction to show only image file types: accept="image/*"

  • the script shows the image immediately in a cell. Please see more about inserting images from Drive to Sheets here. Note: you'll need to wait for big pictures to upload.

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Kishoreramesh07 commented Jan 23, 2020

Getting this error
TypeError: Cannot call method "getRange" of null. (line 12, file "Code", project "Imagetest")

Plz help

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Getting this error
TypeError: Cannot call method "getRange" of null. (line 12, file "Code", project "Imagetest")

Plz help

You should have the sheet with the name:
My sample file had a sheet "Image_test"

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Kishoreramesh07 commented Jan 24, 2020

How to Upload file to drive using ajax and google app script ?
Need custom response after action?

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Screenshot 2020-01-24 at 11 21 55 AM

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function doPost(e) {

try {
var data = e.parameter.fileContent;
var filename = e.parameter.filename;
var email =;
var name =;
var result=uploadFileToGoogleDrive(data,filename,name,email,e);
return ContentService // return json success results
"data": JSON.stringify(result) }))
} catch(error) { // if error return this
return ContentService
.createTextOutput(JSON.stringify({"result":"error", "error": error}))

// new property service GLOBAL
var SCRIPT_PROP = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();
// see:


  • select the sheet
    function setup() {
    var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
    SCRIPT_PROP.setProperty("key", doc.getId());


  • record_data inserts the data received from the html form submission
  • e is the data received from the POST

function record_data(e,fileUrl) {
try {
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SCRIPT_PROP.getProperty("key"));
var sheet = doc.getSheetByName('responses'); // select the responses sheet

var headers = sheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, sheet.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0];
var nextRow = sheet.getLastRow()+1; // get next row
var row     = [ new Date() ]; // first element in the row should always be a timestamp
// loop through the header columns
for (var i = 1; i < headers.length; i++) { // start at 1 to avoid Timestamp column
  if(headers[i].length > 0 && headers[i] == "resume") {
    row.push(fileUrl); // add data to row
  else if(headers[i].length > 0) {
    row.push(e.parameter[headers[i]]); // add data to row
// more efficient to set values as [][] array than individually
sheet.getRange(nextRow, 1, 1, row.length).setValues([row]);

catch(error) {
finally {


function uploadFileToGoogleDrive(data, file, name, email,e) {
try {
var dropbox = "ImageUploadTest";
var folder = DriveApp.getFoldersByName(dropbox);

var contentType = data.substring(5,data.indexOf(';')),
    bytes = Utilities.base64Decode(data.substr(data.indexOf('base64,')+7)),
    blob = Utilities.newBlob(bytes, contentType, file);
    var file = folder.createFolder([name, email].join("-")).createFile(blob);

    var fileUrl=file.getUrl();


    return file.getUrl();

} catch (f) {
return ContentService // return json success results
JSON.stringify({"result":"file upload failed",
"data": JSON.stringify(f) }))

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ghost commented Jan 7, 2021

Can we do this in react?

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