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Last active February 24, 2021 07:12
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// 1. test
// 2. error handler
// 3. instructions on trigger installation
// AKfycbz7GZDZb3Yt1usqUkIu_lNOp4tW0xUKuFR9K_fIksIGuep2TeJ5RU0J
// the script assumes this structure of historic table:
// ______________________________________
// | A | B | C |
// ======================================
// | Date From | Date To | Original Data|
const dict = {
source: { // you'll need view access to this file
range: "'From'!A2:A"
history: { // you'll need to have editing access to this file
sheet: 'History',
rowStart: 2
lastDay: new Date('3100-12-31'), // some far away day in the future
notifications: {
emailForErrors: '', // errors will be sent here
emailsForNews: [''], // add new emails for news
function test() {
// var sets = dict;
// Logger.log('Error in script ' + SpreadsheetApp.openById(sets.history.fileId).getName())
function update() {
var sets = dict;
try {
call_(update_);// use gas retry
} catch (err) {
var id = ScriptApp.getScriptId();
var url = '' + id + '/edit';
'Error in script: ' + SpreadsheetApp.openById(sets.history.fileId).getName(),
'body', {
htmlBody: err + '<br>' + url,
function update_() {
var sets = dict;
// 1. Read data from source
var sourceData = [];
var sourceKeys = {}; // unique list of source kays. Source data must be unique for check
var sourceFile = SpreadsheetApp.openById(sets.source.fileId);
var sourceRange = sourceFile.getRange(sets.source.range);
var sd0 = sourceRange.getValues(); // the data with empty cells
for (let i = 0; i < sd0.length; i++) {
let row = sd0[i];
let key = row.join('');
if (!(key in sourceKeys) && key !== '') {
sourceKeys[key] = row; // add to dictionary
if (sourceData.length === 0) { return -1; } // no source data :()
// 2. Read historic data
const today = new Date(); // for history
var histFile = SpreadsheetApp.openById(sets.history.fileId);
var histSheet = histFile.getSheetByName(sets.history.sheet);
var histLastRow = histFile.getLastRow();
if (histLastRow < sets.history.rowStart) {
// no data was entered previously
// enter the whole range
let dataOut = [];
for (let i = 0; i < sourceData.length; i++) {
let row = [today, sets.lastDay, ...sourceData[i]];
histSheet.getRange(sets.history.rowStart, 1, dataOut.length, dataOut[0].length).setValues(dataOut);
else {
// 3. Compare history and new fact
var histData = [];
var hd0 = histSheet.getRange(sets.history.rowStart, 1, histLastRow - sets.history.rowStart + 1, 2 + sourceData[0].length).getValues();
var histKeys = {};
for (let i = 0; i < hd0.length; i++) {
// see only active elements in history
let row = hd0[i];
const z = 'GMT';
const df = 'yyyy-MM-dd';
var compareDate = '';
try {
compareDate = Utilities.formatDate(row[1], z, df);
} catch (err) { }
let key = row.slice().splice(2).join(''); // use slice to clone row, not modify histData
if (key !== '') {
histData.push(row); // push each row of historic data with not empty values
if (compareDate === Utilities.formatDate(sets.lastDay, z, df) && row) {
histKeys[key] = i; // add index to dict in order to change in future
var newRows = []; // array of rows to add behind data
var removedRows = [];
// find news
for (let key in sourceKeys) {
if (!(key in histKeys)) {
// new row appeared in source
newRows.push([today, sets.lastDay, ...sourceKeys[key]]);
// find removed
for (let key in histKeys) {
if (!(key in sourceKeys)) {
// change date To
let hKey = histKeys[key];
histData[hKey][1] = today; // set expiration date of this row to today!
let newData = histData;
if (newRows.length > 0) { newData = newData.concat(newRows); }
// update history is smth changed
if (newRows.length > 0 || removedRows.length > 0) {
histSheet.getRange(sets.history.rowStart, 1, newData.length, newData[0].length).setValues(newData);
sendNotificationNew_(newRows, removedRows);
return 0; // success
// TODO: send email notifications
function test_sendNotificationNew() {
var newRows = [["2021-02-17T13:35:06.688Z","3100-12-31T00:00:00.000Z","KILLME6"]];
var removedRows = ['BOOM', 'FOO'];
sendNotificationNew_(newRows, removedRows);
function sendNotificationNew_(newRows, removedRows) {
var sets = dict;
var f = SpreadsheetApp.openById(sets.history.fileId);
var subject = f.getName() + '.';
var added = [], deleted = [];
var msg = '';
for (let i = 0; i < newRows.length; i++) {
deleted = removedRows;
if (added.length > 0) {
subject += ' Added: ' + added.join(', ');
msg += 'Added: ' + added.join(', ') + '<br><br>';
if (deleted.length) {
msg += 'Deleted: ' + deleted.join(', ') + '<br><br>';
subject += ' Deleted: ' + deleted.join(', ');
msg += 'Email from file:<br>' + f.getUrl();
subject.substring(0, 250),
'body', {
htmlBody: msg
return 0;
* Invokes a function, performing up to 5 retries with exponential backoff.
* Retries with delays of approximately 1, 2, 4, 8 then 16 seconds for a total of
* about 32 seconds before it gives up and rethrows the last error.
* See:
* <br>Author: (Peter Herrmann)
<pre>//Calls an anonymous function that concatenates a greeting with the current Apps user's email
var example1 ={return "Hello, " + Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();});
</pre><pre>//Calls an existing function
var example2 =;
</pre><pre>//Calls an anonymous function that calls an existing function with an argument
var example3 ={myFunction("something")});
</pre><pre>//Calls an anonymous function that invokes DocsList.setTrashed on myFile and logs retries with the Logger.log function.
var example4 ={myFile.setTrashed(true)}, Logger.log);
* @param {Function} func The anonymous or named function to call.
* @param {Function} optLoggerFunction Optionally, you can pass a function that will be used to log
to in the case of a retry. For example, Logger.log (no parentheses) will work.
* @return {*} The value returned by the called function.
function call_(func, optLoggerFunction) {
for (var n = 0; n < 6; n++) {
try {
return func();
} catch (e) {
if (optLoggerFunction) { optLoggerFunction("GASRetry " + n + ": " + e) }
if (n == 5) {
throw JSON.stringify(catchToObject_(e), null, 4); // stringify with 4 spaces at each level;
Utilities.sleep((Math.pow(2, n) * 1000) + (Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)));
// For catching errors
function catchToObject_(error) {
var errInfo = {};
if (typeof error !== 'string') {
for (var prop in error) {
errInfo[prop] = error[prop];
errInfo.value = error.toString();
errInfo.fileName = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getName();
errInfo.fileUrl = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getUrl();
errInfo.scriptUrl = '' + ScriptApp.getScriptId() + '/edit';
return errInfo;
// function test_callWithError()
// {
// call_(test_withError_);
// }
// function test_withError_()
// {
// SpreadsheetApp.openById('Boooo');
// }
// /// measuring time elapsed
// // usage
// function test_functionTime() {
// var t = new Date();
// Browser.msgBox('Done! The time to run function is ' + getTimeEllapse_(t));
// }
function getTimeEllapse_(t) {
var dif = new Date() - t;
if (dif < 1000) { return dif + ' ms.'; }
var mm = parseInt(dif / 1000), respo = '';
if (mm < 60) {
respo = mm + ' sec.';
else {
var min = parseInt(mm / 60);
var sec = mm - min * 60;
respo = min + ' min. ' + sec + ' sec.';
return respo;
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