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Forked from rpigott/_swaymsg
Last active April 28, 2024 13:46
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swaymsg zsh completions w/ sway command completion
#compdef swaymsg
typeset -A opt_args
__swaymsg() {
# Reuse socket path from command line if present
swaymsg ${(kv)opt_args[(I)-s|--socket]} "$@" 2>/dev/null
# _sway
# sway ipc {{{
(( $+functions[_sway_ipc_types] )) ||
_sway_ipc_types() {
local -a ipc_types=(
'get_workspaces:Get a list of workspaces and their status'
'get_inputs:Get a list of current inputs'
'get_outputs:Get the list of current outputs'
'get_tree:Get a JSON-encoded layout tree'
'get_seats:Get a list of all seats, their properties and assigned devices'
'get_marks:Get a JSON-encoded list of marks'
'get_bar_config:Get a JSON-encoded configuration for swaybar'
'get_version:Get JSON-encoded version information for the running instance of sway'
'get_binding_modes:Get a JSON-encoded list of currently configured binding modes'
'get_binding_state:Get the name of the current binding mode'
'get_config:Get a JSON-encoded copy of the current configuration'
'send_tick:Sends a tick event to all subscribed clients'
'subscribe:Subscribe to a list of event types'
_describe -t sway-ipc-type 'ipc type' ipc_types "$@"
# TODO: could be less clunky
(( $+functions[_sway_ipc_events] )) ||
_sway_ipc_events() {
local -a ipc_events=(
'"workspace"[Sent whenever an event involving a workspace occurs]'
'"mode"[Sent whenever the binding mode changes]'
'"window"[Sent whenever an event involving a view occurs]'
'"barconfig_update"[Sent whenever a bar config changes]'
'"binding"[Sent when a configured binding is executed]'
'"shutdown"[Sent when the ipc shuts down because sway is exiting]'
'"tick"[Sent when an ipc client sends a send_tick message]'
'"bar_status_update"[Sent when the visibility of a bar should change]'
'"input"[Sent when something related to input devices changes]'
if (( $+compstate[quote] )); then
compset -P '\['
compset -P '*,'
_values -s, "event" $ipc_events
(( $+functions[_sway_app_ids] )) ||
_sway_app_ids() {
local -a app_ids
if (( $+commands[jq] )); then
app_ids=(${(@f)"$(__swaymsg -rt get_tree | jq -rf =(<<-JQF
recurse(.nodes[]?, .floating_nodes[]?) |
select(.type == "con" or .type == "floating_con").app_id // empty
compadd "$@" -a app_ids
(( $+functions[_sway_titles] )) ||
_sway_titles() {
local -a titles
if (( $+commands[jq] )); then
titles=(${${(@q-f)"$(__swaymsg -rt get_tree | jq -rf =(<<-JQF
recurse(.nodes[]?, .floating_nodes[]?) |
select(.type == "con" or .type == "floating_con").name // empty
compadd "$@" -a titles
# }}}
# sway objects {{{
# TODO: handle ctx_active device automagically?
local -a subcmd_{criteria,output,input,workspace,mark,seat,binding_mode,bar}
(( $+functions[_sway_criteria] )) ||
_sway_criteria() {
# Only worth completing in quoted args. Manually insert "[ prefix, then complete.
if (( $+compstate[quote] )) && compset -P '\['; then
_values -s ' ' "attribute" \
'app_id[Specific name of wayland applications]:app_id:{_sway_app_ids}' \
'class[class of X11 applications]:' \
'con_id[Unique id of containers]:' \
'con_mark[Window marks]:mark:{_sway_marks}' \
'floating[Match floating windows]' \
'id[X11 window ID]:' \
'instance[Window instance]:' \
'pid[Window client pid]:' \
'shell[Window shell]:shell:(xdg_shell xwayland)' \
'tiling[Match tiling windows]' \
'title[Window title]:title:{_sway_titles}' \
'urgent[Urgent state of windows]:state:(first last latest newest oldest recent)' \
'window_role[X11 WM_WINDOW_ROLE]:' \
'window_type[EWMH _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE]:type:(normal dialog utility toolbar splash menu dropdown_menu popup_menu tooltip notification)' \
'workspace[Workspace name for view]:workspace:{_sway_workspaces}'
subcmd_criteria=(/$'[[][^\0]#[\\]]\0'/ ':_sway_criteria')
(( $+functions[_sway_outputs] )) ||
_sway_outputs() {
local -a outputs
if (( $+commands[jq] )); then
outputs=( ${(@f)"$(__swaymsg -rt get_outputs | jq -r '.[].name')"} )
__swaymsg -pt get_outputs | while read OUTPUT NAME OTHER; do
[[ $OUTPUT == "Output" ]] && outputs+="$NAME"
compadd "$@" -a outputs
subcmd_output=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':output:output device:_sway_outputs')
(( $+functions[_sway_inputs] )) || _sway_inputs() {
local -A inputs
if (( $+commands[jq] )); then
inputs=( ${(@f)"$(__swaymsg -rt get_inputs | jq -r '.[] | (.identifier, .name)' )"} )
local -a comps=( "${(@k)inputs//:/\\:}" )
local -a descr=( "${(@v)inputs//:/\\:}" )
_describe "input device" descr comps
subcmd_input=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':input:input device:_sway_inputs')
(( $+functions[_sway_workspaces] )) ||
_sway_workspaces() {
local -a workspaces
if (( $+commands[jq] )); then
workspaces=( ${(@f)"$(__swaymsg -rt get_workspaces | jq -r '.[].name')"} )
__swaymsg -pt get_workspaces | while read WORK NAME OTHER; do
[[ $WORK == "Workspace" ]] && workspaces+="$NAME"
compadd "$@" -a workspaces
subcmd_workspace=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':workspace:workspace:_sway_workspaces')
(( $+functions[_sway_marks] )) ||
_sway_marks() {
local -a marks
if (( $+commands[jq] )); then
marks=( ${(@f)"$(__swaymsg -rt get_marks | jq -r '.[]')"} )
compadd "$@" -a marks
subcmd_mark=( /$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':mark:mark:_sway_marks' )
(( $+functions[_sway_seats] )) ||
_sway_seats() {
local -a seats
if (( $+commands[jq] )); then
seats=( ${(@f)"$(__swaymsg -rt get_seats | jq -r '.[].name')"} )
__swaymsg -pt get_seats | while read SEAT NAME; do
[[ $SEAT == "Seat:" ]] && seats+="$NAME"
compadd "$@" -a seats
subcmd_seat=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':seat:seat:_sway_seats')
(( $+functions[_sway_binding_modes] )) ||
_sway_binding_modes() {
local -a modes
if (( $+commands[jq] )); then
modes=(${(@f)"$(__swaymsg -rt get_binding_modes | jq -r '.[]')"})
compadd "$@" -a modes
subcmd_binding_mode=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':mode:binding mode:_sway_binding_modes')
(( $+functions[_sway_bars] )) ||
_sway_bars() {
local -a bar_ids
if (( $+commands[jq] )); then
bar_ids=( ${(@f)"$(__swaymsg -rt get_bar_config | jq -r '.[]')"} )
bar_ids=( "bar0" )
compadd "$@" -a bar_ids
subcmd_bar=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ":bar:bar id:_sway_bars")
# }}}
# _xkb
# FIXME: xkb include file paths / rule file
local XKB_DIR="/usr/share/X11/xkb"
local XKB_RULES="${XKB_DIR}/rules/${XKB_DEFAULT_RULES:-base}.xml"
# xkb_file {{{
local -a subcmd_xkb_file=( /$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':_files -g "*.xkb"' )
# }}}
# xkb_layout {{{
local XSLT_XKB_LAYOUT # {{{
read -d $'\0' XSLT_XKB_LAYOUT <<-\EOF
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:exslt="" version="1.0" extension-element-prefixes="exslt">
<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="no"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:for-each select="/xkbConfigRegistry/layoutList/layout">
<xsl:for-each select="configItem">
<xsl:call-template name="value-of-template">
<xsl:with-param name="select" select="concat(name, '[', description, ']')"/>
<xsl:value-of select="'&#10;'"/>
<xsl:template name="value-of-template">
<xsl:param name="select"/>
<xsl:value-of select="$select"/>
<xsl:for-each select="exslt:node-set($select)[position()&gt;1]">
<xsl:value-of select="'&#10;'"/>
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
# }}}
(( $+function[_xkb_layouts] )) || _xkb_layouts() {
local -a xkb_layouts
if (($+commands[xsltproc])) && [[ -f "$XKB_RULES" ]]; then
xkb_layouts=(${(@f)"$(xsltproc - "$XKB_RULES" <<< "$XSLT_XKB_LAYOUT")"})
if [[ ${#xkb_layouts} -gt 0 ]]; then
_values -s , 'xkb layout' $xkb_layouts
local -a subcmd_xkb_layout=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':xkb-layout:xkb layout:_xkb_layouts')
# }}}
# xkb_model {{{
local XSLT_XKB_MODEL # {{{
read -d $'\0' XSLT_XKB_MODEL <<-\EOF
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:exslt="" version="1.0" extension-element-prefixes="exslt">
<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="no"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:for-each select="/xkbConfigRegistry/modelList/model">
<xsl:for-each select="configItem">
<xsl:call-template name="value-of-template">
<xsl:with-param name="select" select="concat(name, '[', description, ']')"/>
<xsl:value-of select="'&#10;'"/>
<xsl:template name="value-of-template">
<xsl:param name="select"/>
<xsl:value-of select="$select"/>
<xsl:for-each select="exslt:node-set($select)[position()&gt;1]">
<xsl:value-of select="'&#10;'"/>
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
# }}}
(($+functions[_xkb_models])) || _xkb_models() {
local -a xkb_models
if (($+commands[xsltproc])) && [[ -f "$XKB_RULES" ]]; then
xkb_models=(${(@f)"$(xsltproc - "$XKB_RULES" <<< "$XSLT_XKB_MODEL")"})
_values 'xkb model' $xkb_models
local -a subcmd_xkb_model=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':xkb-model:xkb model:_xkb_models')
# }}}
# xkb_options {{{
read -d $'\0' XSLT_XKB_OPTION_GROUP <<-\EOF
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:exslt="" version="1.0" extension-element-prefixes="exslt">
<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="no"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:for-each select="/xkbConfigRegistry/optionList/group">
<xsl:for-each select="configItem">
<xsl:call-template name="value-of-template">
<xsl:with-param name="select" select="concat(name, ':', description)"/>
<xsl:value-of select="'&#10;'"/>
<xsl:template name="value-of-template">
<xsl:param name="select"/>
<xsl:value-of select="$select"/>
<xsl:for-each select="exslt:node-set($select)[position()&gt;1]">
<xsl:value-of select="'&#10;'"/>
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
# }}}
local XSLT_XKB_OPTION # {{{
read -d $'\0' XSLT_XKB_OPTION <<-\EOF
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:exslt="" version="1.0" extension-element-prefixes="exslt">
<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="no"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:for-each select="/xkbConfigRegistry/optionList/group">
<xsl:for-each select="option/configItem">
<xsl:call-template name="value-of-template">
<xsl:with-param name="select" select="concat(name, ':', description)"/>
<xsl:value-of select="'&#10;'"/>
<xsl:template name="value-of-template">
<xsl:param name="select"/>
<xsl:value-of select="$select"/>
<xsl:for-each select="exslt:node-set($select)[position()&gt;1]">
<xsl:value-of select="'&#10;'"/>
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
# }}}
(( $+functions[_xkb_options] )) || _xkb_options() {
local -a xkb_options xkb_option_groups
if (($+commands[xsltproc])) && [[ -f "$XKB_RULES" ]]; then
xkb_options=(${(@f)"$(xsltproc - "$XKB_RULES" <<< "$XSLT_XKB_OPTION")"})
compset -P '*,'
case "${words[$CURRENT]}" in
# complete an option
_describe -t xkb-option 'xkb option' xkb_options "$@"
# complete a group name
_multi_parts ':' xkb_options
local -a subcmd_xkb_option=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':xkb-option:xkb option:_xkb_options')
# }}}
# xkb_rules {{{
(($+functions[_xkb_rules])) || _xkb_rules() {
setopt localoptions extendedglob
local -a xkb_rules=( "${XKB_DIR}/rules"/[[:lower:]]#(N:t) )
_values 'xkb rules' $xkb_rules
local -a subcmd_xkb_rules=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':xkb-rules:xkb rules:_xkb_rules')
# }}}
# xkb_variant {{{
local XSLT_XKB_VARIANT # {{{
read -d $'\0' XSLT_XKB_VARIANT <<-\EOF
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:exslt="" version="1.0" extension-element-prefixes="exslt">
<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="no"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:for-each select="/xkbConfigRegistry/layoutList/layout">
<xsl:when test="configItem/name='ACTIVE_LAYOUT'">
<xsl:for-each select="variantList/variant">
<xsl:call-template name="value-of-template">
<xsl:with-param name="select" select="concat(configItem/name, '[', configItem/description, ']')"/>
<xsl:value-of select="'&#10;'"/>
<xsl:template name="value-of-template">
<xsl:param name="select"/>
<xsl:value-of select="$select"/>
<xsl:for-each select="exslt:node-set($select)[position()&gt;1]">
<xsl:value-of select="'&#10;'"/>
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
# }}}
(($+functions[_xkb_variants])) || _xkb_variants() {
local -a xkb_variants
local active_layout=us # FIXME: use real active layout
if (($+commands[xsltproc])) && [[ -f "$XKB_RULES" ]]; then
xkb_variants=(${(@f)"$(xsltproc - "$XKB_RULES" <<< "$XSLT_XKB_VARIANT")"})
_values 'xkb variant' $xkb_variants
local -a subcmd_xkb_variant=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':xkb-variant:xkb variant:_xkb_variants')
# }}}
# _swaycmd
# common subcmds {{{
local -a reply subcmd_{string,number,direction,edt,files}
subcmd_string=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':( )')
subcmd_number=(/$'[0-9]##\0'/ ':number:number:( )')
subcmd_ed=(/$'(enable|disable)\0'/ ':(enable disable)')
subcmd_edt=(/$'(enable|disable|toggle)\0'/ ':(enable disable toggle)')
subcmd_onoff=(/$'(on|off)\0'/ ':(on off)')
subcmd_dir=(/$'(left|right|up|down)\0'/ ':(left right up down)')
subcmd_files=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':_files')
# }}}
# swaymsg border {{{
local -a swaycmd_border
_regex_words arguments "border option" \
'none:No border' \
'normal:Border thickness \[n\] and a title bar:$subcmd_number' \
'csd:Allow client-side-decorations' \
'pixel:Border thickness \[n\]:$subcmd_number' \
'toggle:Cycle through the available border styles'
# }}}
# swaymsg focus {{{
local -a swaycmd_focus_output swaycmd_focus swaycmd_focus_target swaycmd_focus_np
_swaycmd_focus_output() {
_alternative \
'direction:direction:(up down left right next prev)' \
/$'[^\0]#\0'/ # match any word here, as it may be an output name
subcmd_focus_target=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':(sibling)')
_regex_words arguments "focus option" \
{up,down,left,right}':Move focus to the next container' \
'next:Move focus to the next container in the curent layout:$subcmd_focus_target' \
'prev:Move focus to the previous container in the current layout:$subcmd_focus_target' \
'child:Move focus to the last-focused child of the focused container' \
'parent:Move focus to the parent' \
'tiling:Set focus to the last focused tiling container' \
'floating:Set focus to the last focused floating container' \
'mode_toggle:Move focus between the floating and tiled layers' \
'output:Move focus between outputs:$swaycmd_focus_output'
# }}}
# swaymsg fullscreen {{{
_regex_words arguments "global option" "global:Make the view fullscreen across all outputs"
local -a swaycmd_fullscreen=($subcmd_edt "$reply[@]")
# }}}
# swaymsg gaps {{{
local -a swaycmd_gaps swaycmd_gaps1 swaycmd_gaps2 swaycmd_gaps3
_regex_words arguments "gaps option" \
'inner:Set gaps around each view' \
'outer:Set gaps around each workspace' \
'horizontal:Set outer gaps in the horizontal direction ' \
'vertical:Set outer gaps in the vertical direction' \
{top,right,bottom,left}':Set gaps per side'
_regex_words arguments "gaps option" \
'all:Affect all workspaces' \
'current:Affect the current workspace'
swaycmd_gaps2=( "$reply[@]" )
/$'(set|plus|minus)\0'/ ':(set plus minus)' $subcmd_number
"(" $swaycmd_gaps2 "|" $subcmd_number ")"
# }}}
# swaymsg inhibit_idle {{{
local -a swaycmd_inhibit_idle
_regex_words arguments "inhibit_idle option" \
'focus:Inhibit when the view is focused by any seat' \
'fullscreen:Inhibit when the view is fullscreen and visible' \
'open:Inhibit until the view is closed' \
'visible:Inhibit while the view is visible on any output' \
'none:Remove any existing idle inhibitor for the view'
# }}}
# swaymsg layout {{{
local -a swaycmd_layout swaycmd_layout_toggle
_regex_words arguments "layouts" "split" "tabbed" "stacking" "splitv" "splith"
# No argument
"(" "|"
# Long form
"$reply[@]" "#" "|"
# Short form
/$'(split|all)\0'/ ':(split all)'
_regex_words arguments "layout option" \
'default' 'splith' 'splitv' 'stacking' 'tabbed' \
'toggle:Cycle layout modes:$swaycmd_layout_toggle'
# }}}
# swaymsg move {{{
local -a subcmd_px=( /$'px\0'/ ':(px)' )
local -a subcmd_px_opt=( "(" /$'px\0'/ ':(px)' "|" ")" )
local -a swaycmd_move_dir=(
"(" $subcmd_number $subcmd_px "|" ")"
local cursor=cursor
(( $+functions[_swaycmd_sub_cursor] )) ||
_swaycmd_sub_cursor() {
compadd "$@" $cursor
local -a swaycmd_move_position=(
"(" "|" /$'absolute\0'/ -'unset cursor' ':(absolute)' ")"
/$'position\0'/ ':(position)'
"(" /$'center\0'/ ':(center)' "|"
/$'(cursor|mouse|pointer)'/ ":_swaycmd_sub_cursor" "|"
$subcmd_number $subcmd_px_opt $subcmd_number $subcmd_px_opt ")"
_regex_words arguments "move option" \
'mark:Move focused container to the specified mark:$subcmd_mark' \
'workspace:Move focused container to the specified workspace:$subcmd_workspace' \
'output:Move focused container to specified output:$subcmd_output' \
'scratchpad:Move focused container to the scratchpad'
local -a swaycmd_move_container=(
"(" "|" /$'(container|window)\0'/ ':(container window)' ")"
/$'to\0'/ ':(to)'
_swaycmd_move_workspace() {
_alternative \
'direction:direction:(up down left right)' \
':current:(current)' \
local -a swaycmd_move_workspace=(
/$'workspace\0'/ ':(workspace)' /$'to\0'/ ':(to)'
/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':_swaycmd_move_workspace'
local -a swaycmd_move=(
$swaycmd_move_dir "|"
$swaycmd_move_position "|"
$swaycmd_move_container "|"
$swaycmd_move_workspace "|"
# }}}
# swaymsg rename workspace {{{
local -a swaycmd_rename_workspace=(
/$'workspace\0'/ ':(workspace)'
"(" $subcmd_workspace "|" ")"
/$'to\0'/ ':(to)'
/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':workspace:name:( )'
# }}}
# swaymsg resize {{{
local -a subcmd_unit_opt=(
"(" "|" /$'(px|ppt)'/ ':(px ppt)' ")"
local -a swaycmd_resize=(
"(" "("
/$'(shrink|grow)\0'/ ':(shrink grow set)'
/$'(width|height)\0'/ ':(width height)'
$subcmd_number $subcmd_unit_opt
")" "|"
/$'set\0'/ ':(set)'
/$'(width|height)\0'/ ':(width height)' $subcmd_number $subcmd_unit_opt
/$'(height)\0'/ ':(height)' $subcmd_number $subcmd_unit_opt ")"
# }}}
#swaymsg split {{{
_regex_words arguments "split option" \
'v*ertical:Split the current container vertically' \
'h*orizontal:Split the current container horizontally' \
't*oggle:Split opposite the parent container layout'
local -a swaycmd_split=("$reply[@]")
# {{{ swaymsg swap
/$'container\0'/ ':(container)'
/$'with\0'/ ':(with)'
"(" /$'(id|con_id)\0'/ ':(id con_id)' "|"
/$'mark\0'/ ':(mark)' "$subcmd_mark[@]" ")"
# }}}
# swaymsg assign{{{
local -a swaycmd_assign swaycmd_assign_output
_swaycmd_assign_output() {
_alternative \
':direction:(left right up down)' \
swaycmd_assign_output=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':_swaycmd_assign_output')
_regex_words arguments "assign option" \
'workspace:Assign to specified workspace:$subcmd_workspace' \
'output:Assign to specified output:$swaycmd_assign_output'
# don't complete the arrow, just match it if it's there
"(" "|" /$'\u2192\0'/ ':( )' ")"
# }}}
# swaymsg bindsym/bindcode/unbindsym/unbindcode {{{
local -a swaycmd_{un,}bind{sym,code}
local -a bindsym_common=(
'--whole-window[Mouse only option. Enable mousekey binding anywhere]'
'--border[Mouse only option. Enable mousekey binding over window borders]'
'--exclude-titlebar[Mouse only option. Disable mousekey bindings over titlebars]'
'--release[Trigger binding on key release instead of key press]'
'--input-device=[Only trigger with the specified input device]'
'--locked[Allow this binding to trigger when a screen locker program is active]'
'--no-warn[Do not give the user a warning when overwriting a binding]'
(( $+functions[_swaycmd_bindsym] )) ||
_swaycmd_bindsym() {
compset -n 2
_arguments $bindsym_common \
'--to-code[Translate the bound keysym to a keycode in the first configured layout]' \
':key combo' \
'*:::sway command:= _swaycmd'
(( $+functions[_swaycmd_bindcode] )) ||
_swaycmd_bindcode() {
compset -n 2
_arguments $bindsym_common \
':key code' \
'*:::sway command:= _swaycmd'
swaycmd_bindsym=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':_swaycmd_bindsym' "#")
swaycmd_bindcode=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':_swaycmd_bindcode' "#")
swaycmd_unbindsym=(/$'--[^\0]#\0'/ ':_swaycmd_bindsym' "#")
swaycmd_unbindcode=(/$'--[^\0]#\0'/ ':_swaycmd_bindcode' "#")
# }}}
# swaymsg bindswitch/unbindswitch {{{
local -a swaycmd_{un,}bindswitch
(( $+functions[_swaycmd_bindswitch] )) ||
_swaycmd_bindswitch() {
local -a switches=(lid tablet) states=(on off toggle)
compset -n 2
_arguments \
'--locked[Allow this binding to trigger when a screen locker program is active]' \
'--no-warn[Do not give the user a warning when overwriting a binding]' \
'--reload[Also execute the command when the config is reloaded]' \
':switch state:_sep_parts switches \: states' \
'*:::sway command:= _swaycmd'
swaycmd_bindswitch=( /$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':_swaycmd_bindswitch' "#")
swaycmd_unbindswitch=( /$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':_sep_parts switches \: states' )
# }}}
# swaymsg client.<class> {{{
# TODO: this
local -a classes=(focused focused_inactive unfocused urgent)
local -a client_classes=( client.${^classes} )
(( $+functions[_swaycmd_client] )) ||
_swaycmd_client() {
compset -n 2
_arguments ':border' ':background' ':text' ':indicator' ':child_border'
local -a swaycmd_client=(
/"${(j.|.)client_classes})"$'\0'/ -repeat=0
":( ${client_classes} )"
"(" /$'\\#[0-9a-fA-F]#\0'/ -'(( repeat++ < 5 ))' ':( )' ")" "#"
# }}}
# swaymsg default_border {{{
_regex_words arguments "default_border option" \
'normal:Standard border with a title bar:$subcmd_number' \
'pixel:Standard border with given width:$subcmd_number' \
'none:No border'
local -a swaycmd_default_border=( "$reply[@]" )
# }}}
# swaymsg exec {{{
local -a swaycmd_exec=( /$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':{compset -n 3; _normal}' "#")
# }}}
# swaymsg for_window {{{
local -a swaycmd_for_window
(( $+functions[_swaycmd_for_window] )) ||
_swaycmd_for_window() {
compset -n 2
_arguments \
':criteria:_sway_criteria' \
'*:::sway command:= _swaycmd'
swaycmd_for_window=( /$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':_swaycmd_for_window' "#")
# }}}
# swaymsg hide_edge_borders {{{
_regex_words arguments "option" \
"none:Always show borders" \
"vertical:Hide borders adjacent to vertical edges" \
"horizontal:Hide borders adjacent to horizontal edges" \
"both:Always hide borders" \
"smart:Hide all borders when the workspace has only one visible child" \
"smart_no_gaps:Hide all borders when the workspace has only one visible child and no gaps"
local -a swaycmd_hide_edge_borders=("$reply[@]")
# }}}
# swaymsg urgent {{{
_regex_words arguments "option" \
"enable:Manually set the urgent state for a window" \
"disable:Manually unset the urgent state for a window" \
"allow:Allow a window to set its own urgent state" \
"deny:Disallow a window from setting its own urgent state"
local -a swaycmd_urgent=("$reply[@]")
# }}}
# swaymsg workspace {{{
local -a swaycmd_workspace swaycmd_workspace_cmd
local -a subcmd_output_repeat=( $subcmd_output "#" )
_regex_words arguments "workspace option" \
'gaps:Specify gaps for a workspace when it is created:$swaycmd_gaps1' \
'output:Specify which output to show the given workspace:$subcmd_output_repeat'
_regex_words arguments "workspace option" \
'prev:Previous workspace on any output' \
'next:Next workspace on any output' \
'prev_on_output:Previous workspace on this output' \
'next_on_output:Next workspace on this output' \
'back_and_forth:Switch to the previously focused workspace'
"$reply[@]" "|"
"(" "|" /$'--no-auto-back-and-forth\0'/ ':(--no-auto-back-and-forth)' ")"
"(" "|" /$'number\0'/ ':(number)' ")"
")" "|"
$subcmd_workspace "$swaycmd_workspace_output[@]" ")"
# }}}
# swaymsg floating_maximum_size/floating_minimum_size {{{
local -a swaymcmd_floating_size=(
/$'[0-9]#\0'/ ':width:( )'
/$'x\0'/ ':(x)'
/$'[0-9]#\0'/ ':height:( )'
# }}}
# swaymsg focus_on_window_activation {{{
_regex_words arguments "fowa option" \
'urgent:Set the urgent state for the activated windows' \
'focus:Set focus to the activated windows' \
'smart:Set focus to the activated window if it is already visible' \
'none:Do nothing'
local -a swaycmd_fowa=("$reply[@]")
# }}}
# swaymsg titlebar_padding {{{
local -a swaycmd_titlebar_padding=(
/$'[0-9]#\0'/ ':horizontal:( )'
/$'[0-9]#\0'/ ':vertical:( )'
# }}}
# swaymsg floating_modifier {{{
_regex_words arguments "floating_modifier option" \
'normal:Left click to move windows, right click to resize' \
'inverse:Left click to resize windows, right click to move'
local -a swaycmd_floating_modifier=( /$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':modifier:modifier:(( none\:"Disable floating modifiers" ))' "$reply[@]")
# }}}
# swaymsg input {{{
local -a swaycmd_input
(( $+functions[_sway_input_spec] )) || _sway_input_spec() {
local -a input_types=(
touchpad pointer keyboard touch
tablet_tool tablet_pad switch
_alternative \
':input device:_sway_inputs' \
":device class:( $input_types )"
local -a subcmd_input_spec=( /$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':_sway_input_spec' )
(( $+functions[_sway_input_layouts] )) ||
_sway_input_layouts() {
local prefix=${words[(i)input]}
local device="$words[$prefix + 1]"
local -a layout_names
if (( $+commands[jq] )); then
__swaymsg -rt get_inputs |
jq -r ".[] | select(.identifier == \"$device\" or .name == \"$device\").xkb_layout_names[]"
local -a descr=( "${(@)layout_names}" )
local -a comps=( {0..${#layout_names}} )
_describe 'layout index' descr comps
local -a subcmd_input_layout=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':_sway_input_layouts')
_regex_words arguments "tool mode" "pen" "eraser" "brush" "pencil" "airbrush"
local -a subcmd_input_tool=("$reply[@]")
_regex_words arguments "event type" "absolute" "relative"
local -a subcmd_input_event_type=("$reply[@]")
local -a subcmd_input_tool_mode=("$subcmd_input_tool[@]" "$subcmd_input_event_type[@]")
_regex_words arguments "accel profile" "adaptive" "flat"
local -a subcmd_input_accel_profile=("$reply[@]")
_regex_words arguments "click method" "none" "button_areas" "clickfinger"
local -a subcmd_input_click_method=("$reply[@]")
_regex_words arguments "option" "enabled" "disabled" "disabled_on_external_mouse"
local -a subcmd_input_events=(
"(" "$reply[@]" "|" /$'toggle\0'/ ':(toggle)' "$reply[@]" "#" ")"
_regex_words arguments "scroll button" "disable" button{{1..3},8,9}
local -a subcmd_input_scroll_button=("$reply[@]")
_regex_words arguments "scroll method" "none" "two_finger" "edge" "on_button_down"
local -a subcmd_input_scroll_method=("$reply[@]")
_regex_words arguments "button map" "lrm:left-right-middle" "lmr:left-middle-right"
local -a subcmd_input_tap_button_map=("$reply[@]")
_regex_words input-command "input option" \
'repeat_delay:Set the delay before repeating a held-down key in ms:$subcmd_number' \
'repeat_rate:Set the key repeat rate in number of keypresses per second:$subcmd_number' \
'xkb_file:Set all xkb configurations from a complete .xkb file:$subcmd_xkb_file' \
'xkb_layout:Set the layout of the keyboard:$subcmd_xkb_layout' \
'xkb_model:Set the model of the keyboard:$subcmd_xkb_model' \
'xkb_options:Set extra xkb configuration options:$subcmd_xkb_option' \
'xkb_rules:Set files or rules for keyboard mapping composition:$subcmd_xkb_rules' \
'xkb_switch_layout:Switch the active keyboard layout by index:$subcmd_input_layout' \
'xkb_variant:Set the keyboard variant:$subcmd_xkb_variant' \
'tool_mode:Set the mode of a tablet tool:$subcmd_input_tool_mode' \
'map_to_output:Map inputs from this device to specified output:$subcmd_output' \
'map_to_region:Map inputs from this device to specified region' \
'map_from_region:Ignore inputs from this device outside the specified region' \
'accel_profile:Set the pointer acceleration profile:$subcmd_input_accel_profile' \
'calibration_matrix:Set the calibration matrix' \
'click_method:Set the click method:$subcmd_input_click_method' \
'drag:Enable or disable tap-and-drag:$subcmd_ed' \
'drag_lock:Enable or disable drag lock:$subcmd_ed' \
'dwt:Enable or disable disable-while-typing:$subcmd_ed' \
'events:Enable or disable send_events:$subcmd_input_events' \
'left_handed:Enable or disable left handed mode:$subcmd_ed' \
'middle_emulation:Enable or disable middle buttom emulation:$subcmd_ed' \
'natural_scroll:Enable or diable natural (inverted) scrolling:$subcmd_ed' \
'pointer_accel:Set the pointer acceleration' \
'scroll_button:Set the button used for scroll_method on_button_down:$subcmd_input_scroll_button' \
'scroll_factor:Set the scroll factor' \
'scroll_method:Set the scroll method:$subcmd_input_scroll_method' \
'tap:Enable or disable tap click:$subcmd_ed' \
'tap_button_map:Set the button mapping for tap click:$subcmd_input_tap_button_map'
swaycmd_input=($subcmd_input_spec "$reply[@]")
# }}}
# swaymsg seat {{{
local -a swaycmd_seat swaycmd_seat_cursor subcmd_tf swaycmd_idle_source
local -a swaycmd_keyboard_grouping subcmd_xcursor_theme swaycmd_cursor_constraint swaycmd_shortcuts_inhibitor
_regex_words arguments 'status' 'true' 'false'
_regex_words arguments 'state' \
'enable:Allow clients to capture the cursor' \
'disable:Disallow clients to capture the cursor' \
'escape:Escape the cursor from a client capture'
_regex_words arguments 'cursor command' \
'move:Move the cursor relative to the current position' \
'set:Set the cursor position in absolute coordinates' \
'press:Simulate pressing the mouse button' \
'release:Simulate releasing the mouse button'
_regex_words arguments 'idle source' \
'keyboard' 'pointer' 'touchpad' 'touch' 'tablet_pad' 'tablet_tool' 'switch'
_regex_words arguments 'keyboard grouping' \
'none:Disable all keyboard grouping' \
'smart:Sync the effective layout between keyboards by layout and repeat info'
_regex_words arguments 'inhibitor command' \
'enable:Allow future inhibitors by default' \
'disable:Disallow future inhibitors by default and disable active inhibitors' \
'activate:Activate an existing inhibitor' \
'deactivate:Deactivate an existing inhibitor' \
'toggle:Toggle the state of an existing inhibitor'
typeset -T XCURSORPATH xcursorpath
if [[ -z "$XCURSORPATH" ]]; then
xcursorpath=( ~/.icons "${(@)^xcursorpath}"/icons )
_regex_words arguments 'themes' default "${(@)^xcursorpath}"/*/cursors(N:h:t)
_regex_words arguments 'seat command' \
'attach:Attach an input device to this seat by its input identifier:$subcmd_input' \
'cursor:Modify the cursor:$swaycmd_seat_cursor:$swaycmd_seat_cursor' \
'fallback:Set this seat ad the fallback seat:$subcmd_tf' \
'idle_inhibit:Set the set of input event sources which can prevent the seat from becoming idle:$swaycmd_idle_source' \
'idle_wake:Set the set of input event sources which can wake the seat from idle:$swaycmd_idle_source' \
'keyboard_grouping:Set how keyboards in teh seat are grouped together:$swaycmd_keyboard_grouping' \
'hide_cursor:Hide the cursor image after the specified timeout:$subcmd_number' \
'pointer_constraint:Enable or disable the ability for clients to capture the cursor:$swaycmd_cursor_constraint' \
'shortcuts_inhibitor:Enable or disable the ability of clients to inhibit keyboard shortcuts for the seat:$swaycmd_shortcuts_inhibitor' \
'xcursor_theme:Override the default XCursor theme:$subcmd_xcursor_theme'
swaycmd_seat=( $subcmd_seat "$reply[@]" )
# }}}
# swaymsg output {{{
local -a swaycmd_output
local -a subcmd_color=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':color:color:( )' )
_regex_words arguments "scaling mode" "stretch" "fill" "fit" "center" "tile"
local -a subcmd_output_bg=(
$subcmd_files "$reply[@]" $subcmd_color "|"
$subcmd_color /$'solid_color\0'/ ':(solid_color)'
_regex_words arguments "subpixel hint" "rgb" "bgr" "vrgb" "vbgr" "none"
local -a subcmd_output_subpixel_hint=("$reply[@]")
_regex_words arguments "scale filter" "linear" "nearest" "smart"
local -a subcmd_output_scale_filter=("$reply[@]")
_regex_words arguments "transform" "normal" "flipped" {flipped-,}{90,180,270}
local -a subcmd_output_transform=("$reply[@]")
_regex_words arguments "rotation direction" "clockwise" "anticlockwise"
# _regex_words arguments "option" "on" "off"
# local -a subcmd_output_dpms=("$reply[@]")
(( $+functions[_sway_output_modes] )) || _sway_output_modes() {
local prefix="${words[(i)output]}"
local output="${words[$prefix + 1]}"
local -a modes
if (( $+commands[jq] )); then
local query='.[] | select(.name == '"\"$output\""') | .modes[] | "\(.width)x\(.height)@\(.refresh / 1000)Hz"'
modes=( $(__swaymsg -rt get_outputs | jq -r $query) )
_multi_parts -i '@' modes
subcmd_output_modes=(/$'[^\0]#\0'/ ':modes:mode:_sway_output_modes')
_regex_words output-command "output option" \
'mode:Configure the specified output to use the given mode:$subcmd_output_modes' \
'res*olution:Configure the specified output to use the given mode:$subcmd_output_modes' \
'pos*ition:Place the specified output at a specific position' \
'scale:Scale the specified output'\
'scale_filter:Set how lo-dpi applications are scaled:$subcmd_output_scale_filter' \
'subpixel:Manually set subpixel hinting for the specified output:$subcmd_output_subpixel_hint' \
{background,bg}':Set the background of the specified output:$subcmd_output_bg' \
'transform:Transform the specified output:$subcmd_output_transform' \
'disable:Disable the specified output' \
'enable:Enable the specified output' \
'toggle:Toggle the specified output' \
'power:Turns on or off the specified output:$subcmd_onoff' \
'dpms:Deprecated. Alias for power:$subcmd_onoff' \
'max_render_time:Enables delaying output rendering to reduce latency' \
'adaptive_sync:Enable or disable adaptive sync on the output:$subcmd_onoff'
swaycmd_output=( $subcmd_output "$reply[@]" )
# }}}
# swaymsg bar {{{
local -a subcmd_bar_output=( $subcmd_output "#" )
_regex_words arguments "bar state" "hide" "show" "toggle"
local -a subcmd_bar_hidden_state=("$reply[@]" $subcmd_bar_hidden_state)
_regex_words arguments "yes no" "yes" "no"
local -a subcmd_yn=("$reply[@]")
_regex_words arguments "bar position" "top" "bottom"
local -a subcmd_bar_position=("$reply[@]")
_regex_words arguments "bar mode" \
"dock:Permanently visible" \
"hide:Hidden unless the modifier key is pressed" \
"invisible:Permanently hidden" \
"overlay:Permanently visible on top of other windows" \
"toggle:Switch between dock and hide"
local -a subcmd_bar_mode=("$reply[@]" $subcmd_bar_mode)
_regex_words bar-commands "bar option" \
'binding_mode_indicator:Enable or disable the binding mode indicator:$subcmd_yn' \
'font:Specify the font in pango font decsription format' \
'gaps:Set gaps from the edge of the screen for the bar' \
'height:Set the bar height. A height of 0 wil match the font size:$subcmd_number' \
'hidden_state:Set the hidden state of the bar:$subcmd_bar_hidden_state' \
'mode:Set the mode of the bar:$subcmd_bar_mode' \
'modifier:Set the modifier key that shows a hidden bar' \
'output:Restrict the bar to a certain output:$subcmd_bar_output' \
'pango_markup:Enable or disable pango markup in status lines:$subcmd_ed' \
'position:Set the position of the bar:$subcmd_bar_position' \
'separator_symbol:Specify the separator symbol between blocks' \
'wrap_scroll:Enable or disable wrapping when scrolling through workspaces:$subcmd_yn' \
'workspace_buttons:Enable or disable workspace buttons:$subcmd_yn' \
'workspace_min_width:Set the minimum width of workspace buttons:$subcmd_number'
swaycmd_bar=( $subcmd_bar "$reply[@]")
# }}}
# swaymsg <generic> {{{
_regex_words arguments "option" "show"
local -a swaycmd_scratchpad=("$reply[@]")
_regex_words arguments "option" "yes" "no" "always"
local -a swaycmd_focus_follows_mouse=("$reply[@]")
_regex_words arguments "option" "yes" "no" "force"
local -a swaycmd_focus_wrapping=("$reply[@]")
_regex_words arguments "option" "on" "no_gaps" "off"
local -a swaycmd_smart_borders=("$reply[@]")
_regex_words arguments "option" "on" "off"
local -a swaycmd_smart_gaps=("$reply[@]")
_regex_words arguments "option" "output" "container" "none"
local -a swaycmd_mouse_warping=("$reply[@]")
_regex_words arguments "option" "smart" "ignore" "leave_fullscreen"
local -a swaycmd_popup_during_fullscreen=("$reply[@]")
_regex_words arguments "option" "yes" "no"
local -a swaycmd_show_marks=("$reply[@]")
_regex_words arguments "option" "set" "plus" "minus"
local -a swaycmd_opacity=("$reply[@]" $subcmd_number)
_regex_words arguments "option" "left" "center" "right"
local -a swaycmd_title_align=("$reply[@]")
# }}}
# swaymsg <command> {{{
local -a swaycmd
_regex_words commands 'sway command' \
'border:Set border style for the focused window:$swaycmd_border' \
'exit:Exit sway and end your Wayland session' \
'floating:Make focused view floating or non-floating:$subcmd_edt' \
'focus:Set focus:$swaycmd_focus' \
'fullscreen:Make focused view fullscreen or non-fullscreen:$swaycmd_fullscreen' \
'gaps:Set workspace gaps:$swaycmd_gaps' \
'inhibit_idle:Set or unset an idle inhibitor for the view:$swaycmd_inhibit_idle' \
'layout:Set the layout mode for the focused container:$swaycmd_layout' \
'move:Rearrange containers in workspaces and outputs:$swaycmd_move' \
'reload:Reload the sway config file and apply any changes' \
'rename:Rename workspaces:$swaycmd_rename_workspace' \
'resize:Resize containers:$swaycmd_resize' \
'scratchpad:Show windows from the scratchpad:$swaycmd_scratchpad' \
'shortcuts_inhibitor:Enable or disable the ability of clients to inhibit keyboard shortcuts:$swaycmd_ed' \
'split:Split the current container:$swaycmd_split' \
'sticky:Stick a floating window to the current output:$subcmd_edt' \
'swap:Swap the position and geometry of two containers:$swaycmd_swap' \
'title_format:Set the window title format:$subcmd_string' \
'assign:Assign views matching criteria to a workspace:$swaycmd_assign' \
'bindsym:Bind key combo to execute the given sway command (by keysym):$swaycmd_bindsym' \
'bindcode:Bind key combo to execute the given sway command (by keycode):$swaycmd_bindsym' \
'bindswitch:Bind switch to execute the given sway command on state changes:$swaycmd_bindswitch' \
'default_border:Set default border style for new windows:$swaycmd_default_border' \
'default_floating_border:Set default border style for new floating windows:$swaycmd_default_border' \
'exec:Execute a shell command with sh:$swaycmd_exec' \
'exec_always:Like exec, but also execute after reload:$swaycmd_exec' \
'floating_maximum_size:Set the maximum size of all floating windows:$swaycmd_floating_size' \
'floating_minimum_size:Set the minimum size of all floating windows:$swaycmd_floating_size' \
'floating_modifier:Set the modifier for manipulating floating windows:$swaycmd_floating_modifier' \
'focus_follows_mouse:Set the focus behavior on mouse movement:$swaycmd_focus_follows_mouse' \
'focus_on_window_activate:Set the behavior for when xwayland clients request activation:$swaycmd_fowa' \
'focus_wrapping:Set focus wrapping behavior:$swaycmd_focus_wrapping' \
'font:Set the font to use for title bars' \
'force_display_urgency_hint:Set a timeout before clearing the urgency hint on a focused window' \
'titlebar_border_thickness:Set the thickness of the titlebar border in pixels:$subcmd_number' \
'titlebar_padding:Set the padding of text in the titlebar:$swaycmd_titlebar_padding' \
'for_window:Set a list of commands to run whenever a window matching criteria appear:$swaycmd_for_window' \
'hide_edge_borders:Hide window borders adjacent to the screen edges:$swaycmd_hide_edge_borders' \
'input:Configure input devices:$swaycmd_input' \
'seat:Configure seats:$swaycmd_seat' \
'kill:Close a window and its children' \
'smart_borders:Set smart borders:$swaycmd_smart_borders' \
'smart_gaps:Set smart gaps:$subcmd_onoff' \
'mark:Add or remove marks:$swaycmd_mark' \
'mode:Switch mode:$subcmd_binding_mode' \
'mouse_warping:Set cursor behavior on focus change:$swaycmd_mouse_warping' \
'no_focus:Prevent windows matching criteria from being focused on creation:$subcmd_criteria' \
'output:Configure output devices:$swaycmd_output' \
'popup_during_fullscreen:Set popup behavior for fullscreen views:$swaycmd_popup_during_fullscreen' \
'set:Set variables to use in future commands' \
'show_marks:Display marks in window borders' \
'opacity:Adjust window opacity:$swaycmd_opacity' \
'tiling_drag:Enable or disable tiling drag:$subcmd_edt' \
'tiling_drag_threshold:Set tiling drag threshold:$subcmd_number' \
'title_align:Set the title alignment:$swaycmd_title_align' \
'unbindswitch:Remove a switch binding:$swaycmd_unbindswitch' \
'unbindsym:Remove a keysym binding:$swaycmd_unbindsym' \
'unbindcode:Remove a keycode binding:$swaycmd_unbindcode' \
'unmark:Remove a mark:$subcmd_mark' \
'urgent:Set or unset a window urgent state:$swaycmd_urgent' \
'workspace:Switch workspaces:$swaycmd_workspace' \
'workspace_auto_back_and_forth:Allow repeating a workspace switch command:$swaycmd_workspace_auto_back_and_forth' \
'workspace_layout:Set the default layout for new workspaces:$swaycmd_workspace_layout' \
'bar:Configure status bars:$swaycmd_bar'
"(" $subcmd_criteria "|" ")"
_regex_arguments _swaycmd "$swaycmd[@]"
# }}}
# _swaymsg
(( $+functions[_swaymsg_payload] )) ||
_swaymsg_payload() {
case ${(Lv)opt_args[(I)-t|--type]:-command} in
(( $CURRENT == 2 )) && _sway_bars
_message "no arguments"
_arguments -S -s\
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Show help message and quit]' \
'(-v --version)'{-v,--version}'[Print the version (of swaymsg) and quit]' \
'(-m --monitor)'{-m,--monitor}'[Monitor for responses until killed instead of exiting after the first response]' \
'(-p --pretty)'{-p,--pretty}'[Use raw output even when not using a tty]' \
'(-q --quiet)'{-q,--quiet}'[Send the IPC message but do not print the response from sway]' \
'(-r --raw)'{-r,--raw}'[Use raw output even if using a tty]' \
'(-s --socket)'{-s,--socket=}'[Use the specified socket path]:socket:_files -g "*(=)"' \
'(-t --type)'{-t,--type=}'[Specify the type of IPC message]:ipc type:_sway_ipc_types' \
'*::sway command:= _swaymsg_payload'
# vim: set fdm=marker:
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