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Forked from mikeknapp/remove_insta_followers.js
Created December 8, 2023 17:01
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Remove certain instagram followers in bulk
Adapted from
Use something like to get the list of
users to unfollow.
1. Open:{YOUR_USERNAME}/following/ in your web browser <-- replace
{YOUR_USERNAME} with your username
2. Edit the `usersToUnfollow` array below to contain the usernames of the people you want
to unfollow.
3. Open the dev console and paste the code below.
4. The code will stop once you've unfollowed 140 people, or if there is no one else to
unfollow. If you want to unfollow more people, repeat steps 1-3 at least 24 hours later so that you
don't get your account banned.
Use at your own risk! I'm not responsible for any bans that may occur.
var usersToUnfollow = [
// TODO: Fill in the usernames of the people you want to unfollow.
const randInt = (min, max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min); // min and max
async function sleepRand() {
const ms = randInt(2000, 4000);
console.log("sleeping for ", ms);
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async function sleepOneMin() {
console.log("sleeping for 1 min");
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 60000));
let numUnfollows = 0;
async function processFollowerDiv(followerDiv) {
let username = "";
followerDiv.querySelectorAll("a").forEach((a) => {
if (a.hasAttribute("href")) {
temp = a.href.split("/").slice(-2)[0];
if (temp != "") {
username = temp;
if (usersToUnfollow.indexOf(username) > -1) {
console.log("UNFOLLOWING: ", username);
const followingButton = followerDiv.querySelectorAll("button")[0];;
await sleepRand();
// Confirm that we wan't to unfollow.
const confirmDialog = document.querySelectorAll('[role="dialog"]')[2];
const unfollowConfirm = confirmDialog.querySelectorAll("button")[0];;
usersToUnfollow = usersToUnfollow.filter((item) => item !== username);
await sleepOneMin();
function findItemContainer(parentNode) {
// Recurse through the dialog node find the node one with at least 10 elements.
const children = parentNode.children;
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
const child = children[i];
if (child.children.length >= 10) {
return child;
const result = findItemContainer(child);
if (result) {
return result;
async function main() {
const dialogNode = document.querySelectorAll('[role="dialog"]')[0];
const itemContainer = findItemContainer(dialogNode);
while (usersToUnfollow.length > 0) {
console.log("usersToUnfollow", usersToUnfollow.length);
const folllowerNodes = itemContainer.children;
for (let followerDiv of folllowerNodes) {
await processFollowerDiv(followerDiv);
if (numUnfollows > 140) {
alert("You've unfollowed too many people. Please wait 24 hours before running this script again.");
await sleepRand();
// Scroll to the end of the page.
folllowerNodes[folllowerNodes.length - 1].scrollIntoView(true);
await main();
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