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Created April 27, 2024 20:57
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{ lib, pkgs, ... }:
haskellLibs = ps: with ps; [
runtimeDependencies = with pkgs; [
runtimeEnv = pkgs.buildEnv {
name = "runtimeEnv";
paths = runtimeDependencies;
package = pkgs.writers.writeHaskellBin
libraries = haskellLibs (pkgs.haskellPackages);
makeWrapperArgs = [
(lib.readFile ./main.hs);
devShell = pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = [
(pkgs.haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages haskellLibs)
inherit package devShell;
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Use newtype instead of data" #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.RWS.CPS (MonadState (put))
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (parseJSON), Options (fieldLabelModifier), decode, defaultOptions, genericParseJSON, withObject, (.:), (.:?))
import Data.Aeson.Types (camelTo)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 qualified as BL
import Data.Char (isSpace, toUpper)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.List (dropWhileEnd)
import Data.List.Extra (dropSuffix, split)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.String.Interpolate (i)
import GHC.Generics
import Options.Applicative
import System.Console.ANSI
import System.Directory
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import System.Process
import Text.RawString.QQ
import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~))
import Text.Regex.TDFA qualified
data PromoteOptions = PromoteOptions {allowDirty :: Bool, noPush :: Bool}
data Command = App AppCommand | Database DatabaseCommand | Promote PromoteOptions
data AppCommand = SecretsUnlock | SecretsUpdate
data DatabaseCommand = Proxy
buzzctl :: Parser Command
buzzctl =
hsubparser (command "app" (info appCommand (fullDesc <> progDesc "Manage the app")))
<|> hsubparser (command "database" (info databaseCommand (fullDesc <> progDesc "Manage the database")))
<|> hsubparser (command "promote" (info (Promote <$> promoteCommand) (fullDesc <> progDesc "Promote main branch to the production.")))
appCommand :: Parser Command
appCommand =
<$> hsubparser
( command "secrets" (info secretsCommand (fullDesc <> progDesc "Manage secrets for the app"))
secretsCommand :: Parser AppCommand
secretsCommand =
( command "unlock" (info (pure SecretsUnlock) (fullDesc <> progDesc "Unlock secrets"))
<> command "update" (info (pure SecretsUpdate) (fullDesc <> progDesc "Update secrets"))
<> help "Update/Unlock secrets by encrypting from or to the .env* files in the app directory."
databaseCommand :: Parser Command
databaseCommand = Database <$> hsubparser (command "proxy" (info (pure Proxy) (fullDesc <> progDesc "Start the database proxy connect to google cloud sql instance via iam.")))
promoteCommand :: Parser PromoteOptions
promoteCommand =
<$> switch (long "allow-dirty" <> help "Allow dirty working directory.")
<*> switch (long "no-push" <> help "Do not push the changes to the remote. So all changes stay local. Will also disable vercel promotion.")
main :: IO ()
main = do
buzzCommand <- customExecParser p opts
rootDir <- getEnv "DEVENV_ROOT"
case buzzCommand of
App SecretsUnlock -> unlockSecrets (rootDir ++ "/app")
App SecretsUpdate -> updateSecrets (rootDir ++ "/app")
Database Proxy -> proxyDatabase
Promote options -> executePromotion options
opts = info (buzzctl <**> helper) fullDesc
p = prefs $ showHelpOnEmpty <> showHelpOnError
unlockSecrets :: String -> IO ()
unlockSecrets appDir = do
putStrLn "Unlocking secrets..."
files <- listDirectory appDir
forM_ (selectEncodedFiles files) $ \file -> do
putStrLn $ "Unlocking " ++ file
let encodedFile = appDir ++ "/" ++ file
let decodedFile = dropSuffix ".enc.yaml" encodedFile
putStrLn [i|Decoding #{encodedFile} to #{decodedFile}|]
callCommand [i|sops --decrypt --output-type dotenv #{encodedFile} > #{decodedFile}|]
selectEncodedFiles :: [String] -> [String]
selectEncodedFiles = filter (=~ encodedFilePattern)
encodedFilePattern :: String
encodedFilePattern = [r|^\.env\.[[:alpha:]]+\.local\.enc\.yaml$|]
updateSecrets :: String -> IO ()
updateSecrets appDir = do
putStrLn "Updating secrets..."
files <- listDirectory appDir
forM_ (selectDecodedFiles files) $ \file -> do
putStrLn $ "Updating " ++ file
let decodedFile = appDir ++ "/" ++ file
let encodedFile = decodedFile ++ ".enc.yaml"
putStrLn [i|Encoding #{decodedFile} to #{encodedFile}|]
callCommand [i|sops --encrypt --input-type dotenv #{decodedFile} > #{encodedFile}|]
selectDecodedFiles :: [String] -> [String]
selectDecodedFiles = filter (=~ decodedFilePattern)
decodedFilePattern :: String
decodedFilePattern = [r|^\.env\.[[:alpha:]]+\.local$|]
proxyDatabase :: IO ()
proxyDatabase = do
dbinstance <- getEnv "BUZZAR_DB_INSTANCE"
stateDir <- getEnv "DEVENV_STATE"
let backendServiceAccount = "" :: String
let postgresUsername = dropSuffix "" backendServiceAccount
let workingDir = stateDir ++ "/" ++ "cloud-sql-proxy"
createDirectoryIfMissing True workingDir
putStrLn "Starting database proxy..."
putStrLn [i|Database instance: #{dbinstance}|]
logWarn "Make sure the database instance has a public ip address, which is disabled by default! Enable it in `/infrastructure/`"
logWarn "Connect to the database via for example:"
putStrLn [i|psql "host= sslmode=disable dbname=buzzar-v2-staging user=#{postgresUsername}"|]
setSGR [Reset]
let credentialsFile = workingDir ++ "/credentials.json"
callCommand [i|gcloud iam service-accounts keys create #{credentialsFile} --iam-account=#{backendServiceAccount}|]
callCommand [i|cloud-sql-proxy --credentials-file #{credentialsFile} #{dbinstance} --auto-iam-authn|]
executePromotion :: PromoteOptions -> IO ()
executePromotion PromoteOptions{..} = do
rootDir <- getEnv "DEVENV_ROOT"
let imageSelectFile = rootDir ++ "/k8s/overlays/production/image-select.yaml"
putStrLn "Promoting main branch to production..."
-- 1. Assert that the current branch is main.
branch <- currentBranch
assertBranch branch "main"
-- 2. Assert that the working directory is clean.
isDirty <- isDirty
assertCleanWorkingDirectory allowDirty isDirty
-- 3. Assert that the remote main branch is up-to-date.
-- 4. tag the current commit with the semver from gitversion
VersionInfo{..} <- getGitVersion
-- 5. Set spec.policy.semver.range to the new semver ^{major}.x in $DEVENV_ROOT/k8s/overlays/production/image-select.yaml via yq
putStrLn [i|Patching production to #{major}|]
callCommand [i|yq --inplace '(select(.spec.policy.semver.range) | .spec.policy.semver.range) = "^#{major}.x"' #{imageSelectFile}|]
fileChanged <- fileChanged imageSelectFile
when fileChanged $ do
callCommand [i|git add #{imageSelectFile}|]
callCommand [i|git commit -m "⏫ Patch production to #{major}"|]
-- 6. Generate a changelog from the last tag to the current commit
let changelogFile = rootDir ++ "/"
generateChangelog changelogFile semVer
callCommand [i|git add #{changelogFile}|]
callCommand [i|git commit -m "🏆 Promote production to v#{semVer}"|]
callCommand [i|git tag v#{semVer}|]
callCommand [i|git switch release|]
-- 7. Merge main to release ff-only
callCommand [i|git merge main --ff-only|]
callCommand [i|git switch main|]
unless noPush $ do
-- 8. Push the tag and the updated branches to the remote
callCommand [i|git push origin v#{semVer}|]
callCommand [i|git push origin main|]
callCommand [i|git push origin release|]
assertBranch :: String -> String -> IO ()
assertBranch current target = do
if current == target
then return ()
else error [i|You can only promote from the #{target} branch. You are currently on #{current}.|]
currentBranch :: IO String
currentBranch = strip <$> readProcess "git" ["rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"] ""
isDirty :: IO Bool
isDirty = do
status <- readProcess "git" ["status", "--porcelain"] ""
return $ status /= ""
fileChanged :: String -> IO Bool
fileChanged file = do
status <- readProcess "git" ["status", "--porcelain", file] ""
return $ status /= ""
currentSha :: IO String
currentSha = strip <$> readProcess "git" ["rev-parse", "HEAD"] ""
assertCleanWorkingDirectory :: Bool -> Bool -> IO ()
assertCleanWorkingDirectory allowDirty isDirty = do
if not isDirty
then return ()
if allowDirty
then logWarn "Working directory is dirty, but continuing anyway."
else error "You have uncommitted changes in your working directory."
assertBranchIsUpToDate :: IO ()
assertBranchIsUpToDate = do
branch <- currentBranch
localRev <- strip <$> readProcess "git" ["rev-parse", branch] ""
remoteRev <- strip <$> readProcess "git" ["rev-parse", [i|origin/#{branch}|]] ""
if localRev == remoteRev
then return ()
else error "Your local branch is not up-to-date with the remote branch."
generateChangelog :: String -> String -> IO ()
generateChangelog changelogFile semver = callCommand [i|git cliff --output #{changelogFile} --tag #{semver} |]
getGitVersion :: IO VersionInfo
getGitVersion = do
gitversion <- readProcess "gitversion" [] ""
let versionInfo = decode (BL.pack gitversion) :: Maybe VersionInfo
case versionInfo of
Just info -> return info
Nothing -> error "Could not parse gitversion output."
logWithColor :: Color -> String -> IO ()
logWithColor color str = do
setSGR [SetColor Foreground Dull color]
putStrLn str
setSGR [Reset]
logWarn :: String -> IO ()
logWarn = logWithColor Yellow
logError :: String -> IO ()
logError = logWithColor Red
strip :: String -> String
strip = dropWhileEnd isSpace . dropWhile isSpace
-- | Get the version info from gitversion
data VersionInfo = VersionInfo
{ major :: Int
, minor :: Int
, patch :: Int
, semVer :: String
, branchName :: String
, escapedBranchName :: String
, sha :: String
, shortSha :: String
, commitDate :: String
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON VersionInfo where
parseJSON =
genericParseJSON $
{ fieldLabelModifier = toCamelCase
toCamelCase :: String -> String
toCamelCase (x : xs) = toUpper x : xs
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