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Last active May 10, 2023 18:41
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Buzzer API

Buzzar backend-v2

The backend provides two APIs: a REST API and a WebSocket API. To perform any actions on the game, a client must first utilize the REST API to establish a new game or join an existing one. This will provide the necessary credentials. Once the credentials are obtained, the client can connect to the WebSocket API to execute game related commands and receive game state updates.


POST /api/game

Request the creation of a new game.


Field Type Description Required
title string Refers to the name of the game that will be shown in the game room. No
description string Refers to the text that describes the game and will be displayed in the game room. No
targetWords string[] A set of words that, when detected in a user's alias, will trigger the Demotivation Algorithm™ to discourage or dishearten that user. No
    "title": "Game Title",
    "description": "Game Description",
    "targetWords": ["MD", "hamster"]


Field Type Description
gameCode string Refers to the code specific to the game that is utilized to identify and participate in the game.
adminKey string This key serves as a verification method to confirm that any actions taken are authorized by the game admin. It is important to keep this key confidential throughout the duration of the game.
    "gameCode": "013237",
    "adminKey": "00222a64-f9b5-4818-942c-32334ec79960"

POST /api/game/join

Request to join a game.


Field Type Description Required
alias string The username that will be displayed in the game room. Yes
gameCode string The code of the game to join. Yes
    "alias": "MDGoldhamster",
    "gameCode": "013237"
Field Type Description Required
userId string Refers to the user identifier that is essential for identifying the user in any subsequent actions. Yes
userKey string This key serves as a verification method to confirm that any actions taken are authorized by the impersonated user. It is important to keep this key confidential throughout the duration of the game. Yes
    "userId": "847afa4e-0cf5-4402-9147-929cf43a9a93",
    "userKey": "5e6fdf74-f284-4fbc-9fa8-1553c04fec0c"

WebSocket API

Before you can interact with the WebSocket API, you must establish a connection with the WebSocket server. Once connected, you can send and receive messages to and from the server.


All messages utilize JSON as their message format. The structure of the message is as follows:

Field Type Description Required
destination string The destination of the message. Yes
payload string The message payload should contain any of the supported commands. Yes


    "destination": "",
    "payload": {
        "gameCode": "013237",
        "adminKey": "00222a64-f9b5-4818-942c-32334ec79960"

Game Admin Commands

The server offers the following commands that a game admin can send.


Enabling user input refers to either unlocking the "buzz" button or permitting participants to submit answers.


Field Type Description Required
gameCode string Code of the referred game. Yes
adminKey string Admin Key of the game to verify that the action is authorized by the game admin. Yes


Disabling user input refers to either locking the "buzz" button or preventing participants to submit answers.


Field Type Description Required
gameCode string Code of the referred game. Yes
adminKey string Admin Key of the game to verify that the action is authorized by the game admin. Yes


Modify the current question type of a specific game to the designated question type.


Field Type Description Required
gameCode string Code of the referred game. Yes
adminKey string Admin Key of the game to verify that the action is authorized by the game admin. Yes
questionType string The question type to change to. Allowed values are (Buzz or Question). Yes


Display the answers submitted by participants in a particular game.


Field Type Description Required
gameCode string Code of the referred game. Yes
adminKey string Admin Key of the game to verify that the action is authorized by the game admin. Yes


Hide the answers submitted by participants in a particular game.


Field Type Description Required
gameCode string Code of the referred game. Yes
adminKey string Admin Key of the game to verify that the action is authorized by the game admin. Yes


Increase the points of a participant in a particular game by 1.


Field Type Description Required
gameCode string Code of the referred game. Yes
adminKey string Admin Key of the game to verify that the action is authorized by the game admin. Yes
userId string Id of the participant to increase points for. Yes


Decrease the points of a participant in a particular game by 1.


Field Type Description Required
gameCode string Code of the referred game. Yes
adminKey string Admin Key of the game to verify that the action is authorized by the game admin. Yes
userId string Id of the participant to decrease points for. Yes


Modify the tags of a participant in a particular game.


Field Type Description Required
gameCode string Code of the referred game. Yes
adminKey string Admin Key of the game to verify that the action is authorized by the game admin. Yes
userId string Id of the participant to decrease points for. Yes
tags string[] The tags to change to. Yes

Game Participant Commands

The server offers the following commands that a game participant can send.


Submit a buzz of a participant in a particular game.


Field Type Description Required
gameCode string Code of the referred game. Yes
adminKey string Admin Key of the game to verify that the action is authorized by the game admin. Yes
userId string Id of the participant that buzzed. Yes


Submit an answer of a participant in a particular game.



Field Type Description Required
gameCode string Code of the referred game. Yes
adminKey string Admin Key of the game to verify that the action is authorized by the game admin. Yes
userId string Id of the participant that submitted the answered. Yes
text string The answer that was submitted. Yes


Signals that the participant in a particular game is still active.



Field Type Description Required
gameCode string Code of the referred game. Yes
adminKey string Admin Key of the game to verify that the action is authorized by the game admin. Yes
userId string Id of the participant that sent the heartbeat. Yes

Game Events

The server offers the following events that a client can subscribe to.


After every game state modification, a game state update is disseminated. The game state changes whenever a command dispatched to the server has been successfully executed.


Field Type Description
gameCode string Code of the referred game.
type string Current question type of the game. Possible values are (Buzz or Question).
hideAnswers boolean Whether or not answers should be visible.
inputEnabled boolean Whether or not user input should be enabled.
participants Participant[] List of participants of the game.
buzzes Buzz[] List of buzzes of the game.
answers Answer[] List of answers of the game.
Field Type Description
id string Id of the participant.
alias string Alias of the participant.
points int Points of the participant.
tags string[] Tags of the participant.
isConnected boolean Whether or not the participant is still active. Will be true if a heart beat was recieved during the max timeout interval - otherwise false.
Field Type Description
id string Id of the participant.
alias string Alias of the participant.
Field Type Description
user Participant.Minimal The participant that buzzed.
buzzedAt string Time when the participant hit the buzz button.
offsetMilliseconds int The time difference, in milliseconds, between the current buzz and the first buzz.
Field Type Description
user Participant.Minimal The participant that answered.
text string The answer the participant submitted.
    "gameCode": "013237",
    "type": "Buzz",
    "hideAnswers": false,
    "inputEnabled": true,
    "participants": [
            "id": "efe825e7-c719-471b-8d37-0d0863eb9478",
            "alias": "MDGoldhamster",
            "points": -5,
            "tags": ["🔨"],
            "isConnected": true
            "id": "68536286-9096-416d-a273-b7bd5c1d228b",
            "alias": "Matsuyama",
            "points": 99,
            "tags": ["🔨", "👑"],
            "isConnected": true
    "buzzes": [
            "user": {
                "id": "68536286-9096-416d-a273-b7bd5c1d228b",
                "alias": "Matsuyama"
            "buzzedAt": "2020-05-03T20:00:00.000Z",
            "offsetMilliseconds": 0
            "user": {
                "id": "efe825e7-c719-471b-8d37-0d0863eb9478",
                "alias": "MDGoldhamster"
            "buzzedAt": "2020-05-03T20:00:01.000Z",
            "offsetMilliseconds": 1000
    "answers": [
            "user": {
                "id": "68536286-9096-416d-a273-b7bd5c1d228b",
                "alias": "Matsuyama"
            "text": "correct answer"
            "user": {
                "id": "efe825e7-c719-471b-8d37-0d0863eb9478",
                "alias": "MDGoldhamster"
            "text": "bullshit answer"
type GameType = 'Buzz' | 'Question';
export interface GameState {
gameCode: string;
type: GameType;
hideAnswers: boolean;
inputEnabled: boolean;
participants: Participant[];
buzzes: Buzz[];
answers: Answer[];
interface Participant {
id: string;
alias: string;
points: number;
tags: string[];
isConnected: boolean;
interface ParticipantMinimal {
id: string;
alias: string;
interface Buzz {
user: ParticipantMinimal;
buzzedAt: string;
offsetMilliseconds: number;
interface Answer {
user: ParticipantMinimal;
text: string;
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