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Created October 21, 2018 14:15
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; File Created by KCC : free open source ANSI-C Compiler
; Version 3.4.1 #9072 (Mac OS X x86_64)
.globl _main
.globl _get_lcd_lock
.globl _draw_string
.globl _screen_draw
.globl _screen_clear
.globl _screen_allocate
.area _RSEG (ABS)
.org 0x0000
.area _CODE
.map main.c, 6, "void main() {"
.map main.c, 8, "get_lcd_lock();"
call _get_lcd_lock
.map main.c, 9, "screen = screen_allocate();"
call _screen_allocate
.map main.c, 10, "screen_clear(screen);"
push hl
push hl
call _screen_clear
pop af
pop hl
.map main.c, 11, "draw_string(screen, 0, 0, "Hello world!");"
ld bc, #___str_0+0
push hl
push bc
xor a, a
push af
inc sp
xor a, a
push af
inc sp
push hl
call _draw_string
ld hl, #6
add hl, sp
ld sp, hl
pop hl
.map main.c, 12, "screen_draw(screen);"
push hl
call _screen_draw
pop af
.map main.c, 13, "while (1);"
jp 00102$
.map main.c, 14, "}"
.area _CABS (ABS)
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