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Created October 14, 2022 18:42
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Remote DOM in Python
import json
import threading
from functools import wraps
__all__ = ['Commands', 'Node', 'MessageQueue', 'Pipe', 'Constants',
'StyleAttributes', 'SupportedEvents', 'EventDOMNodeAttributes']
def delay(delay=0.):
Decorator delaying the execution of a function of a while
def wrap(f):
def delayed(*args, **kwargs):
timer = threading.Timer(delay, f, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
return timer
return delayed
return wrap
class setterproperty(object):
def __init__(self, func, doc=None):
self.func = func
self.__doc__ = doc if doc is not None else func.__doc__
def __set__(self, obj, value):
return self.func(obj, value)
Node = type('Node', (object,), {
Commands = type('Commands', (object,), {
x: x for x in (
Constants = type('Constants', (object,), {
x: x for x in (
index = 0
class Pipe(object):
def __init__(self, channel, handler): = channel
def message_handler(ev):
message = None
message = json.loads(
except TypeError:
if Constants.REMOTE_DOM in message:
handler(message[Constants.REMOTE_DOM])'message', message_handler)
def postMessage(self, messages):{Constants.REMOTE_DOM: messages}))
class MessagesQueue(object):
def __init__(self):
self.queue = []
self.index = id(self)
self.pipe = None
self.timer = None
def push(self, message):
def setPipe(self, channel, handler, timerFunction = None):
self.pipe = Pipe(channel, handler)
if timerFunction:
self.timerFunction = timerFunction
def callback(cb):
self.timerFunction = callback
def schedule(self):
if not self.timer and not self.pipe:
self.timer = self.timerFunction(self.flushQueue)
def flushQueue(self):
self.timer = None
if not self.pipe or not self.queue:
self.queue = []
EventDOMNodeAttribute = [
StyleAttributes = [
SupportedEvents = ['onreadystatechange',
from functools import partial
from collections import defaultdict
from common import (
Node, Commands, Constants, MessagesQueue, StyleAttributes,
EventDOMNodeAttribute, SupportedEvents, setterproperty, index
__all__ = ['window', 'document', 'populateGlobalScope', 'createContainer',
def tree(): return defaultdict(tree)
queue = MessagesQueue()
eventsByTypeAndTarget = tree()
connectedElementsByIndex = {}
index = 0
def addToQueue(command, host, *args):
queue.push([command] + list(args) + [host])
def staticpartial(func, *args, **keywords):
return staticmethod(partial(func, *args, **keywords))
class MetaRemoteStyle(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
for k in StyleAttributes:
def setter(self, val):
addToQueue(Commands.setStyle,, [self._index, k, val])
self[k] = val
setter.__name__ = k
def getter(self):
return self.get(k)
getter.__name__ = k
attrs[k] = property(setter, getter)
return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
class RemoteStyle(dict):
__metaclass__ = MetaRemoteStyle
def __init__(self, index, values=None):
self._index = index
class RemoteNodeInternal(object):
def __init__(self, nodeType, val):
self.nodeType = nodeType
self._index = id(self)
self._host = None
self.parentNode = None
self.childNodes = []
self._value = val
def __repr__(self):
return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}(nodeType={self.nodeType!r}, index:{self._index!r})>'
toString = __repr__
def children(self):
return self.childNodes
def firstChild(self):
return self.childNodes[0] if self.childNodes else None
def nextSibling(self):
if not self.parentNode:
return None
elif not self.parentNode.childNodes:
return None
elif self not in self.parentNode.childNodes:
return None
idx = self.parentNode.childNodes.index(self)
if idx == len(self.parentNode.childNodes) - 1:
return None
return self.parentNode.childNodes[idx + 1]
def prevSibling(self):
if not self.parentNode:
return None
elif not self.parentNode.childNodes:
return None
elif self not in self.parentNode.childNodes:
return None
idx = self.parentNode.childNodes.index(self)
if idx == len(self.parentNode.childNodes) - 1:
return None
return self.parentNode.childNodes[idx + 1]
def owerDocument(self):
return NotImplemented
def host(self, val):
if bool(val) == bool(self._host):
self._host = val
if val:
connectedElementsByIndex[self._index] = self
del connectedElementsByIndex[self._index]
for child in self.childNodes: = val
def appendChild(self, child):
addToQueue(Commands.appendChild, self._host, [self._index, child._index])
childrenToAppend = child.childNodes \
if child.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE else [child]
for childNode in childrenToAppend:
childNode.parentNode = self = self._host
return child
def insertBefore(self, child, refChild=None):
if not child:
raise ValueError('No child')
idx = self.childNodes.index(refChild)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node': "
"The node before which the new node is to be inserted is not "
"a child of this node.")
addToQueue(Commands.insertBefore, self._host, [self._index,
child._index, refChild._index if refChild else None ])
childreToInsert = child.childNodes \
if child.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE else [child]
for childNode in childreToInsert:
self.childNodes.insert(idx, child)
childNode.parentNode = self = self._host
idx += 1
return child
def removeChild(self, child):
addToQueue(Commands.removeChild, self._host, [self._index, child._index])
if child in self.childNodes:
self.childNodes.remove(child) = None
def replaceChild(self, newChild, oldChild):
if oldChild not in self.childNodes:
raise ValueError("Faile to execute 'replaceChild' on 'Node': "
"The node to be replaced is not child of this node.")
addToQueue(Commands.replaceChild, self._host, [self._index,
newChild._index, oldChild._index])
childrenToInsert = newChild.childNodes \
if newChild.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE else [newChild]
idx = self.childNodes.index(oldChild)
for childNode in childrenToInsert:
self.childNodes.insert(idx, childNode)
childNode.parentNode = self = self._host
oldChild.parentNode = None = None
def addEventListener(self, evtType, callback=None, capture=False):
if callback is None:
return partial(self.addEventListener, evtType, capture=capture)
addEventListener(self._index, self._host, evtType, callback, capture)
def removeEventListener(self, eventType, callback):
if callback is None:
return partial(self.addEventListener, eventType)
removeEventListener(self._index, self._host, eventType, callback)
def dispatchEvent(self, event):
dispatchEvent(self._index, self._host, event)
def value(self):
return self._value
def value(self, val):
self._value = val
addToQueue(Commands.setValue, self._host, [self._index, val])
def textContent(self, val):
if len(self.childNodes) != 1 \
or self.childNodes[0].nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE:
childTextNode = RemoteTextualNode(val)
childTextNode.parentNode = self
childTextNode._host = self._host
self.childNodes = [childTextNode]
addToQueue(Commands.textContent, self._host, [self._index, val,
def invokeNative(self, name, args):
addToQueue(Commands.invokeNative, self._host, [self._index, name, args])
class MetaRemoteNode(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
for evtType in SupportedEvents:
def getter(self):
return self._eventHandlers.get(evtType)
def setter(self, evtHandler):
self._eventHandlers[evtType] = evtHandler
setEventListener(self._index, self._host, evtType[2:],
attrs[evtType] = property(getter, setter)
return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
class RemoteNode(RemoteNodeInternal):
__metaclass__ = MetaRemoteNode
def __init__(self, nodeType, val=None):
super().__init__(nodeType, val)
self._eventHandlers = {}
class BaseRemoteTextualNode(RemoteNode):
def __init__(self, nodeType, text):
super().__init__(nodeType, text)
self._value = text
def nodeValue(self):
return self._value
def nodeValue(self, val):
self._value = val
addToQueue(Commands.textContent, self._host, [self._index, val])
class RemoteTextualNode(BaseRemoteTextualNode):
def __init__(self, text):
super().__init__(Node.TEXT_NODE, text)
class RemoteComment(BaseRemoteTextualNode):
def __init__(self, text):
super().__init__(Node.TEXT_COMMENT, text)
class RemoteText(BaseRemoteTextualNode):
def __init__(self, text):
super().__init__(Node.TEXT_NODE, text)
class RemoteElement(RemoteNode):
def __init__(self, tagName):
self.tagName = tagName.upper()
self._style = RemoteStyle(self._index)
self._attr = {}
def nodeName(self):
return self.tagName
def setAttribute(self, k, v):
addToQueue(Commands.setAttribute, self._host, [self._index, k, v])
self._attr[k] = v
def removeAttribute(self, k):
addToQueue(Commands.removeAttribute, self._host, [self._index, k])
self._attr.pop(k, None)
def hasAttribute(self, k):
return k in self._attr
def focus(self):
addToQueue(Commands.focus, self._host, [self._index])
def setSelectionRange(self, selectionStart, selectionEnd, selectionDirection):
addToQueue(Commands.setSelectionRange, self._host, [self._index,
selectionStart, selectionEnd, selectionDirection])
def style(self):
return self._style
def style(self, val):
addToQueue(Commands.setStyle, self._host, [self._index, val])
def innerHTML(self, val):
addToQueue(Commands.innerHTML, self._host, [self._index, val])
self._innerHTML = val
def innerText(self, val):
addToQueue(Commands.innerText, self._host, [self._index, val])
class RemoteContainer(RemoteElement):
def __init__(self):
super(RemoteContainer, self).__init__('div')
self._host = self._index
class RemoteFragment(RemoteNode):
def __init__(self):
super(RemoteFragment, self).__init__(Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE)
class RemoteVideo(RemoteElement):
def __init__(self):
super(RemoteVideo, self).__init__('video')
self._src = None
def pause(self):
addToQueue(Commands.pause, self._host, [self._index])
def play(self):
addToQueue(, self._host, [self._index])
def src(self):
return self._src
def src(self, value):
self._src = value
addToQueue(Commands.src, self._host, [self._index, value])
class RemoteImage(RemoteElement):
def __init__(self):
super(RemoteImage, self).__init__('img')
self._src = None
def src(self):
return self._src
def src(self, value):
self._src = value
addToQueue(Commands.src, self._host, [self._index, value])
class RemoteInput(RemoteElement):
def __init__(self):
super(RemoteInput, self).__init__('input')
def value(self):
return self._value
def value(self, val):
self._value = val
addToQueue(Commands.setValue, self._host, [self._index, val])
class RemoteSelect(RemoteElement):
def __init__(self):
super(RemoteSelect, self).__init__('select')
def options(self):
return filter(lambda c: c.tagName.lower() == 'option', self.childNodes)
def createElement(nodeName):
if nodeName == 'video':
res = RemoteVideo()
elif nodeName == 'img':
res = RemoteImage()
elif nodeName == 'input':
res = RemoteInput()
elif nodeName == 'select':
res = RemoteSelect()
res = RemoteElement(nodeName)
addToQueue(Commands.createElement, res._host, [res._index, res.tagName])
return res
def createTextNode(text):
res = RemoteText(text)
addToQueue(Commands.createTextNode, res._host, [res._index, text])
return res
def createComment(text):
res = RemoteFragment()
addToQueue(Commands.createDocumentFragment, res._host, [res._index])
return res
def createDocumentFragment():
res = RemoteFragment()
addToQueue(Commands.createDocumentFragment, res._host, [res._index])
return res
def createContainer(name):
name = name or Constants.DEFAULT_NAME
res = RemoteContainer()
connectedElementsByIndex[res._index] = res
addToQueue(Commands.createContainer, res._host, [res._index, name])
return res
def addEventListener(target, host, evtName, callback, capture):
index += 1
eventsByTypeAndTarget[evtName][target][index] = callback
addToQueue(Commands.addEventListener, host, [target, evtName, index, capture])
def removeEventListener(target, host, evtName, callback):
evts = eventsByTypeAndTarget[evtName][target]
for k, v in evts.items():
if v == callback:
idx = k
del evts[idx]
addToQueue(Commands.removeEventListener, host, [target, evtName, index])
def setEventListener(target, host, evtName, evtHandler):
if evtHandler and INLINE_EVENT not in eventsByTypeAndTarget[evtName][target]:
addToQueue(Commands.addEventListener, host, [target, evtName,
elif not evtHandler and INLINE_EVENT in eventsByTypeAndTarget[evtName][target]:
addToQueue(Commands.removeEventListener, host, [target, evtName, INLINE_EVENT])
eventsByTypeAndTarget[evtName][target][INLINE_EVENT] = evtHandler
def dispatchEvent(target, host, event):
addToQueue(Commands.dispatchEvent, host, [target, event._type,
event._eventInit, getattr(event, '_isCustom', False)])
def updateConnectedElement(index, eventData):
if index in connectedElementsByIndex and index in eventData:
def handleMessagesFromPipe(messages):
for msg in messages:
evtIntent = msg[0]
if evtIntent == Constants.INIT:
#InitMsgPromiseResolver and initMsgPromiseResolver()
eventData = msg[1]
for index in eventData:
updateConnectedElement(index, eventData)
evtTarget = msg[1]
evtName = msg[2]
evtJSON = msg[3]
if 'extraData' in evtJSON:
for index in evtJSON['extraData']:
updateConnectedElement(index, evtJSON['extraData'])
for field in EventDOMNodeAttribute:
if field in evtJSON:
if isinstance(evtJSON[field], list):
evtJSON[field] = map(
lambda val: connectedElementsByIndex[val],
evtJSON[field] = connectedElementsByIndex[evtJSON[field]]
if evtName in eventsByTypeAndTarget \
and evtTarget in eventsByTypeAndTarget[evtName]:
for callback in eventsByTypeAndTarget[evtName][evtTarget].values():
def setChannel(channel, timerFunction=None):
#initMsgPromise = Promise(lambda resolve: globals().update({'initMsgPromiseResolver': resolve}))
queue.setPipe(channel, handleMessagesFromPipe, timerFunction)
#return initMsgPromise
def Image(width, height):
imgNode = document.createElement('img')
imgNode.setAttribute('width', width)
imgNode.setAttribute('height', height)
return imgNode
def populateGlobalScope(scope):
scope.window = window
scope.document = document
scope.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame
scope.Image = Image
document = type('document', (object,), dict(list(dict({
'createElement': staticmethod(createElement),
'createTextNode': staticmethod(createTextNode),
'createComment': staticmethod(createComment),
'createDocumentFragment': staticmethod(createDocumentFragment),
'addEventListener': staticpartial(
addEventListener, target=Constants.DOCUMENT, host=None),
'removeEventListener': staticpartial(
removeEventListener, target=Constants.DOCUMENT, host=None),
'documentElement': RemoteElement('html'),
'dispatchEvent': staticpartial(
dispatchEvent, target=Constants.DOCUMENT, host=None)
}).items()) + [
(k, staticpartial(
addEventListener, target=Constants.DOCUMENT,
host=None, evtName=k[2:]))
for k in SupportedEvents])
class Event(object):
def __init__(self, typeArg, eventInit):
self._type = typeArg
self._eventInit = eventInit
class CustomEvent(Event):
def __init__(self, typeArg, eventInit):
super(CustomEvent, self).__init__(typeArg, eventInit)
self._isCustom = True
window = type('window', (object,), {
'Event': Event,
'CustomEvent': CustomEvent,
'dispatchEvent': staticpartial(
dispatchEvent, target=Constants.WINDOW, host=None),
'addEventListener': staticpartial(
dispatchEvent, target=Constants.WINDOW, host=None),
'removeEventListener': staticpartial(
removeEventListener, target=Constants.WINDOW, host=None),
'document': document,
'location': type('location', (object,), {
'href': 'https://localhost',
'protocol': 'https:'
'navigator': type('navigator', (object,), {
'userAgent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/54.0.2840.98 Safari/537.36',
'history': {},
#'requestAnimationFrame': setTimeout,
#'cancelAnimationFrame': clearTimeout,
'Image': Image,
'top': None
}) = window
connectedElementsByIndex[Constants.WINDOW] = window
connectedElementsByIndex[Constants.DOCUMENT] = document
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