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Created March 12, 2013 18:15
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# This widget requires jQuery-iMask to run
def numeric_widget_factory():
import locale, string, random
from gluon.sqlhtml import StringWidget
from gluon import current
from gluon.http import HTTP
T = current.T
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
loc = locale.localeconv()
DECIMAL_PLACES = loc.get('frac_digits', None) or 2
DECIMAL_SEPARATOR = loc.get('decimal_point', None) or '.'
THOUSAND_PLACES = loc.get('grouping', [3,0])[0]
THOUSAND_SEPARATOR = loc.get('thousands_sep', None) or ','
lib = URL(c='static', f='js/jquery-imask.js');
basescripts = ["""
;/* Plugin jQuery para o agendamento da execucao de uma determinada acao
no instante em que o objeto passar a existir */
$.fn.onAvailable = function(fn){
var self = this, sel = this.selector, timer;
if (this.length > 0) {;
} else {
timer = setInterval(function(){
if ($(sel).length > 0) {;
}, 50);
;function maskNumberThis(uid){
$('input[uid="' + uid + '"]').onAvailable(function(){
var element = $('input[uid="' + uid + '"]');
if (!'masked')){
'type': 'number',
'decDigits': parseFloat('decimal_places')),
'groupDigits': parseFloat('thousand_places'))
if not lib in response.files:
response.js = (response.js or '')
for basescript in basescripts:
if not basescript in response.js:
response.js += basescript.strip()
# Cria uma string randomica - útil para identificadores
UID = lambda length=8: ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters+string.digits) for x in range(length)])
class NumericWidget(StringWidget):
_class = 'number'
def widget(cls, field, value, **attributes):
#remove todos os caracters que não compõem um decimal
fin = lambda data: str(data).replace(THOUSAND_SEPARATOR, '').replace(DECIMAL_SEPARATOR, '.').strip() or '0.00' if data else None
if request.vars:
if request.vars[]:
request.vars[] = fin(request.vars[])
uid = UID()
defaults = {
'_uid': uid,
attr = cls._attributes(field, defaults, **attributes)
script = ";maskNumberThis(%s);"%`uid`
if not script in response.js:
response.js += script
return StringWidget.widget(field, fin(value), **attr)
return NumericWidget.widget
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