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Last active March 27, 2017 07:34
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function depends_of(calculated_field, dependant_fields, calculation_function) {
if (calculated_field.indexOf(".") === -1) {
var doctype = cur_frm.doctype,
target_field = calculated_field
} else {
var doctype = calculated_field.split(".")[0],
target_field = calculated_field.split(".")[0],
if (!Array.isArray(dependant_fields)) dependand_fields = [dependant_fields];
var depencies ={
if (typeof(dependency) === "string"){
if (dependency.indexOf(".") === -1){
return [doctype, dependency];
return dependency.split(".").splice(0,2);
function hook(frm, cdt, cdn){
var doc = cur_frm.doc, child = locals[cdt][cdn],
not_satisfied = dependencies.filter(function(field){
if (field[0] === cdt && !child[field[1]]) return true;
if (field[1] === frm.doctype && !doc[field[1]]) return true;
return false; // maybe the field dont match with the child doctype or master doctype
if (not_satisfied.lenght === 0){
var calculated_value = calculation_function(frm, cdt, cdn);
if (doctype === frm.doctype){
frm.set_value(target_field, calculated_value);
} else if (doctype === cdt) {
frappe.model.set_value(cdt, cdn, target_field, calculated_value);
} else {
console.log("You reached at the limitation of this function!\nThis function only can update a value into the active parent doctype or the current child doctype!")
} catch (e){
console.log("Ops an error occurred while doing the calculation of the value!");
frappe.ui.form.on(row[0], row[1], hook); // hooking the delegator method
// One applied example of use!
// See this discussion
// See now how it can be simplified!
depends_of("area", ["length", "width"], function(frm, cdt, cdn){
return flt(frm.doc.length* frm.doc.width);
// Another example is when the fields into a child table, should update a master doctype
// Let me do an example, with the Sales Order in mind
depends_of("Sales Order.amount_qty", "Sales Order Item"."qty", function(frm, cdt, cdn){
var total_qty = 0;
total_qty += cint(row.qty);
return total_qty;
// An extremely complex example!
depends_of("NFe Produto.icms_st_total", [
["NFe.total_frete", "NFe.total_seguro", "NFe.total_outros", "NFe", "NFe Produto.desconto", "NFe Produto.aliquota_icms"],
function(frm, cdt, cdn){
var child = locals[cdt][cdn],
base_icms_inter = (frm.doc.total_frete + frm.doc.total_seguro + frm.doc.total_outros - child.desconto);
return base_icms_inter * (child.aliquota_icms / 100.0);
// Remembers that for this function work properly the calculation function should return any value!
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