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Last active March 30, 2020 04:36
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Covid-19 positive cases & hospitalization vs. testing density per 1M (uses API)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>COVID-19 testing progress based on</title>
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<div><b>Daily values</b></div>
<div class="legend top"><span>+</span> % tested positive&emsp;<span>⨉</span> % hospitalized&emsp;<span>hover over markers or click on the map to highlight by state</span></div>
<div class="legend bottom">Number of people tested per 1,000,000 of the state population</div>
<script src="./chart.js"></script>
"use strict";
const population = {
AL: 4903185, AK: 731545, AZ: 7278717, AR: 3017804, CA: 39512223, CO: 5758736, CT: 3565287, DE: 973764, DC: 705749, FL: 21477737, GA: 10617423,
HI: 1415872, ID: 1787065, IL: 12671821, IN: 6732219, IA: 3155070, KS: 2913314, KY: 4467673, LA: 4648794, ME: 1344212, MD: 6045680, MA: 6892503,
MI: 9986857, MN: 5639632, MS: 2976149, MO: 6137428, MT: 1068778, NE: 1934408, NV: 3080156, NH: 1359711, NJ: 8882190, NM: 2096829, NY: 19453561,
NC: 10488084, ND: 762062, OH: 11689100, OK: 3956971, OR: 4217737, PA: 12801989, RI: 1059361, SC: 5148714, SD: 884659, TN: 6829174, TX: 28995881,
UT: 3205958, VT: 623989, VA: 8535519, WA: 7614893, WV: 1792147, WI: 5822434, WY: 578759
function logScale(lo, hi) {
lo = Math.log(lo);
hi = Math.log(hi) - lo;
return v => Math.round( 1000 * (Math.log(v) - lo) / hi );
const vScale = logScale(1, 0.0001), hScale = logScale(1, 100000);
async function dataset() {
const rsp = await fetch('');
if(!rsp.ok) {
console.error(await rsp.text());
throw Error(`${rsp.status} ${rsp.statusText}`);
return rsp.json();
const highlight = (
(fadeout, highlighted) => state => {
if(state && fadeout) {
fadeout = null;
if(highlighted!=state) {
if(highlighted) {
if(state) {
highlightTrail(highlighted = state);
} else if(!fadeout) {
fadeout = setTimeout( () => {
document.body.className = '';
highlightTrail(fadeout = highlighted = null);
}, 2000 );
} else {
highlightTrail(highlighted = state);
document.body.className = 'show';
async function loadMap() {
rsp = await fetch(''),
text = await rsp.text();
if(!rsp.ok) {
throw Error(`${rsp.status} ${rsp.statusText}`);
const svg = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(text, 'image/svg+xml');
document.getElementById('map').innerHTML = svg.documentElement.innerHTML;
function loadCss() {
{stateColors} = window,
style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = Object.keys(stateColors).map(
state => `
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.pane> path#${state}, .pane> path#${state}- { fill: #${stateColors[state]} !important; }`
let all;
dataset().then( ds => {
all = ds.reduce(
(all, {state, positive, negative, pending, hospitalized, deathIncrease, hospitalizedIncrease, positiveIncrease, totalTestResultsIncrease}) => {
{pos=[], hsp=[], raw=[]} = all[state] || {},
tested = (positive||0) + (negative||0) + (pending||0);
if(positive && population[state]) {
const rate = hScale( 1000000 * tested / population[state] );
tested: totalTestResultsIncrease,
dead: deathIncrease,
positive: positiveIncrease,
hospitalized: hospitalizedIncrease
if(rate>=0) {
pos.unshift( [rate, vScale(positive/tested)] );
hsp.unshift( [rate, vScale(hospitalized/tested)] );
all[state] = {pos, hsp, raw}
return all;
}, {}
document.getElementById('data').innerHTML = Object.keys(all).map(
state => `<g class="trail ${state}">` + markers(all[state].pos, 'pos-rate', state) + markers(all[state].hsp, 'hsp-rate', state) + '</g>'
} );
document.getElementById('data').addEventListener('mouseover', ({target}) => highlight(findParentWithClass(target, /\btrail\s*/)));
document.getElementById('data').addEventListener('mouseout', ({target}) => { if(findParentWithClass(target, /\btrail\s*/)) highlight(null); });
loadMap().then( () => {
document.getElementById('map').addEventListener('click', ({target}) => highlight(mapStateId(target)));
document.getElementById('map').addEventListener('mouseout', ({target: {tagName}}) => { if(tagName.toLowerCase()=='svg') highlight(null); });
} );
function markers(pts, mk, state) {
return pts.length ?[x,y]) => `<use href="#${mk}" x="${x}" y="${y}" />`).join('')
+ `<polyline fill="none" points="${ => xy.join(',')).join(' ')}" />`
+ text(pts[pts.length-1], state)
: '';
function text([x, y], str) {
return `<text x="${x}" y="${y}">${str}</text>`;
function findParentWithClass(elt, cls_regex) {
while(elt && elt.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'svg')
return elt.className.baseVal.replace(cls_regex, '').substr(0, 2);
elt = elt.parentNode;
return null;
function fillPopup(state) {
document.getElementById('stateLabel').innerHTML = state;
document.getElementById('upper').innerHTML = barChart(all[state].raw, -300, 'tested', 'positive');
document.getElementById('lower').innerHTML = barChart(all[state].raw, 100, 'hospitalized', 'dead');
function barChart(data, height, ...fields) {
maxValue = fields.reduce( (sofar, field) => Math.max(sofar, Math.max( => x[field]))), 0 ),
width = Math.min( Math.floor(400/data.length), 9 ) - 2;
return maxValue ?
field => ({[field]: value}, i) => {
const h = height * value/maxValue;
return `<rect class="${field}" x="${400 - (i+1)*width}" y="${Math.min(0, h)}" width="${width-2}" height="${Math.abs(h)}" />`;
} ).join('')
).join('') +
field => {
maxFieldValue = Math.max( => x[field])),
h = height * maxFieldValue/maxValue;
return maxFieldValue ? ({[field]: value}, i) => {
if(value==maxFieldValue) {
maxFieldValue = -1;
return `<text x="${400 - i*width - (width+2)/2}" y="${h}">${value}</text>`;
} else return '';
} ).join('') : '';
).join('') : '';
function mapStateId({id}) {
const [, state] = /^([A-Z]{2})-?$/.exec(id) || [];
return state;
function highlightTrail(setState) {
elt => {
const [, state, hilite] = /^trail (..)( hilite)?$/.exec(elt.className.baseVal);
if(hilite && setState!=state)
elt.className.baseVal = `trail ${state}`;
else if(!hilite && setState==state)
elt.className.baseVal = `trail ${state} hilite`;
var stateColors = {
"AL": "b0c0e0",
"AK": "b0c0e0",
"AZ": "b0c0e0",
"AR": "b0c0e0",
"CA": "f08080",
"CO": "b0c0e0",
"CT": "f08080",
"DE": "b0c0e0",
"DC": "b0c0e0",
"FL": "b0c0e0",
"GA": "b0c0e0",
"HI": "b0c0e0",
"ID": "b0c0e0",
"IL": "f08080",
"IN": "b0c0e0",
"IA": "b0c0e0",
"KS": "b0c0e0",
"KY": "b0c0e0",
"LA": "f08080",
"ME": "b0c0e0",
"MD": "b0c0e0",
"MA": "b0c0e0",
"MI": "f08080",
"MN": "b0c0e0",
"MS": "b0c0e0",
"MO": "b0c0e0",
"MT": "b0c0e0",
"NE": "b0c0e0",
"NV": "b0c0e0",
"NH": "b0c0e0",
"NJ": "f08080",
"NM": "b0c0e0",
"NY": "f08080",
"NC": "b0c0e0",
"ND": "b0c0e0",
"OH": "b0c0e0",
"OK": "b0c0e0",
"OR": "b0c0e0",
"PA": "b0c0e0",
"RI": "b0c0e0",
"SC": "b0c0e0",
"SD": "b0c0e0",
"TN": "b0c0e0",
"TX": "b0c0e0",
"UT": "b0c0e0",
"VA": "b0c0e0",
"VT": "b0c0e0",
"WA": "b0c0e0",
"WV": "b0c0e0",
"WI": "b0c0e0",
"WY": "b0c0e0"
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