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Forked from vszakats/
Created June 28, 2022 07:56
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Code-signing PE executables using OpenSSL, osslsigncode (and more)
# To the extent possible under law, Viktor Szakats (
# has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this
# script.
# CC0 -
# This script will create a self-signed root certificate, along with a code
# signing certificate in various formats, trying to use the best available
# crypto/practice all along. Then, it will create a test executable and code
# sign it using both osslsigncode and signtool.exe (on Windows only) and
# verify those signature using osslsigncode and sigcheck.exe (on Windows only).
# Requires:
# openssl 1.1.x, gpg, osslsigncode 2.1.0, GNU tail, base58
# Mac:
# brew install openssl gnupg osslsigncode coreutils
# Win:
# pacman --sync openssl gnupg mingw-w64-{i686,x86_64}-osslsigncode
# sigcheck64.exe:
# curl --user-agent '' --remote-name --remote-time --xattr
# signtool.exe:
# part of Windows SDK
# - .pem is a format, "Privacy Enhanced Mail", text, base64-encoded binary
# (with various twists, if encrypted)
# - .der is a format, Distinguished Encoding Rules for ASN.1, binary
# - .crt/.cer denote a certificate or multiple certificates
# - .csr is certificate signing request, DER format.
# - .srl is serial number (for certificate generation)
# - .pfx is Microsoft name for .p12
# = PKCS #12 = encrypted certificate(s) + private keys, DER format.
# Strictly PKCS #12-compliant systems (like MS/Apple tools) only
# understand weakly encrypted, standard .p12 files. OpenSSL-based
# tools (like osslsigncode) will accept modern crypto algos as well.
# Fun read:
# - .pvk is Microsoft proprietary Private Key format, encrypted (weak crypto)
# - .spc is Microsoft name for .p7b (PKCS #7) = Software Publisher Certificate
# (or Certificate Bundle), internally it's DER format and contains
# certificates.
# - private-key ASN.1 data structure in PEM or DER format
# - public-key ASN.1 data structure in PEM or DER format, but it may also
# exist in one-liner OpenSSH key format RFC 4251.
case "$(uname)" in
alias openssl=/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/bin/openssl
readonly os='mac';;
# To find osslsigncode
readonly os='win';;
readonly os='linux';;
# Redirect stdout securely to non-world-readable files
privout() {
o="$1"; rm -f "$o"; install -m 600 /dev/null "$o"; shift
) >> "$o"
readonly base="$1"
readonly revi="$2"
readonly compname="${base}"
[ "${base}" ] || exit 1
echo "OpenSSL $(openssl version 2>/dev/null | grep -Eo -m 1 ' [0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9a-z]+')"
echo "osslsigncode $(osslsigncode -v 2>/dev/null | grep -Eo -m 1 ' [0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+')"
# C = Country
# L = Locality
# ST = State
# O = Organization
# CN = Common Name
readonly prfx="${base}_${revi}-"
readonly root="${prfx}ca"
echo '! Creating self-signed Root Certificate...'
if [ "$3" = 'rsa' ]; then
cryptopt='-algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096'
# -pkeyopt ecdsa_nonce_type:deterministic
cryptopt='-algorithm EC -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:secp384r1 -pkeyopt ec_param_enc:named_curve'
# "$(pwgen --secure 40 1)"
readonly root_pass="$(openssl rand 32 | base58)"
privout "${root}.password" \
printf '%s' "${root_pass}"
# PKCS #8 private key, encrypted, PEM format.
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
openssl genpkey ${cryptopt} -aes-256-cbc -pass "pass:${root_pass}" -out "${root}-private.pem" 2>/dev/null
privout "${root}-private.pem.asn1.txt" \
openssl asn1parse -i -in "${root}-private.pem"
# openssl pkey -in "${root}-private.pem" -passin "pass:${root_pass}" -text -noout -out "${root}-private.pem.txt"
# -cert.pem is certificate (public key + subject + signature)
openssl req -batch -verbose -new -sha256 -x509 -days 1826 -passin "pass:${root_pass}" -key "${root}-private.pem" -out "${root}-cert.pem" -config - << EOF
encrypt_key = yes
prompt = no
utf8 = yes
string_mask = utf8only
distinguished_name = dn
x509_extensions = v3_ca
subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
basicConstraints = critical, CA:TRUE, pathlen:0
keyUsage = critical, keyCertSign, cRLSign
CN = ${compname} Root CA ${revi}
openssl x509 -in "${root}-cert.pem" -text -noout -nameopt utf8 -sha256 -fingerprint > "${root}-cert.pem.x509.txt"
openssl asn1parse -i -in "${root}-cert.pem" > "${root}-cert.pem.asn1.txt"
# subordinates (don't set exactly the same 'subject' data as above)
# subordinate #1: code signing
readonly code="${prfx}code"
cat << EOF > "${code}-csr.config"
encrypt_key = yes
prompt = no
utf8 = yes
string_mask = utf8only
distinguished_name = dn
req_extensions = v3_req
subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature
# msCodeInd = Microsoft Individual Code Signing
# msCodeCom = Microsoft Commercial Code Signing
extendedKeyUsage = critical, codeSigning, msCodeInd
CN = ${compname} Code Signing Authority
echo '! Creating Code Signing Certificate...'
# "$(pwgen --secure 40 1)"
readonly code_pass="$(openssl rand 32 | base58)"
privout "${code}.password" \
printf '%s' "${code_pass}"
# PKCS #8 private key, encrypted, PEM format.
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
openssl genpkey ${cryptopt} -aes-256-cbc -pass "pass:${code_pass}" -out "${code}-private.pem" 2>/dev/null
privout "${code}-private.pem.asn1.txt" \
openssl asn1parse -i -in "${code}-private.pem"
# Do not dump a decrypted private key
# openssl pkey -in "${code}-private.pem" -passin "pass:${code_pass}" -text -noout -out "${code}-private.pem.txt"
openssl pkey -passin "pass:${code_pass}" -in "${code}-private.pem" -pubout > "${code}-public.pem"
# Play some with the public key
openssl pkey -pubin -in "${code}-public.pem" -text -noout > "${code}-public.pem.txt"
openssl asn1parse -i -in "${code}-public.pem" > "${code}-public.pem.asn1.txt"
# -csr.pem is certificate signing request
openssl req -batch -verbose -new -sha256 -passin "pass:${code_pass}" -key "${code}-private.pem" -out "${code}-csr.pem" -config "${code}-csr.config"
openssl req -batch -verbose -in "${code}-csr.pem" -text -noout -nameopt utf8 > "${code}-csr.pem.txt"
openssl asn1parse -i -in "${code}-csr.pem" > "${code}-csr.pem.asn1.txt"
# -cert.pem is certificate (public key + subject + signature)
openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 1095 \
-extfile "${code}-csr.config" -extensions v3_req \
-in "${code}-csr.pem" -passin "pass:${root_pass}" \
-CA "${root}-cert.pem" -CAkey "${root}-private.pem" -CAcreateserial -out "${code}-cert.pem"
openssl x509 -in "${code}-cert.pem" -text -noout -nameopt utf8 -sha256 -fingerprint > "${code}-cert.pem.x509.txt"
openssl asn1parse -i -in "${code}-cert.pem" > "${code}-cert.pem.asn1.txt"
# You can include/exclude the root certificate by adding/removing option: `-chain -CAfile "${root}-cert.pem"`
# PKCS #12 .p12 is private key and certificate(-chain), encrypted
openssl pkcs12 -export \
-keypbe aes-256-cbc -certpbe aes-256-cbc -macalg sha256 \
-passout "pass:${code_pass}" \
-passin "pass:${code_pass}" -inkey "${code}-private.pem" \
-in "${code}-cert.pem" \
-chain -CAfile "${root}-cert.pem" \
-out "${code}.p12"
# `-nokeys` option avoids dumping unencrypted private key (kept the output private anyway)
openssl pkcs12 -passin "pass:${code_pass}" -in "${code}.p12" -info -nodes -nokeys -out "${code}.p12.txt"
privout "${code}.p12.asn1.txt" \
openssl asn1parse -i -inform DER -in "${code}.p12"
# "$(pwgen --secure 40 1)"
# Make sure password does not start with '/'. Some tools can mistake it for
# an option.
readonly encr_pass="$(openssl rand 32 | base58)"
privout "${code}.p12.gpg.password" \
printf '%s' "${encr_pass}"
# Encrypted .p12 for distribution (ASCII, binary)
gpg --batch --verbose --yes --passphrase "${encr_pass}" \
--cipher-algo aes256 --digest-algo sha512 \
--s2k-cipher-algo aes256 --s2k-digest-algo sha512 \
--compress-algo none \
--set-filename '' \
--output "${code}.p12.asc" --armor \
--symmetric "${code}.p12" \
gpg --batch --verbose --yes --passphrase "${encr_pass}" \
--cipher-algo aes256 --digest-algo sha512 \
--s2k-cipher-algo aes256 --s2k-digest-algo sha512 \
--compress-algo none \
--set-filename '' \
--output "${code}.p12.gpg" \
--symmetric "${code}.p12"
echo '! Test signing an executable...'
# Code signing for Windows
# Recreate minimal (runnable) PE executable.
# Dump created using:
# curl --user-agent '' --doh-url "${MY_DOH_NUL}" \
# -L \
# | gzip -n9 \
# | openssl base64 -e >
# # SHA-256: 9d5efce48ed68dcb4caaa7fbecaf47ce2cab0a023afc6ceed682d1d532823773
cat << EOF | openssl base64 -d | gzip -d > test.exe
readonly test="${4:-test.exe}"
if [ -f "${test}" ]; then
find . -name "${test%.exe}-signed*.exe" -delete
readonly ts=''
# using osslsigncode
# - osslsigncode is not deterministic and it will also include all
# certificates from the .p12 file.
# It will always use `Microsoft Individual Code Signing`, regardless
# of the `extendedKeyUsage` value in the signing certificate. Can
# switch to Commercial by passing `-comm` option.
# - signtool appears to be deterministic and will exclude the root
# certificate. Root (and intermediate) cert(s) can be added via
# -ac option.
# It will honor the Commercial/Individual info in `extendedKeyUsage`.
# if both are specified, it will be Commercial,
# if none, it will be Individual.
# Ref:
rm -f "${temp}"
gpg --batch --passphrase "${encr_pass}" --output "${temp}" --decrypt "${code}.p12.asc"
case "$(uname)" in
Darwin*|*BSD) unixts="$(TZ=UTC stat -f '%m' "${test}")";;
*) unixts="$(TZ=UTC stat --format '%Y' "${test}")";;
osslsigncode sign -h sha256 \
-in "${test}" -out "${test%.exe}-signed-ossl-ts-1.exe" \
-ts "${ts}" \
-pkcs12 "${temp}" -pass "${code_pass}"
osslsigncode sign -h sha256 \
-in "${test}" -out "${test%.exe}-signed-ossl-1.exe" \
-st "${unixts}" \
-pkcs12 "${temp}" -pass "${code_pass}"
sleep 3
osslsigncode sign -h sha256 \
-in "${test}" -out "${test%.exe}-signed-ossl-2.exe" \
-st "${unixts}" \
-pkcs12 "${temp}" -pass "${code_pass}"
rm -f "${temp}"
# osslsigncode is non-deterministic, even if not specifying a timestamp
# server, because openssl PKCS #7 code will unconditionally include the
# local timestamp inside a `signingTime` PKCS #7 record.
if diff --report-identical-files --binary \
"${test%.exe}-signed-ossl-1.exe" \
"${test%.exe}-signed-ossl-2.exe" >/dev/null; then
echo '! Info: osslsigncode code signing: deterministic'
echo '! Info: osslsigncode code signing: non-deterministic'
# using signtool.exe
if [ "${os}" = 'win' ]; then
# Root CA may need to be installed as a "Trust Root Certificate".
# It has to be confirmed on a GUI dialog:
# certutil.exe -addStore -user -f 'Root' "${root}-cert.pem"
cp "${test}" "${test%.exe}-signed-ms-ts.exe"
signtool.exe sign -fd sha256 \
-f "${code}.pfx" -p "${code_pass}" \
-td sha256 -tr "${ts}" \
cp "${test}" "${test%.exe}-signed-ms-1.exe"
signtool.exe sign -fd sha256 \
-f "${code}.pfx" -p "${code_pass}" \
sleep 3
cp "${test}" "${test%.exe}-signed-ms-2.exe"
signtool.exe sign -fd sha256 \
-f "${code}.pfx" -p "${code_pass}" \
# Remove root CA:
# certutil.exe -delStore -user 'Root' "$(openssl x509 -noout -subject -in "${root}-cert.pem" | sed -n '/^subject/s/^.*CN=//p')"
# signtool.exe is deterministic, unless we specify a timestamp server
if diff --report-identical-files --binary \
"${test%.exe}-signed-ms-1.exe" \
"${test%.exe}-signed-ms-2.exe" >/dev/null; then
echo '! Info: signtool.exe code signing: deterministic'
echo '! Info: signtool.exe code signing: non-deterministic'
if osslsigncode verify -CAfile "${root}-cert.pem" "${test}" 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'Signature verification: ok'; then
echo "! Fail: unsigned exe passes: ${test}"
echo "! OK: unsigned exe fails: ${test}"
for file in "${test%.exe}"-*.exe; do
# Dump PKCS #7 signature record as PEM and as human-readable text
osslsigncode extract-signature \
-in "${file}" -pem -out "${file}.pkcs7" >/dev/null
openssl asn1parse -i -inform PEM -in "${file}.pkcs7" > "${file}.pkcs7.asn1.txt" || true
# Verify signature with osslsigncode
if osslsigncode verify -CAfile "${root}-cert.pem" "${file}" 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'Signature verification: ok'; then
echo "! OK: signed exe passes 'osslsigncode verify': ${file}"
echo "! Fail: signed exe fails 'osslsigncode verify': ${file}"
unset wine
[ "${os}" = 'win' ] || wine=wine
if [ "${os}" = 'win' ]; then
# TODO: verify using `signtool.exe verify`
# Verify signature with sigcheck
if "${wine}" sigcheck64.exe -nobanner -accepteula "${file}"; then
# If we haven't specified a timestamp server when code signing,
# sigcheck will report the _current time_ as "Signing date".
echo "! OK: signed exe passes 'sigcheck64.exe': ${file}"
echo "! Fail: signed exe fails 'sigcheck64.exe': ${file}"
echo "! Error: '${test}' not found."
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