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Last active January 10, 2021 20:17
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########## CODE#################################
from skyfield.api import load as sky_load, wgs84
from random import choice, sample
# load data
satellites2012 = sky_load.tle_file('data/TLE/tle2012.txt')
satellites2017 = sky_load.tle_file('data/TLE/tle2017.txt/tle2017.txt') # these don't get unzipped to consistent structures
# combine lists of satellite objects and get distinct set of satellite numbers
satellites = satellites2012 + satellites2017
satnums = list(set([s.model.satnum for s in satellites]))
def utc_by_satnum(satnum, satellites=satellites):
sat = [s for s in satellites if s.model.satnum == satnum][choice(range(50))]
epoch = sat.epoch
utc = sat.epoch.utc_datetime()
return (f"TLE epoch: {epoch}, UTC: {utc}")
# Print N random pairs of corresponding (TLE-Epoch, UTC) values
for satnum in sample(satnums, N):
############ OUTPUT ########################################################
TLE epoch: <Time tt=2455936.4582421184>, UTC: 2012-01-09 22:58:45.935028+00:00
TLE epoch: <Time tt=2457794.919518671>, UTC: 2017-02-10 10:02:57.229156+00:00
TLE epoch: <Time tt=2455954.8684860584>, UTC: 2012-01-28 08:49:31.011444+00:00
TLE epoch: <Time tt=2455942.6236549285>, UTC: 2012-01-16 02:56:57.601837+00:00
TLE epoch: <Time tt=2455947.4582049786>, UTC: 2012-01-20 22:58:42.726166+00:00
TLE epoch: <Time tt=2457779.241353971>, UTC: 2017-01-25 17:46:23.799072+00:00
TLE epoch: <Time tt=2455946.2645459184>, UTC: 2012-01-19 18:19:50.583374+00:00
TLE epoch: <Time tt=2455953.2599401083>, UTC: 2012-01-26 18:13:12.641357+00:00
TLE epoch: <Time tt=2456158.8830154524>, UTC: 2012-08-19 09:10:25.351105+00:00
TLE epoch: <Time tt=2456176.2278877622>, UTC: 2012-09-05 17:27:02.318665+00:00
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