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Last active June 17, 2024 08:13
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Type-level list in Rust.
//! A type-level list implementation that can assert
//! a list must contain a specific type element.
use std::marker::PhantomData;
/// Type-level boolean.
pub trait Bool {}
/// Type-level `false`.
pub struct False;
impl Bool for False {}
/// Type-level `true`.
pub struct True;
impl Bool for True {}
/// Trait for computing type-level logical OR.
pub trait TypeOr<T: Bool> {
type Output: Bool;
/// Result of type-level logical OR.
pub type Or<T, U> = <T as TypeOr<U>>::Output;
impl TypeOr<False> for False {
type Output = False;
impl TypeOr<True> for False {
type Output = True;
impl TypeOr<False> for True {
type Output = True;
impl TypeOr<True> for True {
type Output = True;
/// Trait for computing type-level logical AND.
pub trait TypeAnd<T: Bool> {
type Output: Bool;
/// Result of type-level logical AND.
pub type And<T, U> = <T as TypeAnd<U>>::Output;
impl TypeAnd<False> for False {
type Output = False;
impl TypeAnd<True> for False {
type Output = False;
impl TypeAnd<False> for True {
type Output = False;
impl TypeAnd<True> for True {
type Output = True;
/// Trait for computing type-level equality.
pub trait TypeEq<T> {
type Output: Bool;
/// Helper macro for implementing `TypeEq` for types.
macro_rules! impl_type_eq {
($($t:ty),+ $(,)?) => {
impl_type_eq!(@expand () $(,$t)+);
(@expand ($($pre:ty),*), $cur:ty $(,$post:ty)*) => {
$(impl_type_eq!(@impl $cur, $pre, False);)*
impl_type_eq!(@impl $cur, $cur, True);
$(impl_type_eq!(@impl $cur, $post, False);)*
impl_type_eq!(@expand ($($pre,)* $cur) $(,$post)*);
(@expand ($($pre:ty),*)) => {};
(@impl $t1:ty, $t2:ty, $out:ty) => {
impl TypeEq<$t2> for $t1 {
type Output = $out;
/// Result of type-level equality.
pub type Equals<T, U> = <T as TypeEq<U>>::Output;
/// Type-level list.
pub trait List {}
/// Type-level empty list.
pub struct Nil;
impl List for Nil {}
/// Type-level list element.
pub struct Cons<T, L: List>(PhantomData<(T, L)>);
impl<T, L: List> List for Cons<T, L> {}
/// Helper macro for constructing list type.
macro_rules! list {
[] => { Nil };
[$head:ty $(,$t:ty)* $(,)?] => { Cons<$head, list![$($t),*]> };
/// Trait for computing type-level list contains (for element).
pub trait TypeContains<T> {
type Output: Bool;
/// Result of type-level list contains (for element).
pub type Contains<L, T> = <L as TypeContains<T>>::Output;
impl<T> TypeContains<T> for Nil {
type Output = False;
impl<T, U, L> TypeContains<T> for Cons<U, L>
T: TypeEq<U>,
L: List + TypeContains<T>,
Equals<T, U>: TypeOr<Contains<L, T>>,
type Output = Or<Equals<T, U>, Contains<L, T>>;
/// Trait for computing type-level list contains (for another list).
pub trait TypeContainsList<L: List> {
type Output: Bool;
/// Result of type-level list contains (for another list).
pub type ContainsList<L, L2> = <L as TypeContainsList<L2>>::Output;
impl<L> TypeContainsList<Nil> for L
L: List,
type Output = True;
impl<T, L, L2> TypeContainsList<Cons<T, L>> for L2
L: List,
L2: List + TypeContains<T> + TypeContainsList<L>,
Contains<L2, T>: TypeAnd<ContainsList<L2, L>>,
type Output = And<Contains<L2, T>, ContainsList<L2, L>>;
// Some list element types.
struct E1;
struct E2;
struct E3;
impl_type_eq!(E1, E2, E3);
/// This function requires the input list type contains `E2`.
fn must_contains_e2<L: TypeContains<E2, Output = True>>() {}
/// This function requires the input list type contains `[E3, E1]`.
fn must_contains_e3_e1<L: TypeContainsList<list![E3, E1], Output = True>>() {}
fn main() {
must_contains_e2::<list![E1, E2, E3]>();
must_contains_e2::<list![E2, E1, E3]>();
must_contains_e2::<list![E1, E3, E2]>();
must_contains_e2::<list![E2, E2, E2]>();
// Does not compile:
// must_contains_e2::<list![E1]>();
// must_contains_e2::<list![E3, E1]>();
must_contains_e3_e1::<list![E1, E2, E3]>();
must_contains_e3_e1::<list![E2, E1, E3]>();
must_contains_e3_e1::<list![E1, E3, E2]>();
must_contains_e3_e1::<list![E3, E1]>();
// Does not compile:
// must_contains_e3_e1::<list![E1]>();
// must_contains_e3_e1::<list![E2]>();
// must_contains_e3_e1::<list![E2, E2, E2]>();
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