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Last active April 15, 2019 09:44
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Escape textarea by preserving returning lines.
* Escape by preserving the newlines : <br />
* By applying wp_kses on a textarea
* @param $string
* @return mixed
* @author Maxime CULEA
function mc_esc_textarea( $string ) {
// Replace <br> <br/> <br > <br /> with %newline%
$_string = preg_replace( '/(<br\s*\/?>\s*)/mi', "%newline%", $string );
// Sanitize the textearea
$_string = wp_kses( $_string, '' );
// Put back the <br />
$_string = str_replace( '%newline%', '<br />', $_string );
// Delete last empty useless characters
return trim( $_string );
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