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Safari iframe cookie workaround
header("Location: " . $_GET['redirect']);
if (!isset($_COOKIE['testcookie']))
echo "Cookie not set!";
else if ($_COOKIE['testcookie'] != $_GET['cookie'])
echo "Cookies don't match: " . $_COOKIE['testcookie'] . ' != ' . $_GET['cookie'];
echo "Cookies match!";
$value = uniqid();
setcookie("testcookie", $value);
echo "<p>Now go <a href='dest_get.php?cookie=" . $value . "'>here</a></p>";
$internalPath = "http://local.test/path";
$externalPath = "http://remote.test/path";
<html><head><title>Redirect Cookie Test</title></head>
<?php if ($_GET['redirected']): ?>
<p>iframe starts below...</p>
<iframe src="<?= $externalPath ?>/dest_set.php"?>
<?php else: ?>
<a href="<?= $externalPath ?>/dest_bounce.php?redirect=<?= $internalPath ?>/src.php?redirected=true">Bounce here...</a>
<?php endif; ?>
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