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GBNF grammar generator for always valid function calls and object creation in JSON with llama.cpp
import inspect
import json
import re
import typing
from inspect import isclass, getdoc
from types import NoneType
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from pydantic.fields import FieldInfo
from typing import Any, Type, List, get_args, get_origin, Tuple, Union, Optional
from enum import Enum
import re
class PydanticDataType(Enum):
Defines the data types supported by Pydantic.
STRING (str): Represents a string data type.
BOOLEAN (str): Represents a boolean data type.
INTEGER (str): Represents an integer data type.
FLOAT (str): Represents a float data type.
OBJECT (str): Represents an object data type.
ARRAY (str): Represents an array data type.
ENUM (str): Represents an enum data type.
CUSTOM_CLASS (str): Represents a custom class data type.
STRING = "string"
BOOLEAN = "boolean"
INTEGER = "integer"
FLOAT = "float"
OBJECT = "object"
ARRAY = "array"
ENUM = "enum"
CUSTOM_CLASS = "custom-class"
def map_pydantic_type_to_gbnf(pydantic_type: Type[Any]) -> str:
if isclass(pydantic_type) and issubclass(pydantic_type, str):
return PydanticDataType.STRING.value
elif isclass(pydantic_type) and issubclass(pydantic_type, bool):
return PydanticDataType.BOOLEAN.value
elif isclass(pydantic_type) and issubclass(pydantic_type, int):
return PydanticDataType.INTEGER.value
elif isclass(pydantic_type) and issubclass(pydantic_type, float):
return PydanticDataType.FLOAT.value
elif isclass(pydantic_type) and issubclass(pydantic_type, Enum):
return PydanticDataType.ENUM.value
elif isclass(pydantic_type) and issubclass(pydantic_type, BaseModel):
return format_model_and_field_name(pydantic_type.__name__)
elif get_origin(pydantic_type) == list:
element_type = get_args(pydantic_type)[0]
return f"{map_pydantic_type_to_gbnf(element_type)}-list"
elif get_origin(pydantic_type) == Union:
union_types = get_args(pydantic_type)
union_rules = [map_pydantic_type_to_gbnf(ut) for ut in union_types]
return f"union-{'-or-'.join(union_rules)}"
elif get_origin(pydantic_type) == Optional:
element_type = get_args(pydantic_type)[0]
return f"optional-{map_pydantic_type_to_gbnf(element_type)}"
elif isclass(pydantic_type):
return f"{PydanticDataType.CUSTOM_CLASS.value}-{format_model_and_field_name(pydantic_type.__name__)}"
elif get_origin(pydantic_type) == dict:
key_type, value_type = get_args(pydantic_type)
return f"custom-dict-key-type-{format_model_and_field_name(map_pydantic_type_to_gbnf(key_type))}-value-type-{format_model_and_field_name(map_pydantic_type_to_gbnf(value_type))}"
return "unknown"
def format_model_and_field_name(model_name: str) -> str:
parts = re.findall('[A-Z][^A-Z]*', model_name)
if not parts: # Check if the list is empty
return model_name.lower().replace("_", "-")
return '-'.join(part.lower().replace("_", "-") for part in parts)
def generate_list_rule(element_type):
Generate a GBNF rule for a list of a given element type.
:param element_type: The type of the elements in the list (e.g., 'string').
:return: A string representing the GBNF rule for a list of the given type.
rule_name = f"{map_pydantic_type_to_gbnf(element_type)}-list"
element_rule = map_pydantic_type_to_gbnf(element_type)
list_rule = f"{rule_name} ::= \"[\" ws ( {element_rule} (\",\" ws {element_rule})* )? \"]\""
return list_rule
def get_members_structure(cls, rule_name):
if issubclass(cls, Enum):
# Handle Enum types
members = [f'\"\\\"{member.value}\\\"\"' for name, member in cls.__members__.items()]
return f"{cls.__name__.lower()} ::= " + " | ".join(members)
if cls.__annotations__ and cls.__annotations__ != {}:
result = f'{rule_name} ::= "{{"'
type_list_rules = []
# Modify this comprehension
members = [f' ws \"\\\"{name}\\\"\" ws ":" ws {map_pydantic_type_to_gbnf(param_type)}'
for name, param_type in cls.__annotations__.items()
if name != 'self']
result += '", "'.join(members)
result += ' ws "}"'
return result, type_list_rules
init_signature = inspect.signature(cls.__init__)
parameters = init_signature.parameters
result = f'{cls.__name__.lower()} ::= "{{"'
type_list_rules = []
# Modify this comprehension too
members = [f' ws \"\\\"{name}\\\"\" ws ":" ws {map_pydantic_type_to_gbnf(param.annotation)}'
for name, param in parameters.items()
if name != 'self' and param.annotation != inspect.Parameter.empty]
result += '", "'.join(members)
result += ' ws "}"'
return result, type_list_rules
def regex_to_gbnf(regex_pattern: str) -> str:
Translate a basic regex pattern to a GBNF rule.
Note: This function handles only a subset of simple regex patterns.
gbnf_rule = regex_pattern
# Translate common regex components to GBNF
gbnf_rule = gbnf_rule.replace('\\d', '[0-9]')
gbnf_rule = gbnf_rule.replace('\\s', '[ \t\n]')
# Handle quantifiers and other regex syntax that is similar in GBNF
# (e.g., '*', '+', '?', character classes)
return gbnf_rule
def generate_gbnf_integer_rules(max_digit=None, min_digit=None):
Generate GBNF Integer Rules
Generates GBNF (Generalized Backus-Naur Form) rules for integers based on the given maximum and minimum digits.
- max_digit (int): The maximum number of digits for the integer. Default is None.
- min_digit (int): The minimum number of digits for the integer. Default is None.
- integer_rule (str): The identifier for the integer rule generated.
- additional_rules (list): A list of additional rules generated based on the given maximum and minimum digits.
additional_rules = []
# Define the rule identifier based on max_digit and min_digit
integer_rule = "integer-part"
if max_digit is not None:
integer_rule += f"-max{max_digit}"
if min_digit is not None:
integer_rule += f"-min{min_digit}"
# Handling Integer Rules
if max_digit is not None or min_digit is not None:
# Start with an empty rule part
integer_rule_part = ''
# Add mandatory digits as per min_digit
if min_digit is not None:
integer_rule_part += '[0-9] ' * min_digit
# Add optional digits up to max_digit
if max_digit is not None:
optional_digits = max_digit - (min_digit if min_digit is not None else 0)
integer_rule_part += ''.join(['[0-9]? ' for _ in range(optional_digits)])
# Trim the rule part and append it to additional rules
integer_rule_part = integer_rule_part.strip()
if integer_rule_part:
additional_rules.append(f'{integer_rule} ::= {integer_rule_part}')
return integer_rule, additional_rules
def generate_gbnf_float_rules(max_digit=None, min_digit=None, max_precision=None, min_precision=None):
Generate GBNF float rules based on the given constraints.
:param max_digit: Maximum number of digits in the integer part (default: None)
:param min_digit: Minimum number of digits in the integer part (default: None)
:param max_precision: Maximum number of digits in the fractional part (default: None)
:param min_precision: Minimum number of digits in the fractional part (default: None)
:return: A tuple containing the float rule and additional rules as a list
Example Usage:
max_digit = 3
min_digit = 1
max_precision = 2
min_precision = 1
generate_gbnf_float_rules(max_digit, min_digit, max_precision, min_precision)
('float-3-1-2-1', ['integer-part-max3-min1 ::= [0-9] [0-9] [0-9]?', 'fractional-part-max2-min1 ::= [0-9] [0-9]?', 'float-3-1-2-1 ::= integer-part-max3-min1 "." fractional-part-max2-min
GBNF stands for Generalized Backus-Naur Form, which is a notation technique to specify the syntax of programming languages or other formal grammars.
additional_rules = []
# Define the integer part rule
integer_part_rule = "integer-part" + (f"-max{max_digit}" if max_digit is not None else "") + (
f"-min{min_digit}" if min_digit is not None else "")
# Define the fractional part rule based on precision constraints
fractional_part_rule = "fractional-part"
fractional_rule_part = ''
if max_precision is not None or min_precision is not None:
fractional_part_rule += (f"-max{max_precision}" if max_precision is not None else "") + (
f"-min{min_precision}" if min_precision is not None else "")
# Minimum number of digits
fractional_rule_part = '[0-9]' * (min_precision if min_precision is not None else 1)
# Optional additional digits
fractional_rule_part += ''.join([' [0-9]?'] * (
(max_precision - (min_precision if min_precision is not None else 1)) if max_precision is not None else 0))
additional_rules.append(f'{fractional_part_rule} ::= {fractional_rule_part}')
# Define the float rule
float_rule = f"float-{max_digit if max_digit is not None else 'X'}-{min_digit if min_digit is not None else 'X'}-{max_precision if max_precision is not None else 'X'}-{min_precision if min_precision is not None else 'X'}"
additional_rules.append(f'{float_rule} ::= {integer_part_rule} "." {fractional_part_rule}')
# Generating the integer part rule definition, if necessary
if max_digit is not None or min_digit is not None:
integer_rule_part = '[0-9]'
if min_digit is not None and min_digit > 1:
integer_rule_part += ' [0-9]' * (min_digit - 1)
if max_digit is not None:
integer_rule_part += ''.join([' [0-9]?'] * (max_digit - (min_digit if min_digit is not None else 1)))
additional_rules.append(f'{integer_part_rule} ::= {integer_rule_part.strip()}')
return float_rule, additional_rules
def generate_gbnf_rule_for_type(model_name, field_name, field_type, is_optional, processed_models, created_rules,
field_info=None) -> \
Tuple[str, list]:
Generate GBNF rule for a given field type.
:param model_name: Name of the model.
:param field_name: Name of the field.
:param field_type: Type of the field.
:param is_optional: Whether the field is optional.
:param processed_models: List of processed models.
:param created_rules: List of created rules.
:param field_info: Additional information about the field (optional).
:return: Tuple containing the GBNF type and a list of additional rules.
:rtype: Tuple[str, list]
rules = []
field_name = format_model_and_field_name(field_name)
gbnf_type = map_pydantic_type_to_gbnf(field_type)
if isclass(field_type) and issubclass(field_type, BaseModel):
nested_model_name = format_model_and_field_name(field_type.__name__)
nested_model_rules = generate_gbnf_grammar(field_type, processed_models, created_rules)
gbnf_type, rules = nested_model_name, rules
elif isclass(field_type) and issubclass(field_type, Enum):
enum_values = [f'\"\\\"{e.value}\\\"\"' for e in field_type] # Adding escaped quotes
enum_rule = f"{model_name}-{field_name} ::= {' | '.join(enum_values)}"
gbnf_type, rules = model_name + "-" + field_name, rules
elif get_origin(field_type) == list: # Array
element_type = get_args(field_type)[0]
element_rule_name, additional_rules = generate_gbnf_rule_for_type(model_name, f"{field_name}-element",
element_type, is_optional, processed_models,
array_rule = f"""{model_name}-{field_name} ::= "[" ws {element_rule_name} ("," ws {element_rule_name})* ws "]" """
gbnf_type, rules = model_name + "-" + field_name, rules
elif gbnf_type.startswith("custom-class-"):
nested_model_rules, field_types = get_members_structure(field_type, gbnf_type)
elif gbnf_type.startswith("custom-dict-"):
key_type, value_type = get_args(field_type)
additional_key_type, additional_key_rules = generate_gbnf_rule_for_type(model_name, f"{field_name}-key-type",
key_type, is_optional, processed_models,
additional_value_type, additional_value_rules = generate_gbnf_rule_for_type(model_name,
value_type, is_optional,
processed_models, created_rules)
gbnf_type = fr'{gbnf_type} ::= "{{" ws ( {additional_key_type} ":" ws {additional_value_type} ("," ws {additional_key_type} ":" ws {additional_value_type})* )? "}}" ws'
elif gbnf_type.startswith("union-"):
union_types = get_args(field_type)
union_rules = []
for union_type in union_types:
if not issubclass(union_type, NoneType):
union_gbnf_type, union_rules_list = generate_gbnf_rule_for_type(model_name, field_name, union_type,
processed_models, created_rules)
# Defining the union grammar rule separately
if len(union_rules) == 1:
union_grammar_rule = f"{model_name}-{field_name}-optional ::= ({' | '.join(union_rules)})?"
union_grammar_rule = f"{model_name}-{field_name}-union ::= {' | '.join(union_rules)}"
if len(union_rules) == 1:
gbnf_type = f"{model_name}-{field_name}-optional"
gbnf_type = f"{model_name}-{field_name}-union"
elif isclass(field_type) and issubclass(field_type, str):
if field_info and hasattr(field_info, 'pattern'):
# Convert regex pattern to grammar rule
regex_pattern = field_info.regex.pattern
gbnf_type = f"pattern-{field_name} ::= {regex_to_gbnf(regex_pattern)}"
gbnf_type = PydanticDataType.STRING.value
elif isclass(field_type) and issubclass(field_type, float) and field_info and hasattr(field_info,
'json_schema_extra') and field_info.json_schema_extra is not None:
# Retrieve precision attributes for floats
max_precision = field_info.json_schema_extra.get('max_precision') if field_info and hasattr(field_info,
'json_schema_extra') else None
min_precision = field_info.json_schema_extra.get('min_precision') if field_info and hasattr(field_info,
'json_schema_extra') else None
max_digits = field_info.json_schema_extra.get('max_digit') if field_info and hasattr(field_info,
'json_schema_extra') else None
min_digits = field_info.json_schema_extra.get('min_digit') if field_info and hasattr(field_info,
'json_schema_extra') else None
# Generate GBNF rule for float with given attributes
gbnf_type, rules = generate_gbnf_float_rules(max_digit=max_digits, min_digit=min_digits,
elif isclass(field_type) and issubclass(field_type, int) and field_info and hasattr(field_info,
'json_schema_extra') and field_info.json_schema_extra is not None:
# Retrieve digit attributes for integers
max_digits = field_info.json_schema_extra.get('max_digit') if field_info and hasattr(field_info,
'json_schema_extra') else None
min_digits = field_info.json_schema_extra.get('min_digit') if field_info and hasattr(field_info,
'json_schema_extra') else None
# Generate GBNF rule for integer with given attributes
gbnf_type, rules = generate_gbnf_integer_rules(max_digit=max_digits, min_digit=min_digits)
gbnf_type, rules = gbnf_type, []
if is_optional:
gbnf_type += ")?"
gbnf_type = "(" + gbnf_type
if gbnf_type not in created_rules:
return gbnf_type, rules
if gbnf_type in created_rules:
return gbnf_type, rules
def generate_gbnf_grammar(model: Type[BaseModel], processed_models: set, created_rules: dict) -> list:
Generate GBnF Grammar
Generates a GBnF grammar for a given model.
:param model: A Pydantic model class to generate the grammar for. Must be a subclass of BaseModel.
:param processed_models: A set of already processed models to prevent infinite recursion.
:param created_rules: A dict containing already created rules to prevent duplicates.
:return: A list of GBnF grammar rules in string format.
Example Usage:
model = MyModel
processed_models = set()
created_rules = dict()
gbnf_grammar = generate_gbnf_grammar(model, processed_models, created_rules)
if model in processed_models:
return []
model_name = format_model_and_field_name(model.__name__)
model_fields = {}
if not issubclass(model, BaseModel):
# For non-Pydantic classes, generate model_fields from __annotations__ or __init__
if hasattr(model, '__annotations__') and model.__annotations__:
model_fields = {name: (typ, ...) for name, typ in model.__annotations__.items()}
init_signature = inspect.signature(model.__init__)
parameters = init_signature.parameters
model_fields = {name: (param.annotation, param.default) for name, param in parameters.items()
if name != 'self'}
# For Pydantic models, use model_fields and check for ellipsis (required fields)
model_fields = model.__annotations__
model_rule_parts = []
nested_rules = []
for field_name, field_info in model_fields.items():
if not issubclass(model, BaseModel):
field_type, default_value = field_info
# Check if the field is optional (not required)
is_optional = (default_value is not inspect.Parameter.empty) and (default_value is not Ellipsis)
field_type = field_info
field_info = model.model_fields[field_name]
is_optional = field_info.is_required is False and get_origin(field_type) is Optional
rule_name, additional_rules = generate_gbnf_rule_for_type(model_name, format_model_and_field_name(field_name),
field_type, is_optional,
processed_models, created_rules, field_info)
if rule_name not in created_rules:
created_rules[rule_name] = additional_rules
model_rule_parts.append(f'\"\\\"{field_name}\\\"\" ":" ws {rule_name}') # Adding escaped quotes
fields_joined = ' ws ", " ws '.join(model_rule_parts)
model_rule = f'{model_name} ::= "{{" ws {fields_joined} ws "}}"'
all_rules = [model_rule] + nested_rules
return all_rules
def generate_gbnf_grammar_from_pydantic(models: List[Type[BaseModel]], root_rule_class: str = None,
root_rule_content: str = None) -> str:
Generate GBNF Grammar from Pydantic Models.
This method takes a list of Pydantic models and uses them to generate a GBNF grammar string. The generated grammar string can be used for parsing and validating data using the generated
* grammar.
- models (List[Type[BaseModel]]): A list of Pydantic models to generate the grammar from.
- root_rule_class (str, optional): The name of the root model class. If provided, the generated grammar will have a root rule that matches the specified class. Default is None.
- root_rule_content (str, optional): The content of the root model rule. This can be used to specify additional constraints or transformations for the root model. Default is None.
- str: The generated GBNF grammar string.
models = [UserModel, PostModel]
grammar = generate_gbnf_grammar_from_pydantic(models)
# Output:
# root ::= UserModel | PostModel
# ...
processed_models = set()
all_rules = []
created_rules = {}
if root_rule_class is None:
for model in models:
model_rules = generate_gbnf_grammar(model, processed_models, created_rules)
root_rule = "root ::= " + " | ".join([format_model_and_field_name(model.__name__) for model in models])
all_rules.insert(0, root_rule)
return "\n".join(all_rules)
elif root_rule_class is not None:
root_rule = f"root ::= {format_model_and_field_name(root_rule_class)}\n"
model_rule = fr'{format_model_and_field_name(root_rule_class)} ::= "{{" ws "\"{root_rule_class}\"" ":" ws grammar-models ws "}}"'
fields_joined = " | ".join(
[fr'{format_model_and_field_name(model.__name__)}-grammar-model' for model in models])
grammar_model_rules = f'\ngrammar-models ::= {fields_joined}'
mod_rules = []
for model in models:
mod_rule = fr'{format_model_and_field_name(model.__name__)}-grammar-model ::= '
mod_rule += fr'"\"{format_model_and_field_name(model.__name__)}\"" "," "\"{root_rule_content}\"" ":" {format_model_and_field_name(model.__name__)}' + '\n'
grammar_model_rules += "\n" + "\n".join(mod_rules)
for model in models:
model_rules = generate_gbnf_grammar(model, processed_models, created_rules)
all_rules.insert(0, root_rule + model_rule + grammar_model_rules)
return "\n".join(all_rules)
def get_primitive_grammar(grammar):
type_list = []
if "string-list" in grammar:
if "boolean-list" in grammar:
if "integer-list" in grammar:
if "float-list" in grammar:
additional_grammar = [generate_list_rule(t) for t in type_list]
primitive_grammar = r"""
boolean ::= "true" | "false"
string ::= "\"" ( ([^"\\'] | escaped-char)* ) "\""
escaped-char ::= "\\" ["\\/bfnrt"] | unicode-escape
unicode-escape ::= "u" [0-9a-fA-F] [0-9a-fA-F] [0-9a-fA-F] [0-9a-fA-F]
ws ::= " " | "\t" | "\n" | " " ws | "\t" ws | "\n" ws
fractional-part ::= [0-9]+
integer-part ::= [0-9]+
integer ::= [0-9]+"""
return "\n" + '\n'.join(additional_grammar) + primitive_grammar
def generate_field_markdown(field_name: str, field_type: Type[Any], model: Type[BaseModel], depth=1) -> str:
indent = ' ' * depth
field_markdown = f"{indent}- **{field_name}** (`{field_type.__name__}`): "
# Extracting field description from Pydantic Field using __model_fields__
field_info = model.model_fields.get(field_name)
field_description = field_info.description if field_info and field_info.description else "No description available."
field_markdown += field_description + '\n'
# Handling nested BaseModel fields
if isclass(field_type) and issubclass(field_type, BaseModel):
field_markdown += f"{indent} - Details:\n"
for name, type_ in field_type.__annotations__.items():
field_markdown += generate_field_markdown(name, type_, field_type, depth + 2)
return field_markdown
def generate_markdown_report(pydantic_models: List[Type[BaseModel]]) -> str:
markdown = ""
for model in pydantic_models:
markdown += f"### {format_model_and_field_name(model.__name__)}\n"
# Check if the model's docstring is different from BaseModel's docstring
class_doc = getdoc(model)
base_class_doc = getdoc(BaseModel)
class_description = class_doc if class_doc and class_doc != base_class_doc else "No specific description available."
markdown += f"{class_description}\n\n"
markdown += "#### Fields\n"
if isclass(model) and issubclass(model, BaseModel):
for name, field_type in model.__annotations__.items():
markdown += generate_field_markdown(format_model_and_field_name(name), field_type, model)
markdown += "\n"
return markdown
def format_json_example(example: dict, depth: int) -> str:
indent = ' ' * depth
formatted_example = '{\n'
for key, value in example.items():
value_text = f"'{value}'" if isinstance(value, str) else value
formatted_example += f"{indent}{key}: {value_text},\n"
formatted_example = formatted_example.rstrip(',\n') + '\n' + indent + '}'
return formatted_example
def generate_text_documentation(pydantic_models: List[Type[BaseModel]], model_prefix="Model",
fields_prefix="Fields") -> str:
documentation = ""
for model in pydantic_models:
documentation += f"{model_prefix}: {format_model_and_field_name(model.__name__)}\n"
# Handling multi-line model description with proper indentation
documentation += " Description: "
class_doc = getdoc(model)
base_class_doc = getdoc(BaseModel)
class_description = class_doc if class_doc and class_doc != base_class_doc else "No specific description available."
documentation += "\n" + format_multiline_description(class_description, 2) + "\n\n"
# Indenting the fields section
documentation += f" {fields_prefix}:\n"
if isclass(model) and issubclass(model, BaseModel):
for name, field_type in model.__annotations__.items():
documentation += generate_field_text(name, field_type, model)
documentation += "\n"
if hasattr(model, 'Config') and hasattr(model.Config,
'json_schema_extra') and 'example' in model.Config.json_schema_extra:
documentation += f" Expected Example Output for {format_model_and_field_name(model.__name__)}:\n"
json_example = json.dumps(model.Config.json_schema_extra['example'])
documentation += format_multiline_description(json_example, 2) + "\n"
return documentation
def generate_field_text(field_name: str, field_type: Type[Any], model: Type[BaseModel], depth=1) -> str:
indent = ' ' * depth
field_text = f"{indent}{field_name} ({field_type.__name__}): \n"
field_info = model.model_fields.get(field_name)
field_description = field_info.description if field_info else "No description available."
# Handling multi-line field description with proper indentation
field_text += f"{indent} Description: " + field_description + "\n"
# Check for and include field-specific examples if available
if hasattr(model, 'Config') and hasattr(model.Config,
'json_schema_extra') and 'example' in model.Config.json_schema_extra:
field_example = model.Config.json_schema_extra['example'].get(field_name)
if field_example is not None:
example_text = f"'{field_example}'" if isinstance(field_example, str) else field_example
field_text += f"{indent} Example: {example_text}\n"
if isclass(field_type) and issubclass(field_type, BaseModel):
field_text += f"{indent} Details:\n"
for name, type_ in field_type.__annotations__.items():
field_text += generate_field_text(name, type_, field_type, depth + 2)
return field_text
def format_multiline_description(description: str, indent_level: int) -> str:
indent = ' ' * indent_level
return indent + description.replace('\n', '\n' + indent)
def save_gbnf_grammar_and_documentation(grammar, documentation, grammar_file_path="./grammar.gbnf",
with open(grammar_file_path, 'w') as file:
file.write(grammar + get_primitive_grammar(grammar))
print(f"Grammar successfully saved to {grammar_file_path}")
except IOError as e:
print(f"An error occurred while saving the grammar file: {e}")
with open(documentation_file_path, 'w') as file:
print(f"Documentation successfully saved to {documentation_file_path}")
except IOError as e:
print(f"An error occurred while saving the documentation file: {e}")
def remove_empty_lines(string):
lines = string.splitlines()
non_empty_lines = [line for line in lines if line.strip() != ""]
string_no_empty_lines = "\n".join(non_empty_lines)
return string_no_empty_lines
def generate_and_save_gbnf_grammar_and_documentation(pydantic_model_list, grammar_file_path="./generated_grammar.gbnf",
root_rule_class: str = None, root_rule_content: str = None):
documentation = generate_text_documentation(pydantic_model_list, "Output Model", "Output Fields")
grammar = generate_gbnf_grammar_from_pydantic(pydantic_model_list, root_rule_class, root_rule_content)
grammar = remove_empty_lines(grammar)
save_gbnf_grammar_and_documentation(grammar, documentation, grammar_file_path, documentation_file_path)
class YourModel(BaseModel):
float_field: float = Field(default=..., description="TEST", max_precision=2, min_precision=1)
integer_field: int = Field(default=..., description="TEST", max_digit=5, min_digit=3)
float_field2: float = Field(default=..., description="TEST", max_digit=5, min_digit=3, max_precision=2,
integer_field2: int = Field(default=..., description="TEST", max_digit=5, min_digit=3)
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from typing import List, Optional
from enum import Enum
class Department(Enum):
"""Enum for department names."""
HR = 'Human Resources'
IT = 'Information Technology'
SALES = 'Sales'
MARKETING = 'Marketing'
class SkillSet:
"""Skillset of the employee."""
primary_skill: str = Field(..., description="Primary skill of the employee.")
secondary_skills: List[str] = Field(..., description="List of secondary skills.")
class ComplexEmployeeModel:
employee_id: int
name: str = Field(..., description="Name of the employee.")
department: Department = Field(..., description="Department of the employee.")
skill_set: SkillSet = Field(..., description="Skillset of the employee.")
experience_years: float = Field(..., description="Years of experience.")
is_full_time: bool = Field(True, description="Is the employee full-time.")
# Cmd Command Model
class CmdCommandModel(BaseModel):
A model for executing CMD commands in a Large Language Model setting.
inner_thoughts: str = Field(..., description="Your inner thoughts or inner monologue while writing the command.")
command: str = Field(..., description="The CMD command to execute.")
require_heartbeat: bool = Field(...,
description="Set this to true to get control back after execution, to chain functions together.")
# Web Browsing Model
class WebBrowsingModel(BaseModel):
A model designed for handling web browsing operations in a Large Language Model context.
It accommodates the thought process in crafting the URL and includes a mechanism
for sequential control through a heartbeat feature.
inner_thoughts: str = Field(..., description="Your inner thoughts or inner monologue while writing the url.")
URL: str = Field(..., description="The URL you want to access.")
require_heartbeat: bool = Field(...,
description="Set this to true to get control back after execution, to chain functions together.")
# Web Download Model
class WebDownloadModel(BaseModel):
A model for managing web content downloads in a Large Language Model setting.
It captures the considerations in selecting the URL and download path,
and supports chained execution via a heartbeat mechanism.
inner_thoughts: str = Field(..., description="Your inner thoughts or inner monologue while writing the url.")
URL: str = Field(..., description="The URL you want to download.")
Path: str = Field(..., description="The Path you want to download the file to.")
require_heartbeat: bool = Field(...,
description="Set this to true to get control back after execution, to chain functions together.")
# Python Interpreter Command Model
class PythonInterpreterCommandModel(BaseModel):
A model for executing Python commands in a Large Language Model framework.
It incorporates the thought process during command creation and enables
sequential task execution with a heartbeat mechanism.
inner_thoughts: str = Field(..., description="Your inner thoughts or inner monologue while writing the command.")
command: str = Field(..., description="The Python command to execute.")
require_heartbeat: bool = Field(...,
description="Set this to true to get control back after execution, to chain functions together.")
# Write File Section Model
class WriteFileSectionModel(BaseModel):
A model for writing or modifying a section in a file in a Large Language Model setting.
chain_of_thought: str = Field(...,
description="Detailed, step-by-step reasoning for the actions to be performed, ensuring clarity in the task execution process.")
folder: str = Field(...,
description="Path to the folder where the file is located or will be created. It should be a valid directory path.")
file_name: str = Field(...,
description="Name of the target file (excluding the file extension) where the section will be written or modified.")
file_extension: str = Field(...,
description="File extension indicating the file type, such as '.txt', '.py', '.md', etc.")
section: str = Field(...,
description="The specific section within the file to be targeted, such as a class, method, or a uniquely identified section.")
body: str = Field(...,
description="The actual content to be written into the specified section. It can be code, text, or data in a format compatible with the file type.")
request_heartbeat: bool = Field(...,
description="Set this to true to get control back after execution, to chain functions together.")
# Read File Model
class ReadFileModel(BaseModel):
A model for reading files in a Large Language Model setting.
folder: str = Field(None, description="Path to the folder containing the file.")
file_name: str = Field(...,
description="The name of the file to be read, including its extension (e.g., 'document.txt').")
request_heartbeat: bool = Field(...,
description="Set this to true to get control back after execution, to chain functions together.")
# File List Model
class FileListModel(BaseModel):
A model for listing files in a directory in a Large Language Model setting.
folder: str = Field(...,
description="Path to the directory where files will be listed. This path can include subdirectories to be scanned.")
request_heartbeat: bool = Field(...,
description="Set this to true to get control back after execution, to chain functions together.")
class AddCoreMemoryModel(BaseModel):
A model for adding new entries to the core memory of a Large Language Model.
key: str = Field(..., description="The key identifier for the core memory entry.")
field: str = Field(..., description="A secondary key or field within the core memory entry.")
value: str = Field(..., description="The value or data to be stored in the specified core memory entry.")
request_heartbeat: bool = Field(...,
description="Set this to true to get control back after execution, to chain functions together.")
# Replace Core Memory Model
class ReplaceCoreMemoryModel(BaseModel):
A model for replacing specific fields in the core memory of a Large Language Model.
key: str = Field(..., description="The key identifier for the core memory entry.")
field: str = Field(..., description="The specific field within the core memory entry to be replaced.")
new_value: str = Field(...,
description="The new value to replace the existing data in the specified core memory field.")
request_heartbeat: bool = Field(...,
description="Set this to true to get control back after execution, to chain functions together.")
# Remove Core Memory Model
class RemoveCoreMemoryModel(BaseModel):
A model for removing specific fields from the core memory of a Large Language Model.
key: str = Field(..., description="The key identifier for the core memory entry to be removed.")
field: str = Field(..., description="The specific field within the core memory entry to be removed.")
request_heartbeat: bool = Field(...,
description="Set this to true to get control back after execution, to chain functions together.")
# Defining the RolesEnum
class RolesEnum(str, Enum):
EVENT_MEMORY_SEARCH = "Event-Memory-Search"
KNOWLEDGE_MEMORY_SEARCH = "Knowledge-Memory-Search"
MESSAGE_FROM_SWARM = "Message-From-Swarm"
MESSAGE_FROM_USER = "Message-From-User"
SYSTEM_MESSAGE = "System-Message"
# Search Event Memory Model
class SearchEventMemoryModel(BaseModel):
A model for searching event memories in a Large Language Model.
event_types: List[RolesEnum] = Field(..., description="Array of event types to filter the search.")
start_date: str = Field(..., description="The starting date for the event search range.")
end_date: str = Field(..., description="The ending date for the event search range.")
content_keywords: List[str] = Field(..., description="Array of keywords to search within the event content.")
request_heartbeat: bool = Field(...,
description="Set this to true to get control back after execution, to chain functions together.")
# Search Knowledge Model
class SearchKnowledgeModel(BaseModel):
A model for searching knowledge memories in a Large Language Model.
query: str = Field(..., description="The query string to search within the 'Knowledge-Memory'.")
request_heartbeat: bool = Field(...,
description="Set this to true to get control back after execution, to chain functions together.")
# Connect Knowledge Memories Model
class ConnectKnowledgeMemoriesModel(BaseModel):
A model for connecting knowledge memories in a Large Language Model.
request_heartbeat: bool = Field(...,
description="Set this to true to get control back after execution, to chain functions together.")
# Self Reflect Model
class SelfReflectModel(BaseModel):
A model for enabling self-reflection in a Large Language Model.
request_heartbeat: bool = Field(...,
description="Set this to true to get control back after execution, to chain functions together.")
class SendMessageToUser(BaseModel):
A model for sending messages to the user in an AI LLM agent swarm.
chain_of_thought: str = Field(...,
description="Your inner thoughts or chain of thoughts while writing the message to the user.")
message: str = Field(..., description="Message you want to send to the user.")
[SendMessageToUser, CmdCommandModel, WebBrowsingModel, PythonInterpreterCommandModel, WriteFileSectionModel,
FileListModel, AddCoreMemoryModel, ReplaceCoreMemoryModel, RemoveCoreMemoryModel], root_rule_class="function",
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