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Created February 16, 2024 15:18
JavaScript snippet to modify your Roblox profile picture outside the normal parameters.
method: "POST",
url: "",
contentType: "application/json",
data: JSON.stringify({
"camera": {
// Ranges are inclusive.
"distanceScale": 1, // 0.5 to 4 (Must be 1 for FullBody)
"fieldOfViewDeg": 45, // 15 to 45
"yRotDeg": 0 // -60 to 60
// these can both be 0 for no animation, but only 1 can be non-zero
"idleAnimationAssetId": 0, // idle animation asset id
"emoteAssetId": 14024722653, // emote asset id
// 1 = Closeup (headshot), 2 = FullBody (bodyshot).
// Closeup and FullBody can have different configurations.
"thumbnailType": 1
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