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Created July 19, 2016 01:38
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#Dependencies: tweepy, pyshp
import json, shapefile, time, math
from tweepy import Stream, OAuthHandler
from tweepy.streaming import StreamListener
from keys import keys
# Need to fixing encoding where convert shapefile
import sys
#Variables that contains the user credentials to access Twitter API
CONSUMER_KEY = keys['consumer_key']
CONSUMER_SECRET = keys['consumer_secret']
ACCESS_TOKEN = keys['access_token']
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = keys['access_token_secret']
#User input
file_name = 'test50'
max_tweets = 1
keywords = None #'#twitter, a, b, c'.split(',')
locations = [-180,-90,180,90]
def print_time(source, now, max, all):
print source, ' | ', now, '/', max, ' | Requests:', \
all, " | %ssec" % math.trunc(time.time() - start_time)
class listener(StreamListener):
def on_data(self, data):
if not hasattr(listener, '_geo_tweets'):
open(file_name + '.geojson', 'w').write('{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[') #clean file
listener._all_tweets = 0 #from statictic
listener._geo_tweets = 0
open('last_' + file_name + '.json', 'w').write(data) # Last data - for debug
jdata = json.loads(data)
listener._all_tweets += 1
if listener._all_tweets % 10 == 0:
print_time('GeoJSON', listener._geo_tweets, max_tweets, listener._all_tweets)
# Skip 'limit'-messages & non geotweets
if 'limit' in jdata or \
(not jdata['place'] and not jdata['geo']):
return True
# Write as geojson
open(file_name + '.geojson', 'a').write('\n\t{ "type": "Geotweet", \n\t\t"geometry":\n\t\t\t')
if not jdata['geo']: # Place
# Change Polygon to Point
coordinates = jdata['place']['bounding_box']['coordinates'][0]
lon = (coordinates[0][0] + coordinates[2][0]) / 2
lat = (coordinates[0][1] + coordinates[2][1]) / 2
open(file_name + '.geojson', 'a').write('{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [' + \
str(lon) + ', ' + str(lat) + ']}')
else: # Geo
open(file_name + '.geojson', 'a').write(str(jdata["geo"]).replace("u'", '"').replace("'", '"'))
open(file_name + '.geojson', 'a').write(',\n\t\t"properties": \n\t\t\t' + data + '\t}')
listener._geo_tweets += 1
if listener._geo_tweets == max_tweets:
open(file_name + '.geojson', 'a').write('\n]}')
print_time('GeoJSON', listener._geo_tweets, max_tweets, listener._all_tweets)
print 'GeoJSON: Done'
return False
open(file_name + '.geojson', 'a').write(',')
return True
def on_error(self, status):
print 'ERROR ' + str(status)
if status == 420:
print 'Exceed a limit requests connect to' \
+ 'the streaming API in a window of time (15min)'
return False # Returning False in on_data disconnects the stream
auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)
def run_stream(auth, locations=[-180,-90,180,90], keywords=''):
stream = Stream(auth, listener())
stream.filter(locations=locations, track=keywords)
start_time = time.time()
run_stream(auth, locations, keywords)
Generate shapefile
# function to generate .prj file information using
def getWKT_PRJ (epsg_code):
import urllib
# access projection information
wkt = urllib.urlopen('{0}/prettywkt/'.format(epsg_code))
remove_spaces =' ','') # remove spaces between charachters
output = remove_spaces.replace('\n', '') # place all the text on one line
return output
start_time = time.time()
shp = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT) # create a point shapefile
# for every record there must be a corresponding geometry.
shp.autoBalance = 1
# create the field names and data type for each.
field = [
'created_at', 'id', 'id_str', 'text', 'source', 'truncated', \
'in_reply_to_status_id', 'in_reply_to_status_id_str', \
'in_reply_to_user_id', 'in_reply_to_user_id_str', \
'in_reply_to_screen_name', 'geo', 'coordinates', \
'place', 'contributors', 'is_quote_status', 'retweet_count', \
'favorite_count', 'entities', 'favorited', 'retweeted', \
'filter_level', 'lang', 'timestamp_ms'
for i in range(len(field)):
shp.field(field[i].upper(), 'C')
# access the GeoJSON file
with open(file_name + '.geojson') as data_file:
reader = json.load(data_file)
#loop through each of the rows and assign the attributes to variables
a = {}
for tweet in range(max_tweets):
longitude = reader['features'][tweet]['geometry']['coordinates'][0]
latitude = reader['features'][tweet]['geometry']['coordinates'][1]
for i in range(len(field)):
a.update({field[i]: str(reader['features'][tweet]['properties'][field[i]])
.replace('\\', '').replace("u'", '').replace("'", '')})
# create the point geometry
shp.point(float(longitude), float(latitude))
# add attribute data
a['created_at'], a['id'], a['id_str'], a['text'], a['source'], a['truncated'], \
a['in_reply_to_status_id'], a['in_reply_to_status_id_str'], \
a['in_reply_to_user_id'], a['in_reply_to_user_id_str'], \
a['in_reply_to_screen_name'], a['geo'], a['coordinates'], \
a['place'], a['contributors'], a['is_quote_status'], a['retweet_count'], \
a['favorite_count'], a['entities'], a['favorited'], a['retweeted'], \
a['filter_level'], a['lang'], a['timestamp_ms']\
if (tweet + 1) % 1000 == 0:
print_time('Shapefile', tweet + 1, max_tweets, max_tweets) # save the Shapefile
prj = open(file_name + '.prj', 'w') # create the .prj file
epsg = getWKT_PRJ('4326') # call the function and supply the epsg code
print 'Shapefile: Done'
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з файлом працювати отак:

with open(file_name + '.prj', 'w') as prj:
    epsg = getWKT_PRJ('4326')

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не знаю, що за єресь ти тут (141) намагався зробити, але код пожна й простіше писати:

    for fld in field:
        a[fld] = str(reader['features'][tweet]['properties'][fld]).replace('\\', '').replace("u'", '').replace("'", '')

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