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Last active September 13, 2020 08:17
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a11y while adding categories
Problem statement:
I'm writing an interactive category field.
I have three major things on play here:
1. A text input that is described by a paragraph above it
2. A datalist of categories received from the server
3. A list of checked checkboxes for each new category
Why #3? Well, I don't want to have to manage my form on the frontend before sending it to the backend. A checkbox with the same name attribute automatically takes care of sending multiple categories.
1. My main concern is indicating to users that the list of entered categories is *here* -- how do I connect the two?
2. A secondary concern is also making sense of what this "x" button *does* and for which particular value.
import { onMount } from "svelte";
let categories = [];
$: userEnteredCategories = [];
let currentCategoryName = "";
onMount(async () => {
const response = await fetch(
).catch((error) => console.error(error));
const data = await response
.catch((error) => console.error(error));
if (data && data.error) console.error(data.error_description);
else categories = data;
const handleKeyUp = (event) => {
if (event.code === "Comma") {
userEnteredCategories = [
currentCategoryName.slice(0, -1),
currentCategoryName = "";
const deleteUserCategory = (event) => {
userEnteredCategories = userEnteredCategories.filter((cat) => === cat ? false : true
<datalist class="category" id="category--suggestions">
{#each categories as category}
<option value="{category}">{category}</option>
<!-- To avoid handling the form manually just for categories, we build a list of checkboxes and have HTML do the heavy lifting for us -->
<!-- ! Concerns around accessibility -->
<div class="category" id="category--user">
{#each userEnteredCategories as userEnteredCategory, i}
<div class="user-category">
<label class="user-category__name" for="{userEnteredCategory}_{i}"
class="user-category__value hidden"
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Very well done, @meduzen, thank you!

Just FYI, there really are two sources of data here -- a completely new category that does not exist in the datalist, and a category that does exist in the datalist because the user has previously entered it while creating a new post and the server returned it to us the next time the user opens a post form.

I skimmed through ARIA live regions and it may be useful here in some capacity, but I'll need to figure out how exactly. I would love to be able to clarify to a screen-reader that a new category has been "added" once they hit Enter. So it does seem worth a go, thank you!

Presenting a list of checkboxes is something I'd rather not do at this stage, but maybe in the future? Some people on the IndieWeb have admitted to having 3000-4000 categories (and even more...). There's also plenty of ongoing development around the query API so I'd rather just rely on a datalist until this matures further -- along with Celestial so I have more time to devote to niche decisions like these. :)

A fieldset and a label do exist -- they're just not a part of the Svelte component because they do not change based on user input. The Svelte component only has the dynamic HTML portion. However, I think I did use fieldset incorrectly here, so I'll correct that. 😉 Also good tip on the type="button" attribute, didn't realize that. 😅 Agreed on using lists instead.

For the "x" button, this is what has done:

<div class="facet-tag">
  <p class="facet-tag__text">Academy for Social Justice</p>
  <button type="button" class="facet-tag__remove" aria-label="Remove filter Academy for Social Justice" data-module="remove-filter-link" data-track-label="Academy for Social Justice" data-facet="organisations" data-value="academy-for-social-justice" data-name=""></button> </div>

It appears they concluded an aria-label is sufficient for the button. I do want to use this because the space is so limited (at least for now) in this area of the page. What do you think? An aria-label won't be read out to the average user though...

P.s. I'm also no good with ARIA, unfortunately.

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meduzen commented Aug 25, 2020

Oh, I skipped the part where it has to create a new category, indeed. That makes it more complex. 😅

I’m not fan of a x as content for the button, but thinking twice, their solution is okay-ish because :

  • they properly ARIA-ed it, I think;
  • it’s not a the x letter, it’s a (multiplication sign) but I guess most humans won’t read it “multiplication sign”. 😄

So, to sum up: adding aria-label will more likely be the right way to do it. 👍

What I usually do in that situation is this (but I’m gonna reconsider):

    <span class="visually-hidden>real button label</span <!-- this is read by screen readers -->
    <svg></svg> <!-- fancy “x” icon -->

I have this CSS utility class in all projects, which is the ultimate way to hide content visually, but not for screen readers.

.visually-hidden:not(:focus):not(:active) {
  position: absolute;
  size: 1px 1px;
  margin: -1px;
  padding: 0;

  clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
  clip-path: inset(100%);
  clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 0);
  overflow: hidden;

  border: 0;

  white-space: nowrap;

This way there’s no doubt about the semantic vs a x or whatever else label we could have, for both readers and maintainers. I often use it to hide headings that are not shown but should structurally exist in the DOM for understanding, like:

    <h2 class="visually-hidden">title that is not visible but still read by screen readers</h2>
    <p>some content</p>

However, Scott O’Hara explains when we should use ARIA and when we should use something else like this class, and I’m probably not using it correctly in some (most?) cases. 😅

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