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Created December 26, 2019 19:18
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A basic Matrix class
#ifndef DP2__MATRIX_H
#define DP2__MATRIX_H
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
template <typename T>
class Matrix {
size_t row{};
size_t col{};
std::unique_ptr<T[]> data;
void boundscheck(int r, int c) const {
if (!(0 <= r && r < row && 0 <= c && c < col)) {
throw std::out_of_range("Can not access out of bound element!");
// Set all the values of the Matrix
void setValues(T value) {
std::fill_n(data.get(), row*col, value);
explicit Matrix(size_t row, size_t col, T def) {
// Create a matrix of row X col and initialize
// each element of the matrix with def
this->row = row;
this->col = col;
this->data = std::make_unique<T[]>(this->row * this->col);
// Overload the [] operator for the 2d array like access
T* operator[](int r) {
return &this->data[r * col];
const T* operator[](int r) const {
return &this->data[r * col];
T& at(int r, int c) {
boundscheck(r, c);
return this->data[r * col + c];
const T& at(int r, int c) const {
boundscheck(r, c);
return this->data[r * col + c];
// Overload the << operator for console logging
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, Matrix &mObj) {
auto shape = mObj.shape();
for(int i=0; i< shape.first; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<shape.second; j++) {
os << mObj[i][j] << " ";
os << "\n";
return os;
// Get row and col values
std::pair<size_t, size_t> shape() const {
return std::make_pair(this->row, this->col);
#endif //DP2__MATRIX_H
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