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Created August 31, 2020 15:20
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  • Save McFateM/271cbd668331f9c863a685da3d1ebe3f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save McFateM/271cbd668331f9c863a685da3d1ebe3f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Output from /utility-scripts/isle_drupal_build_tools && ./ - August 31, 2020
╭─markmcfate@MAD25W812UJ1G9 ~/GitHub/dg-isle ‹ruby-2.3.0› ‹master›
╰─$ docker-compose up -d
Starting isle-portainer-ld ... done
Starting isle-mysql-ld ... done
Starting isle-proxy-ld ... done
Starting isle-solr-ld ... done
Starting isle-fedora-ld ... done
Starting isle-apache-ld ... done
Starting isle-images-ld ... done
╭─markmcfate@MAD25W812UJ1G9 ~/GitHub/dg-isle ‹ruby-2.3.0› ‹master›
╰─$ clear
╭─markmcfate@MAD25W812UJ1G9 ~/GitHub/dg-isle ‹ruby-2.3.0› ‹master›
╰─$ docker ps
285704143f1b islandoracollabgroup/isle-imageservices:1.5.1 "/init" 4 days ago Up 29 seconds>8080/tcp isle-images-ld
bc947a9d89a2 islandoracollabgroup/isle-apache:1.5.1 "/init" 4 days ago Up 32 seconds 80/tcp isle-apache-ld
1e0b889de1df islandoracollabgroup/isle-fedora:1.5.1 "/init" 4 days ago Up 36 seconds>8080/tcp isle-fedora-ld
3a16fae724cb islandoracollabgroup/isle-solr:1.5.1 "/init" 4 days ago Up 42 seconds 8983/tcp,>8080/tcp isle-solr-ld
b6f8076e88b0 traefik:1.7.9 "/traefik" 4 days ago Up 48 seconds>80/tcp,>443/tcp,>8080/tcp isle-proxy-ld
49e32e8d4cc4 islandoracollabgroup/isle-mysql:1.5.1 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 4 days ago Up 47 seconds 3306/tcp, 33060/tcp isle-mysql-ld
89fb41fa3ca4 portainer/portainer "/portainer -H unix:…" 4 days ago Up 48 seconds>9000/tcp isle-portainer-ld
╭─markmcfate@MAD25W812UJ1G9 ~/GitHub/dg-isle ‹ruby-2.3.0› ‹master›
╰─$ clear
╭─markmcfate@MAD25W812UJ1G9 ~/GitHub/dg-isle ‹ruby-2.3.0› ‹master›
╰─$ time docker exec -it isle-apache-ld bash -c "cd /utility-scripts/isle_drupal_build_tools && ./"
Using Drush makefile to create sample Drupal site within /tmp/drupal_install
Beginning to build /utility-scripts/isle_drupal_build_tools/isle-drush_make/drupal.drush.make. [ok]
drupal-7.72 downloaded. [ok]
Project views_bulk_operations contains 2 modules: actions_permissions, views_bulk_operations.
views_bulk_operations-7.x-3.6 downloaded. [ok]
Project admin_menu contains 3 modules: admin_menu_toolbar, admin_devel, admin_menu.
admin_menu-7.x-3.0-rc6 downloaded. [ok]
Project ctools contains 10 modules: views_content, term_depth, stylizer, page_manager, ctools_plugin_example, bulk_export, ctools_access_ruleset, ctools_custom_content, ctools_ajax_sample, ctools.
ctools-7.x-1.15 downloaded. [ok]
colorbox-7.x-2.15 downloaded. [ok]
Found makefile: colorbox.make [ok]
colorbox downloaded from [ok]
Project date contains 11 modules: date_api, date_repeat, date_migrate_example, date_migrate, date_context, date_views, date_popup, date_repeat_field, date_tools, date_all_day, date.
date-7.x-2.10 downloaded. [ok]
Project datepicker contains 3 modules: datepicker_views, datepicker_block, datepicker.
datepicker-7.x-1.0 downloaded. [ok]
Project devel contains 3 modules: devel_generate, devel, devel_node_access.
devel-7.x-1.7 downloaded. [ok]
Project entity contains 2 modules: entity_token, entity.
entity-7.x-1.9 downloaded. [ok]
entity_view_mode-7.x-1.0-rc1 downloaded. [ok]
Project entityreference contains 2 modules: entityreference_behavior_example, entityreference.
entityreference-7.x-1.5 downloaded. [ok]
Project environment_indicator contains 2 modules: environment_indicator_variable, environment_indicator.
environment_indicator-7.x-2.9 downloaded. [ok]
Project features_extra contains 4 modules: fe_profile, fe_nodequeue, fe_block, fe_date.
features_extra-7.x-1.0 downloaded. [ok]
features-7.x-2.11 downloaded. [ok]
Project google_analytics contains a module named googleanalytics.
google_analytics-7.x-2.6 downloaded. [ok]
Project panels contains 5 modules: i18n_panels, panels_ipe, panels_mini, panels_node, panels.
panels-7.x-3.10 downloaded. [ok]
Project imagemagick contains 2 modules: imagemagick_advanced, imagemagick.
imagemagick-7.x-1.0 downloaded. [ok]
libraries-7.x-2.5 downloaded. [ok]
link-7.x-1.7 downloaded. [ok]
Project rules contains 4 modules: rules_admin, rules_i18n, rules_scheduler, rules.
rules-7.x-2.12 downloaded. [ok]
stage_file_proxy-7.x-1.9 downloaded. [ok]
strongarm-7.x-2.0 downloaded. [ok]
token-7.x-1.7 downloaded. [ok]
Project views contains 2 modules: views, views_ui.
views-7.x-3.24 downloaded. [ok]
Project views_slideshow contains 3 modules: views_slideshow_simple_pager, views_slideshow_cycle, views_slideshow.
views_slideshow-7.x-3.10 downloaded. [ok]
Found makefile: views_slideshow.make [ok]
jquery.cycle downloaded from [ok]
json2 downloaded from [ok]
webform-7.x-4.23 downloaded. [ok]
webform_ajax-7.x-2.0 downloaded. [ok]
Project webform_bonus contains 2 modules: webform_digest, webform_bonus.
webform_bonus-7.x-3.x-dev downloaded. [ok]
webform_to_gdocs-7.x-4.3 downloaded. [ok]
webform_workflow-7.x-1.0-alpha2 downloaded. [ok]
Project xmlsitemap contains 9 modules: xmlsitemap_i18n, xmlsitemap_modal, xmlsitemap_engines, xmlsitemap_custom, xmlsitemap_menu, xmlsitemap_user, xmlsitemap_taxonomy, xmlsitemap_node, xmlsitemap.
xmlsitemap-7.x-2.6 downloaded. [ok]
JAIL cloned from [ok]
openseadragon downloaded from [ok]
pdfjs cloned from [ok]
video-js cloned from [ok]
colorbox downloaded from [ok]
Using Islandora makefile for Islandora Modules for sample Drupal site within /tmp/drupal_install
Beginning to build /utility-scripts/isle_drupal_build_tools/isle-drush_make/islandora.drush.make. [ok]
islandora cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_bagit cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_batch cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_book_batch cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_bookmark cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_checksum cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_checksum_checker cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_fits cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_form_fieldpanel cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_altmetrics cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x. [ok]
islandora_image_annotation cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x. [ok]
islandora_importer cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_internet_archive_bookreader cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_marcxml cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_oai cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_ocr cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_openseadragon cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_paged_content cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_pathauto cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_pdfjs cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_populator cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_premis cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_scholar cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_simple_workflow cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_solr_facet_pages cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_solr_metadata cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_solr_search cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_solr_views cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_solution_pack_audio cloned from[ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_solution_pack_book cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_solution_pack_collection cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_solution_pack_compound cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_solution_pack_disk_image cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_solution_pack_entities cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_solution_pack_image cloned from[ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_solution_pack_large_image cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_solution_pack_newspaper cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_solution_pack_pdf cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_solution_pack_video cloned from[ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_solution_pack_web_archive cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_sync cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x. [ok]
islandora_usage_stats cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_xacml_editor cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_xml_forms cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_xmlsitemap cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
objective_forms cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_newspaper_batch cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
php_lib cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
islandora_webform cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x. [ok]
islandora_videojs cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 7.x-1.13. [ok]
tuque cloned from [ok]
Checked out branch 1.x. [ok]
islandora_internet_archive_bookreader downloaded from [ok]
Update settings.php with ISLE default
'/utility-scripts/isle_drupal_build_tools/isle-drush_make/settings.php' -> '/tmp/drupal_install/sites/default/settings.php'
SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-Proto https HTTPS=on
Copying Islandora Installation...
rsync: rename "/var/www/html/sites/default/.settings.php.0lfAZl" -> "sites/default/settings.php": Device or resource busy (16)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1196) [sender=3.1.2]
Installing all Islandora modules
Installing Drupal Site
You are about to DROP all tables in your 'digital_grinnell' database. Do you want to continue? (y/n): y
Starting Drupal installation. This takes a while. Consider using the --notify global option. [ok]
Installation complete. [ok]
Drush vset of Drupal Site configurations
islandora_base_url was set to "fedora:8080/fedora". [success]
islandora_solr_url was set to "solr:8080/solr". [success]
imagemagick_convert was set to "/usr/local/bin/convert". [success]
image_toolkit was set to "imagemagick". [success]
islandora_ocr_tesseract was set to "/usr/bin/tesseract". [success]
islandora_checksum_checksum_type was set to "SHA-1". [success]
islandora_checksum_enable_checksum was set to TRUE. [success]
islandora_pdf_create_fulltext was set to 1. [success]
islandora_batch_java was set to "/usr/bin/java". [success]
islandora_lame_url was set to "/usr/bin/lame". [success]
islandora_paged_content_gs was set to "/usr/bin/gs". [success]
islandora_video_ffmpeg_path was set to "/usr/bin/ffmpeg". [success]
islandora_video_ffmpeg2theora_path was set to "/usr/bin/ffmpeg2theora". [success]
islandora_use_kakadu was set to FALSE. [success]
islandora_kakadu_url was set to "/usr/local/bin/kdu_compress". [success]
islandora_pdf_path_to_pdftotext was set to "/usr/bin/pdftotext". [success]
islandora_fits_executable_path was set to "/usr/local/bin/fits". [success]
islandora_openseadragon_settings was set to [success]
array (
'islandora_openseadragon_settings' =>
array (
'tabIndex' => 0,
'debugMode' => 0,
'debugGridColor' => '#437AB2',
'blendTime' => '0.1',
'alwaysBlend' => 0,
'autoHideControls' => 1,
'immediateRender' => 0,
'defaultZoomLevel' => 0,
'opacity' => 1,
'degrees' => 0,
'homeFillsViewer' => 0,
'panHorizontal' => 1,
'panVertical' => 1,
'constrainDuringPan' => 0,
'wrapHorizontal' => 0,
'wrapVertical' => 0,
'minZoomImageRatio' => 0.8,
'maxZoomPixelRatio' => 2,
'smoothTileEdgesMinZoom' => 1.1,
'autoResize' => 1,
'preserveImageSizeOnResize' => 0,
'minScrollDeltaTime' => 50,
'pixelsPerWheelLine' => 40,
'visibilityRatio' => 0.5,
'imageLoaderLimit' => 5,
'clickTimeThreshold' => 300,
'clickDistThreshold' => 5,
'dblClickTimeThreshold' => 300,
'dblClickDistThreshold' => 20,
'springStiffness' => 5,
'animationTime' => 0.5,
'gestureSettingsMouse' =>
array (
'scrollToZoom' => 0,
'clickToZoom' => 0,
'dblClickToZoom' => 1,
'pinchToZoom' => 0,
'flickEnabled' => 0,
'flickMinSpeed' => 120,
'flickMomentum' => 0.25,
'pinchRotate' => 0,
'gestureSettingsTouch' =>
array (
'scrollToZoom' => 0,
'clickToZoom' => 0,
'dblClickToZoom' => 1,
'pinchToZoom' => 1,
'flickEnabled' => 1,
'flickMinSpeed' => 120,
'flickMomentum' => 0.25,
'pinchRotate' => 0,
'gestureSettingsPen' =>
array (
'scrollToZoom' => 0,
'clickToZoom' => 1,
'dblClickToZoom' => 0,
'pinchToZoom' => 0,
'flickEnabled' => 0,
'flickMinSpeed' => 120,
'flickMomentum' => 0.25,
'pinchRotate' => 0,
'gestureSettingsUnknown' =>
array (
'scrollToZoom' => 1,
'clickToZoom' => 0,
'dblClickToZoom' => 1,
'pinchToZoom' => 1,
'flickEnabled' => 1,
'flickMinSpeed' => 120,
'flickMomentum' => 0.25,
'pinchRotate' => 0,
'zoomPerClick' => 2,
'zoomPerScroll' => 1,
'zoomPerSecond' => 1,
'controlsFadeDelay' => 2000,
'controlsFadeLength' => 1500,
'maxImageCacheCount' => 200,
'timeout' => 30000,
'useCanvas' => 1,
'minPixelRatio' => 0.5,
'mouseNavEnabled' => 1,
'sequenceControlAnchor' => 'TOP_LEFT',
'navPrevNextWrap' => 0,
'showNavigator' => 1,
'navigatorPosition' => 'TOP_RIGHT',
'navigatorSizeRatio' => 0.2,
'navigatorMaintainSizeRatio' => 0,
'navigatorAutoResize' => 1,
'navigatorAutoFade' => 1,
'navigatorRotate' => 1,
'showNavigationControl' => 1,
'navigationControlAnchor' => 'TOP_LEFT',
'showZoomControl' => 1,
'showHomeControl' => 1,
'showFullPageControl' => 1,
'showRotationControl' => 0,
'sequenceMode' => 0,
'preserveViewport' => 0,
'preserveOverlays' => 0,
'showReferenceStrip' => 0,
'referenceStripScroll' => 'horizontal',
'referenceStripPosition' => 'BOTTOM_LEFT',
'referenceStripSizeRatio' => 0.2,
'collectionMode' => 0,
'collectionRows' => 3,
'collectionColumns' => 0,
'collectionLayout' => 'horizontal',
'collectionTileSize' => 800,
'collectionTileMargin' => 80,
islandora_audio_viewers was set to [success]
array (
'name' =>
array (
'none' => 'none',
'islandora_videojs' => 'islandora_videojs',
'default' => 'islandora_videojs',
islandora_video_viewers was set to [success]
array (
'name' =>
array (
'none' => 'none',
'islandora_videojs' => 'islandora_videojs',
'default' => 'islandora_videojs',
islandora_book_viewers was set to [success]
array (
'name' =>
array (
'none' => 'none',
'islandora_internet_archive_bookreader' => 'islandora_internet_archive_bookreader',
'default' => 'islandora_internet_archive_bookreader',
islandora_book_page_viewers was set to [success]
array (
'name' =>
array (
'none' => 'none',
'islandora_openseadragon' => 'islandora_openseadragon',
'default' => 'islandora_openseadragon',
islandora_large_image_viewers was set to [success]
array (
'name' =>
array (
'none' => 'none',
'islandora_openseadragon' => 'islandora_openseadragon',
'default' => 'islandora_openseadragon',
islandora_newspaper_issue_viewers was set to [success]
array (
'name' =>
array (
'none' => 'none',
'islandora_internet_archive_bookreader' => 'islandora_internet_archive_bookreader',
'default' => 'islandora_internet_archive_bookreader',
islandora_newspaper_page_viewers was set to [success]
array (
'name' =>
array (
'none' => 'none',
'islandora_openseadragon' => 'islandora_openseadragon',
'default' => 'islandora_openseadragon',
islandora_pdf_viewers was set to [success]
array (
'name' =>
array (
'none' => 'none',
'islandora_pdfjs' => 'islandora_pdfjs',
'default' => 'islandora_pdfjs',
islandora_openseadragon_iiif_identifier was set to [success]
islandora_openseadragon_iiif_token_header was set to 0. [success]
islandora_openseadragon_iiif_url was set to "iiif/2". [success]
islandora_openseadragon_tilesource was set to "iiif". [success]
islandora_internet_archive_bookreader_iiif_identifier was set to [success]
islandora_internet_archive_bookreader_iiif_token_header was set to 0. [success]
islandora_internet_archive_bookreader_iiif_url was set to "iiif/2". [success]
islandora_internet_archive_bookreader_pagesource was set to "iiif". [success]
Enabling all Drupal modules, Islandora modules first
The following extensions will be enabled: php_lib
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
php_lib was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora defines the following permissions: view fedora repository objects, add fedora datastreams, edit fedora metadata, ingest fedora objects, delete fedora objects and datastreams, manage object properties, view old datastream versions, revert to old datastream, manage deleted objects, regenerate derivatives for an object, replace a datastream with new content, preserving version history, view and delete a list of orphaned objects
islandora: Did not install Top-level Collection. The object already exists and is up-to-date. [warning]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_basic_collection
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_basic_collection was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_basic_collection defines the following permissions: create child collection, manage collection policy, migrate collection members
islandora_basic_collection: Did not install Islandora Collection Content Model. The object already exists[warning]
and is up-to-date.
The following extensions will be enabled: objective_forms
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
objective_forms was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_solr
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_solr was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_solr defines the following permissions: search islandora solr, administer islandora solr, view islandora solr debug
Islandora Solr configuration page. [status]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_solr_metadata
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_solr_metadata was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_solr_metadata defines the following permissions: administer islandora_solr_metadata
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_solr_facet_pages
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_solr_facet_pages was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_solr_views, ctools, views
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
ctools was enabled successfully. [ok]
ctools defines the following permissions: use ctools import
islandora_solr_views was enabled successfully. [ok]
views was enabled successfully. [ok]
views defines the following permissions: administer views, access all views
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_pdf, imagemagick
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
imagemagick was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_pdf was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_pdf: Did not install Islandora PDF Content Model. The object already exists and is up-to-date. [warning]
islandora_pdf: Did not install PDF Collection. The object already exists and is up-to-date. [warning]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_audio
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_audio was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_audio: Did not install Islandora Audio Content Model. The object already exists and is [warning]
islandora_audio: Did not install Audio Collection. The object already exists and is up-to-date. [warning]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_book, islandora_paged_content
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_book was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_paged_content was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_paged_content defines the following permissions: Edit existing OCR stream
islandora_book: Did not install Islandora Page Content Model. The object already exists and is [warning]
islandora_book: Did not install Islandora Internet Archive Book Content Model. The object already exists [warning]
and is up-to-date.
islandora_book: Did not install Book Collection. The object already exists and is up-to-date. [warning]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_compound_object
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_compound_object was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_compound_object defines the following permissions: administer compound relationships
islandora_compound_object: Did not install Islandora Compound Object Content Model. The object already [warning]
exists and is up-to-date.
islandora_compound_object: Did not install Compound Collection. The object already exists and is [warning]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_disk_image
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_disk_image was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_disk_image: Did not install Islandora Disk Image Content Model. The object already exists but [warning]
datastreams are modified. Please reinstall the object on the Solution Pack admin page.
islandora_disk_image: Did not install Disk Image Collection. The object already exists and is up-to-date.[warning]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_entities, islandora_bookmark
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_bookmark was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_bookmark defines the following permissions: administer islandora_bookmark, use islandora_bookmark, share islandora bookmarks, export islandora bookmarks
islandora_entities was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_entities defines the following permissions: administer islandora entities, edit scholar metadata
Configuration 'Scholar' installed. [status]
Configuration 'Department' installed. [status]
islandora_entities: Did not install Islandora Entity Content Model. The object already exists and is [warning]
islandora_entities: Did not install Islandora Place Content Model. The object already exists and is [warning]
islandora_entities: Did not install Islandora Person Content Model. The object already exists and is [warning]
islandora_entities: Did not install Islandora Event Content Model. The object already exists and is [warning]
islandora_entities: Did not install Islandora Organization Content Model. The object already exists and [warning]
is up-to-date.
islandora_entities: Did not install Entity Collection. The object already exists and is up-to-date. [warning]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_entities_csv_import
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_entities_csv_import was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_entities_csv_import defines the following permissions: Import entities from csv
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_basic_image
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_basic_image was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_basic_image: Did not install Islandora Basic Image Content Model. The object already exists and[warning]
is up-to-date.
islandora_basic_image: Did not install Basic Image Collection. The object already exists and is [warning]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_large_image
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_large_image was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_large_image: Did not install Islandora Large Image Content Model. The object already exists and[warning]
is up-to-date.
islandora_large_image: Did not install Large Image Collection. The object already exists and is [warning]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_newspaper
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_newspaper was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_newspaper: Did not install Islandora Newspaper Content Model. The object already exists and is [warning]
islandora_newspaper: Did not install Islandora Newspaper Issue Content Model. The object already exists [warning]
and is up-to-date.
islandora_newspaper: Did not install Islandora Newspaper Page Content Model. The object already exists [warning]
and is up-to-date.
islandora_newspaper: Did not install Newspaper Collection. The object already exists and is up-to-date. [warning]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_video
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_video was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_video: Did not install Islandora Video Content Model. The object already exists and is [warning]
islandora_video: Did not install Video Collection. The object already exists and is up-to-date. [warning]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_web_archive
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_web_archive was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_web_archive: Did not install Islandora Web ARChive Content Model. The object already exists and[warning]
is up-to-date.
islandora_web_archive: Did not install Web ARChive Collection. The object already exists and is [warning]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_premis
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_premis was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_premis defines the following permissions: download premis metadata, view premis metadata
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_checksum
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_checksum was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_checksum_checker
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_checksum_checker was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_book_batch, islandora_batch
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [warning]
islandora_batch was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_batch defines the following permissions: islandora_batch_manage_queue
islandora_book_batch was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following projects have unmet dependencies: [ok]
islandora_pathauto requires pathauto
Would you like to download them? (y/n): y
Project pathauto (7.x-1.3) downloaded to /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/contrib/pathauto. [success]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_pathauto, token, pathauto
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_pathauto was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_pathauto defines the following permissions: administer islandora_pathauto
token was enabled successfully. [ok]
pathauto was enabled successfully. [ok]
pathauto defines the following permissions: administer pathauto, notify of path changes
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_pdfjs, libraries
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_pdfjs was enabled successfully. [ok]
libraries was enabled successfully. [ok]
libraries defines the following permissions: access library reports
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_videojs
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_videojs was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: xml_forms, xml_form_elements, xml_form_builder, xml_schema_api, xml_form_api
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
xml_forms was enabled successfully. [ok]
xml_form_api was enabled successfully. [ok]
xml_form_builder was enabled successfully. [ok]
xml_form_builder defines the following permissions: List XML Forms, Create XML Forms, Edit XML Forms, Delete XML Forms, Associate XML Forms
xml_form_elements was enabled successfully. [ok]
xml_schema_api was enabled successfully. [ok]
xml_form_builder is already enabled. [ok]
There were no extensions that could be enabled. [ok]
xml_schema_api is already enabled. [ok]
There were no extensions that could be enabled. [ok]
xml_form_elements is already enabled. [ok]
There were no extensions that could be enabled. [ok]
xml_form_api is already enabled. [ok]
There were no extensions that could be enabled. [ok]
jquery_update was not found. [warning]
The following projects provide some or all of the extensions not found: [ok]
Would you like to download them? (y/n): y
Project jquery_update (7.x-2.7) downloaded to /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/contrib/jquery_update. [success]
The following extensions will be enabled: jquery_update
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
jquery_update was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: zip_importer, islandora_importer
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_importer was enabled successfully. [ok]
zip_importer was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_basic_image is already enabled. [ok]
There were no extensions that could be enabled. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_bibliography, citation_exporter, bibutils, csl, citeproc, islandora_scholar
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
bibutils was enabled successfully. [ok]
citation_exporter was enabled successfully. [ok]
citeproc was enabled successfully. [ok]
csl was enabled successfully. [ok]
csl defines the following permissions: Manage CSL Citations
islandora_bibliography was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_scholar was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_scholar: Did not install Citation Content Model. The object already exists and is up-to-date. [warning]
islandora_scholar: Did not install Thesis Content Model. The object already exists and is up-to-date. [warning]
islandora_scholar: Did not install Citations. The object already exists and is up-to-date. [warning]
islandora_compound_object is already enabled. [ok]
There were no extensions that could be enabled. [ok]
islandora_scholar is already enabled. [ok]
There were no extensions that could be enabled. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_solr_config
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_solr_config was enabled successfully. [ok]
citation_exporter is already enabled. [ok]
There were no extensions that could be enabled. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: doi_importer, islandora_doi
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
doi_importer was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_doi was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: endnotexml_importer, islandora_endnotexml
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
endnotexml_importer was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_endnotexml was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: pmid_importer, islandora_pmid
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_pmid was enabled successfully. [ok]
pmid_importer was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: ris_importer, islandora_ris
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_ris was enabled successfully. [ok]
ris_importer was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_fits
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_fits was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_fits defines the following permissions: view technical metadata
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_ocr
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_ocr was enabled successfully. [ok]
Note: Enabling the Islandora OCR module only enables support for OCR. It does NOT automatically add OCR [warning]
functionality to modules whose OCR settings are disabled by default. Please check the OCR settings in the
administration pages for any OCR-compatible Solution Packs.
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_oai
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_oai was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_oai defines the following permissions: administer islandora oai
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_marcxml
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_marcxml was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_marcxml defines the following permissions: view marcxml output
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_simple_workflow
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_simple_workflow was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_simple_workflow defines the following permissions: bypass inactive object state, manage inactive objects
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_xacml_api
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_xacml_api was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_xacml_api defines the following permissions: administer islandora_xacml_api
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_xacml_editor
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_xacml_editor was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_xacml_editor defines the following permissions: administer islandora_xacml_editor, administer xacml inheritance
The following extensions will be enabled: xmlsitemap, xmlsitemap_custom
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
xmlsitemap_custom was enabled successfully. [ok]
xmlsitemap was enabled successfully. [ok]
xmlsitemap defines the following permissions: administer xmlsitemap, use xmlsitemap
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_xmlsitemap
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_xmlsitemap was enabled successfully. [ok]
Colorbox plugin has been installed in sites/all/libraries [success]
The following extensions will be enabled: colorbox
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
colorbox was enabled successfully. [ok]
Thanks for installing Colorbox [status]
You may configure Colorbox by visiting /admin/config/media/colorbox [status]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_internet_archive_bookreader
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_internet_archive_bookreader was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_bagit
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_bagit was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_bagit defines the following permissions: create Islandora Bags, administer Islandora BagIt
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_batch_report, entity, entity_token, rules
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
entity was enabled successfully. [ok]
entity_token was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_batch_report was enabled successfully. [ok]
rules was enabled successfully. [ok]
rules defines the following permissions: administer rules, bypass rules access, access rules debug
The following projects have unmet dependencies: [ok]
islandora_usage_stats requires views_data_export
Would you like to download them? (y/n): y
Project views_data_export (7.x-3.2) downloaded to [success]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_usage_stats, views_data_export, date_views, date_api, date_popup, datepicker, datepicker_views
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
datepicker was enabled successfully. [ok]
datepicker_views was enabled successfully. [ok]
date_api was enabled successfully. [ok]
date_popup was enabled successfully. [ok]
date_views was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_usage_stats was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_usage_stats defines the following permissions: manage usage stats, view islandora usage stats reports, view islandora usage stats collection overview stats
views_data_export was enabled successfully. [ok]
The Date API requires that you set up the site timezone and first day of week settings and the date [warning]
format settings to function correctly.
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_form_fieldpanel
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_form_fieldpanel was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_altmetrics, islandora_badges
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_altmetrics was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_badges was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_populator
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_populator was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_newspaper_batch
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_newspaper_batch was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_openseadragon
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_openseadragon was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: views_ui
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
views_ui was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: webform
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
webform was enabled successfully. [ok]
webform defines the following permissions: access all webform results, access own webform results, edit all webform submissions, delete all webform submissions, access own webform submissions, edit own webform submissions, delete own webform submissions, edit webform components
The following extensions will be enabled: webform_ajax
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
webform_ajax was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: webform_bonus
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
webform_bonus was enabled successfully. [ok]
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_webform
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_webform was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_webform defines the following permissions: manage islandora webform, islandora webform link objects
The following extensions will be enabled: islandora_webform_ingest
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
islandora_webform_ingest was enabled successfully. [ok]
islandora_webform_ingest defines the following permissions: ingest islandora webform submissions
Openseadragon plugin has been installed in /var/www/html/sites/all/libraries [success]
Video.js plugin has been installed in /var/www/html/sites/all/libraries [success]
PDF.js plugin has been installed in /var/www/html/sites/all/libraries [success]
Internet Archive Bookreader plugin has been installed in /var/www/html/sites/all/libraries [success]
Rerunning drush vset to ensure that Ghostscript works for the PDF DERIVATIVE SETTINGS
islandora_paged_content_gs was set to "/usr/bin/gs". [success]
Re-running the islandora_video_mp4_audio_codec vset!
islandora_video_mp4_audio_codec was set to "aac". [success]
Installing new citeproc v2 library for Islandora scholar
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Package operations: 5 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Installing citation-style-language/locales (1.0.0): Cloning master from cache
- Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.10.0): Downloading (100%)
- Installing seboettg/collection (v1.3.1): Downloading (100%)
- Installing myclabs/php-enum (1.6.6): Downloading (100%)
- Installing seboettg/citeproc-php (v2.1.7): Downloading (100%)
Generating autoload files
Back to /var/www/html/sites/all/modules
Enable module script finished!
Added "view fedora repository objects" to "anonymous user" [success]
'all' cache was cleared. [success]
Running fix-permissions script
Changing ownership of all contents of /var/www/html:
user => islandora group => www-data
Changing permissions of all directories inside /var/www/html to rwxr-x---...
Changing permissions of all files inside /var/www/html to rw-r-----...
Changing permissions of files directories in /var/www/html/sites to rwxrwx---...
Changing permissions of all files inside all files directories in /var/www/html/sites to rw-rw----...
Changing permissions of all directories inside all files directories in /var/www/html/sites to rwxrwx---...
Done setting proper permissions on files and directories
Configuring cron job to run every 3 hours
Running Drupal Cron first time and clearing Drupal Caches.
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() islandora_checksum_checker.module:26 [warning]
Cron run successful. [success]
Refreshing update status information ...
'all' cache was cleared. [success]
docker exec -it isle-apache-ld bash -c 0.08s user 0.06s system 0% cpu 20:43.55 total
╭─markmcfate@MAD25W812UJ1G9 ~/GitHub/dg-isle ‹ruby-2.3.0› ‹master›
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