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Created March 9, 2018 15:57
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Port Conflicts

If you encounter errors like this: Error starting userland proxy: Bind for failed: port is already allocated, then ISLE may have encountered a conflict with the xxxx port identifed in the error message.

In OSX this can frequently be traced back to a local Apache or Nginx web server. You may need to remove or disable these local web servers before you can successfully install ISLE.

  • The Apache server that ships with most OSX machines can be disabled from a terminal using these commands:

    sudo apachectl stop  
    sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist 2>/dev/null
  • If you have a running instance of Nginx it can probably be disabled from a terminal using:

    sudo nginx -s stop

Once your web server(s) have been disabled, resume the ISLE install process by repeating your last installation command, presumably docker-compose up -d.

Not All (5) Containers are Running

If you don't see five running containers, then stop the running containers with docker-compose down -d and start the containers one at a time following the instructions below:

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