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Created February 2, 2021 23:23
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Program to compare symbolic expressions in lisp
;; see the README at:
#! /usr/bin/racket
#lang racket
(require rackunit)
(require plai/datatype)
(provide (rename-out [display-diff display-lisp-diff])
;; Constants
(define OUTPUT-GREEN "\e[32m")
(define OUTPUT-RED "\e[31m")
(define OUTPUT-BLUE "\e[36m")
(define OUTPUT-PINK "\e[35m")
(define OUTPUT-YELLOW "\u001b[33m")
(define RESET-OUTPUT-COLOR "\e[0m")
;; predicate
;; checks whether a value is valid as contents of list-diff
(define (list-diff-contents? contents)
(and (list? contents)
(andmap (λ (el)
(or (list-diff? el)
(pair? el)
(partial? el)))
;; representation of expression with differences highlighted
(define-type diff-output
[SAME (val any/c)]
[DIFFERENT (left any/c) (right any/c)]
;; diff-output can also be (listof diff-output)
[list-diff (diffs list-diff-contents?)]
;; could also be a pair:
;; (cons diff-output diff-output)
;; represent portion of a list containing sub-expressions
;; to get same color.
;; Should only appear inside 'contents field of lisp-diff
(define-type partial
[SAME* (vals list?)]
[DIFFERENT* (left list?) (right list?)]
;; s-expr s-expr -> diff-output
;; return diff-output representing differences
;; compare-expressions and compare-lists are mutually recursive.
(define (compare-expressions left right)
(match `(,left . ,right)
[`(,same . ,same) (SAME same)]
[pair-of-lists #:when (and (list? left) (list? right))
(compare-lists left right)]
[`((,lcar . ,lcdr) . (,rcar . ,rcdr))
(cons (compare-expressions lcar rcar) (compare-expressions lcdr rcdr))]
(DIFFERENT left right)]))
;; list -> list-diff
(define (compare-lists left right)
;; list -> (list-of diff-output)
(define (compare-partials left right)
(match `(,left . ,right)
[`(() . ()) '()]
;; pair which is not a list
[`((,l1 . ,l2) (,r1 . r2))
#:when (and (not (list? left))
(not (list? right)))
`(,(compare-expressions l1 r1)
. (diff l2 r2))]
;; lists begin with some matching values
[`((,lheads ..1 ,ltail ...) . (,rheads ..1 ,rtail ...))
#:when (equal? lheads rheads)
(cons (SAME* lheads)
(compare-partials ltail rtail))]
;; lists both have a list as first element
[`((,lhead ,ltail ...) . (,rhead ,rtail ...))
#:when (and (list? lhead)
(list? rhead))
(cons (compare-lists lhead rhead)
(compare-partials ltail rtail))]
[`((,lheads oo1 ,ltail ...) . (,rheads oo1 ,rtail ...))
#:when (and (equal? (length lheads)
(length rheads))
(andmap (λ (a b) (not (equal? a b))) lheads rheads))
(cons (DIFFERENT* lheads rheads)
(compare-partials ltail rtail))]
[`((,lhead ,ltail ...) . (,rhead ,rtail ...))
#:when (not (equal? lhead rhead))
(cons (DIFFERENT* `(,lhead) `(,rhead))
(compare-partials ltail rtail))]
`(,(DIFFERENT* left right))]
;; list -> diff-output
(match `(,left . ,right)
[`(() ()) `()]
[`(,same . ,same) (SAME left)]
[else (list-diff (compare-partials left right))]))
(module+ test
;; pair handling
(check-equal? (compare-expressions '(siskel . ebert)
'(ebert . roeper))
`(,(DIFFERENT 'siskel 'ebert) . ,(DIFFERENT 'ebert 'roeper)))
(check-equal? (compare-expressions '() '()) (SAME '()))
(check-equal? (compare-expressions '() '(bless you)) (list-diff
(list (DIFFERENT* '() '(bless you)))))
(check-equal? (compare-expressions '(right is empty) '()) (list-diff
(list (DIFFERENT* '(right is empty) '()))))
(check-equal? (compare-expressions '[dreamcast xbox-one ps4 switch]
'[dreamcast xbox-one playstation])
[list (SAME* '(dreamcast xbox-one))
(DIFFERENT* '(ps4) '(playstation))
(DIFFERENT* '(switch) '())]))
(check-equal? (compare-expressions '([consoles [dreamcast xbox-one ps4 switch]])
'([consoles [dreamcast xbox-one playstation]]))
(list-diff `(,(list-diff `[,(SAME* '(consoles))
[list (SAME* '(dreamcast xbox-one))
(DIFFERENT* '(ps4) '(playstation))
(DIFFERENT* '(switch) '())])]))))
(check-equal? (compare-expressions
[(player "brandon" 20 180)
(player "kevin" 40 204)
("maxwell" 31 150)])))
[(player "brandon" 20 180)
(player "kevin" 400 204)
("maxwell" 31 150)]))))
(DIFFERENT* '(info) '(thing))
(SAME* '(players))
(SAME* '((player "brandon" 20 180)))
(SAME* '(player "kevin"))
(DIFFERENT* '(40) '(400))
(SAME* '(204))))
(SAME* '(("maxwell" 31 150)))]))))))))
(check-equal? (compare-expressions '(same (nested list)) '(same (with different contents)))
(SAME* '(same))
(DIFFERENT* '((nested list)) '((with different contents))))))
;; diff-output -> string
(define (colorize-diff tree)
;; partial -> list
(define (colorize-partial part color-context)
(match part
[(SAME* `(,same-values ...)) `(,OUTPUT-GREEN
,color-context )]
[(DIFFERENT* left right) `(,OUTPUT-BLUE
[lsd #:when (list-diff? lsd) (list (colorize-list-diff lsd color-context))]
;; TODO: handle pairs
#;[(cons fst snd) #:when (not (list? tree))
(error "TODO; Handle pairs like " part)
(list (cons (colorize-diff-rec fst color-context)
(colorize-diff-rec snd color-context)))]
[else (error "expected SAME* or DIFFERENT*, got " part)]))
;; list-diff -> list
(define (colorize-list-diff lsd color-context)
(match lsd
[(list-diff contents) #:when (list? contents)
(foldr (λ (d acc) (append
(colorize-partial d color-context)
acc)) '() contents)]
[else (error "expected list-diff containing list, got: " lsd)]
;; diff-output -> string
(define (colorize-diff-rec tree color-context)
(match tree
[(SAME val) (~a OUTPUT-GREEN (~a val #:separator " ") color-context)]
[(DIFFERENT left right) (~a (~a (~a OUTPUT-BLUE
#:separator " ")
[lsd #:when (list-diff? lsd) (~a (colorize-list-diff lsd color-context))]
[(cons d1 d2) `(,(colorize-diff-rec d1 color-context) . ,(colorize-diff-rec d2 color-context))]
[else (error "Unexpected input: " tree)]))
(colorize-diff-rec tree OUTPUT-GREEN)
(define display-diff (compose displayln colorize-diff compare-expressions))
(define lisp-diff (compose colorize-diff compare-expressions))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (colorize-diff
(list-diff (list
(DIFFERENT* '(a b c) '(1 2 3))
(SAME* '(end of list)))))
OUTPUT-BLUE 'a 'b 'c
OUTPUT-GREEN 'end 'of 'list
(display-diff `(same
(same (but different))))
(display-diff '(first (second)
(third something))
'(first (second)
(third (something-else))))
(display-diff '(same up to here then (list with multiple differences))
'(same up to here then (and different length)))
(display-diff '(when the head is different and the tail is the same)
'(but the head is different and the tail is the same))
(display-diff 'single-symbol 'comparison)
(display-diff '(we . compare)'(a . pair))
(display-diff '(second-item . matches) '(pair-cdr . matches))
;; complex structure with a small difference higher up, then another difference lower down
(display-diff '(same (nested list)) '(same (with different contents)))
[(player "brandon" 20 180) (player "kevin" 40 204) ("maxwell" 31 150)])))
[(player "brandon" 20 180) (player "kevin" 400 204) ("maxwell" 31 150)]))))
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