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Created January 4, 2016 10:26
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Parsing INI in TorqueScript
// ================
// INI Parser
// ================
// Author: McTwist
// Version: 1.0
// Description: Parses ini code in an easy way
// License: Free to use
// ================
// INI reading
// Creating the object
function INI::onAdd(%this)
if (!isObject(%this))
// Default properties
%this.useSections = 1;
// Removing the object
function INI::onRemove(%this)
// Reset
function INI::Reset(%this)
if (isObject(; = new ScriptObject();
%this.currentSection = "";
%this.currentVar = "";
// Reads a file
function INI::ReadFile(%this, %file)
%stream = new FileObject();
// Read everything
while (!%stream.isEOF())
%this.currentSection = "";
%this.currentVar = "";
// Reads a string
function INI::ReadString(%this, %string)
while (%string !$= "")
%string = nextToken(%string, "line", "\n");
%this.currentSection = "";
%this.currentVar = "";
// Read line
function INI::ParseNextLine(%this, %line)
if (!%this.quote)
// Handle empty lines, even if specification tells not to
if (%line $= "")
// Comments
if (getSubStr(%line, 0, 1) $= ";")
// Section
if (getSubStr(%line, 0, 1) $= "[")
%section = strpos(%line, "]");
%this.currentSection = getSubStr(%line, 1, %section - 1);
%assign = strpos(%line, "=");
// Invalid line
if (%assign == -1)
%var = trim(getSubStr(%line, 0, %assign));
// Array (PHP specification)
if ((%array = strpos(%var, "[")) != -1 && getSubStr(%var, %array, 2) $= "[]")
%var = getSubStr(%var, 0, strlen(%var)-2);
%i = %this.Get(%this.currentSection, %var);
if (%i $= "")
%i = 0;
%this.Set(%this.currentSection, %var, %i+1);
%var = %var @ "_" @ %i;
%this.currentVar = %var;
%this.ParseNextValue(getSubStr(%line, %assign+1, strlen(%line)));
// Continue on the value
// Read a value
function INI::ParseNextValue(%this, %value, %i)
%quote = strpos(%value, "\"", %assign);
// Quoted
if (%quote != -1 && !%this.quote)
%this.quote = 1;
%value = getSubStr(%value, %quote+1, strlen(%value));
// No quotes
%value = (%this.quote) ? %value : trim(%value);
// Find end quote
if (%this.quote)
%quote2 = 0;
while ((%quote2 = strpos(%value, "\"", %quote2)) != -1)
if (%this.IsEscaped(%value, %quote2))
if (%quote2 == -1)
%quote2 = strlen(%value);
%this.quote = "";
%value = getSubStr(%value, 0, %quote2);
if (%this.Get(%this.currentSection, %this.currentVar) !$= "")
%value = %this.Get(%this.currentSection, %this.currentVar) NL %value;
// Finish up by replacing escaped characters
%value = strreplace(%value, "\\\\", "\\");
%value = strreplace(%value, "\\t", "\t");
%value = strreplace(%value, "\\r\\n", "\n");
%value = strreplace(%value, "\\n", "\n");
%value = strreplace(%value, "\\r", "\n");
%value = strreplace(%value, "\\;", ";");
%value = strreplace(%value, "\\#", "#");
%value = strreplace(%value, "\\=", "=");
%value = strreplace(%value, "\\:", ":");
%this.Set(%this.currentSection, %this.currentVar, %value);
// Check if a string is escaped
function INI::IsEscaped(%this, %string, %pos)
%escaped = 0;
for (%it = %pos-1; %it > 0 && getSubStr(%string, %it, 1) $= "\\"; %it--)
%escaped = !%escaped;
return %escaped;
// Get values
function INI::Get(%this, %section, %var, %i)
if (%i !$= "")
%var = %var @ "_" @ %i;
if (%this.useSections)
return[%section, %var];
// Set values(Private)
function INI::Set(%this, %section, %var, %i, %data)
if (%data $= "")
%data = %i;
else if (%i !$= "")
%var = %var @ "_" @ %i;
if (%this.useSections)[%section, %var] = %data;
else[%var] = %data;
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