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Created January 4, 2016 10:15
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  • Save McTwist/e32fc7642c99316d0f9d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save McTwist/e32fc7642c99316d0f9d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Compresses a TorqueScript file to a smaller size but can still run
// One file only
// Does not optimize
function Compress(%from, %to)
%obj = new FileObject();
%chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
%current = 0;
while (!%obj.isEOF())
%line = %obj.readLine();
// Remove comments
%comment = 0;
while ((%comment = strpos(%line, "//", %comment)) >= 0)
if (!withinString(%line, %comment))
%line = getSubStr(%line, 0, %comment);
%func = -1;
while (withinString(%line, %func = stripos(%line, "function", %func + 1))){}
%first = 0;
// Find and replace local variables
while ((%first = strpos(%line, "%", %first)) >= 0)
// Inside a string
if (withinString(%line, %first))
// Find end of valid variable
for (%last = %first+1; %last < strlen(%line) && stripos(%chars @ "0123456789", getSubStr(%line, %last, 1)) >= 0; %last++){}
// Operator
if (%first >= %last-2)
%name = getSubStr(%line, %first, %last - %first);
// Reset local variable span if function found
if (%func >= 0 && %func < %first)
while (withinString(%line, %func = stripos(%line, "function", %func + 1))){}
%current = 0;
// New
if (strlen($va[%name]) == 0)
$va[%name] = getSubStr(%chars, %current, 1);
//%len = strlen(%line);
//%first = %first++ - (%len - strlen(%line)); // Go back some steps to find new position
%first = 0; // Go back some steps to find new position
%line = strreplace(%line, %name, "%" @ $va[%name]);
%compressed = %compressed NL %line;
// Remove spaces
%compressed = removeWhitespace(" ", %compressed);
%compressed = removeWhitespace("\t", %compressed);
%compressed = removeWhitespace("\n", %compressed);
%obj = new FileObject();
// Checks if a position is within a string
function withinString(%text, %pos)
%length = strlen(%text);
// Begin
while (%first < %length && (%first = strpos(%text, "\"", %first)) >= 0 && %first < %pos)
%second = %first+1;
while (%second < %length && (%second = strpos(%text, "\"", %second)) >= 0 && %first < %pos)
%escaped = 0;
// Avoid escaped
for (%it = %second-1; getSubStr(%text, %it, 1) $= "\\"; %it--)
%escaped = !%escaped;
if (%escaped)
// Is inside
if (%first < %pos && %second > %pos)
return true;
%first = %second+1;
return false;
// Remove whitespace
function removeWhitespace(%type, %text)
%length = strlen(%text);
%specials = "!^\"'$@,.(){}[];=?:-+*/%<>&|\t\r\n ";
for (%it = 0; %it < %length; %it++)
%char = getSubStr(%text, %it, 1);
if (%inside || %char !$= %type || (%char $= %type && %it > 0 && (strpos(%specials, getSubStr(%text, %it-1, 1)) == -1 && strpos(%specials, getSubStr(%text, %it+1, 1)) == -1)))
%result = %result @ %char;
// String
if (%char $= "\"")
if (%inside)
%escaped = 0;
// Avoid escaped
for (%nt = %it-1; getSubStr(%text, %nt, 1) $= "\\"; %nt--)
%escaped = !%escaped;
if (%escaped)
%inside = !%inside;
return %result;
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