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Created November 17, 2015 21:38
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PS C:\Wks\\MeTaNoV\gold-password-input> polylint.cmd --help
[ 4 ; 1 m p o l y l i n t [ 0 m
-h, --help Print usage.
-b, --bowerdir string Bower components
directory. Defaults
to 'bower_components'
-v, --verbose Writes verbose
-g, --debug Writes debugging
-p, --policy string Your jsconf.json
policy file.
-r, --root string Root directory
against which URLs in
inputs are resolved.
If not specified,
then the current
working directory is
-i, --input string[] Polymer source files.
--stdin If true, the file
from `input` will be
replaced by the
contents of stdin. If
true, only one value
will be accepted for
--no-recursion Only report errors on
specified input
files, not from their
PS C:\Wks\\MeTaNoV\gold-password-input> polylint.cmd --root ./ --input index.html
ERROR finding ..\webcomponentsjs\webcomponents-lite.js
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Wks\\MeTaNoV\webcomponentsjs\webcomponents-lite.js'
at Error (native)
PS C:\Wks\\MeTaNoV\gold-password-input> polyserve
Starting Polyserve on port 8080
Files in this directory are available at localhost:8080/components/gold-password-input/...
^CTerminer le programme de commandes (O/N) ?
^CPS C:\Wks\\MeTaNoV\gold-password-input>
PS C:\Wks\\MeTaNoV\gold-password-input>
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