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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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Brainfuck Assembler
* Title : Brainfuck Assembler
* Written by : Stuart Haidon
* Date : 2015-06-16
* Versions:
* 1.0: Release
* 1.1: Changed JMP instruction in assembled program to RTS.
* 1.2: Now handles mis-matched brackets.
ORG $1000
readlen EQU $100
* Subroutines
* Input
* D6 : Character to test.
* Output
* D7 : 0 if invalid.
move.l #1,d7
cmp.b #'>', d6
beq is_valid_exit
cmp.b #'<', d6
beq is_valid_exit
cmp.b #'-', d6
beq is_valid_exit
cmp.b #'+', d6
beq is_valid_exit
cmp.b #'.', d6
beq is_valid_exit
cmp.b #',', d6
beq is_valid_exit
cmp.b #'[', d6
beq is_valid_exit
cmp.b #']', d6
beq is_valid_exit
move.l #0,d7
* Zeroes the first 128kb of program memory. Memory pointer in A6.
move.l #$8000, d0
move.l #0,-4(a6,d0.l)
sub.l #4, d0
tst d0
bne zero_mem_start
START: ; first instruction of program
* Put program code here
* Close existing handles. Just in case.
move.l #50, d0
trap #15
* Get filename.
move.l #0, a1
lea extensions, a2
lea fname_buffer, a3
move.l #58, d0 ; Open/save file dialog.
move.l #0, d1 ; Open file
trap #15
tst d1
beq end * User clicked cancel or closed the dialog. Exit.
* Start assembling the program.
* Open file
lea fname_buffer, a1
move.l #51, d0
trap #15 * D1 = File ID.
lea program, a5 * A5 = Program output address.
lea read_buffer, a1 * A1 = Buffer address.
* Read 256 bytes into buffer.
move.l #53, d0 * Read file.
move.l #readlen, d2
trap #15 * D2 = Number of bytes read.
* Read and assemble brainfuck.
move.l #0, d3 * D3 = Buffer read offset pointer.
move.b (a1,d3.l), d6 * D6 = Read character.
jsr is_valid
tst d7
beq next_iter * Invalid character. Skip to next.
IF.b d6 <EQ> #'>' THEN.s
move.w #$528E, (a5)+ * add.l #1, A6
IF.b d6 <EQ> #'<' THEN.s
move.w #$538E, (a5)+ * sub.l #1, A6
IF.b d6 <EQ> #'+' THEN.s
move.w #$5216, (a5)+ * add.b #1, (A6)
IF.b d6 <EQ> #'-' THEN.s
move.w #$5316, (a5)+ * sub.b #1, (A6)
IF.b d6 <EQ> #'.' THEN.s
move.w #$7006, (a5)+ * move.l #6, d0
move.w #$1216, (a5)+ * move.b (a6), d1
move.w #$4E4F, (a5)+ * trap #15
IF.b d6 <EQ> #',' THEN.s
move.w #$7005, (a5)+ * move.l #5, d0
move.w #$4E4F, (a5)+ * trap #15
move.w #$1C81, (a5)+ * move.b d1, (a6)
IF.b d6 <EQ> #'[' THEN.s
move.w #$4A16, (a5)+ * tst (a6)
move.w #$6600, (a5)+ * bne
move.w #$0008, (a5)+ * Address for bne
move.w #$4ED5, (a5)+ * Jump to (a5) Is for handling mismatched bracket, and will be corrected to 4EF9 later.
*move.w #$4EF9, (a5)+ * jmp to following address.
* Push address to destination of current [.
move.l a5, -(a7)
move.w #$0000, (a5)+
move.w #$0000, (a5)+ * Address to matching ]
IF.b d6 <EQ> #']' THEN.s
move.l a5,d5 * D5 = Address of current ] before writing the instruction.
* Write current instruction.
move.w #$4A16, (a5)+ * tst (a6)
move.w #$6700, (a5)+ * beq
move.w #$0008, (a5)+ * Address for beq
* Test for mis-matched bracket.
IF.l a7 <NE> #$1000000 THEN.s
move.l (a7)+, a3 * A3 = Address to matching [
move.w d5, 2(a3)
swap d5
move.w d5, 0(a3)
* Correct the jump opcode
move.w #$4EF9, -2(a3)
* Write jump opcode for current bracket.
move.w #$4EF9, (a5)+ * jmp
* Write matching return address.
move.l a3, d5
sub.l #8, d5
swap d5
move.w d5, (a5)+
swap d5
move.w d5, (a5)+
* Write return error opcode.
move.w #$4ED5, (a5)+
add.w #1, d3
UNTIL.w d3 <EQ> d2 DO.l * Read untill reached the end of read data.
UNTIL.l d2 <NE> #readlen DO.l * Reached end of file.
* Exit program.
move.w #$4E75, (a5)+ * rts
* Close file.
move.l #56, d0
trap #15
* Zero memory, setup memory pointer, and jump to program.
lea program_memory, a6
* Write message.
move.l #13, d0
lea zero_mem_message, a1
trap #15
jsr zero_mem
* Clear screen.
move.l #11, d0
move.l #$ff00, d1
trap #15
* Set error pointer address.
lea program_error, a5
jsr program
* Program will jump here when finished.
move.l #13, d0
lea finish_text, a1
trap #15 * Display string.
move.l #5, d0
trap #15
cmp.b #'y',d1
beq prog_finish_clear_restart
cmp.b #'n',d1
beq end
move.l #13,d0
lea finish_text_invalid, a1
trap #15
jmp prog_finish_input_loop
move.l #11, d0
move.l #$ff00, d1
trap #15 * Clear screen.
jmp start
SIMHALT ; halt simulator
move.l #13,d0
lea mismatch_bracket, a1
trap #15
* Put variables and constants here
zero_mem_message: dc.b 'Zeroing Memory',0
finish_text: dc.b $d,$a,'Program finished. Load another? (y or n)',0
finish_text_invalid: dc.b $d,$a,'Invalid Input',$d,$a,0
mismatch_bracket: dc.b $d,$a,'Encountered a program error. Exiting.',0
extensions: dc.b '*.b;*.bf',0
fname_buffer: dcb.b $100,0
read_buffer: dcb.b readlen,0
ORG $10000
ORG $100000
END START ; last line of source
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Measter commented Jun 17, 2015

Thank you. I did originally intend to write an interpreter, hence the title in the file, but changed my mind when I realised I would have to search along the brainfuck code for the matching bracket. I figured it would be easier to assemble it to raw opcodes and just jump to it.

I used the Easy68k assembler/emulator to compile and run it, so it uses some emulator-specific functions, such as the open file dialog and file reading (Lines 66 to 96).

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