Jason the Goodman <jasonthegoodman@....com>:
How about defining "truth" with "stability" of the coupling loop between "the object" and the cognitive system coupling with the "object"? If the process stabilizes and an eigenvalue of the loop emerges, we say "a truth" is found. This would refocus our attention from the "object" itself to the nature of the cognitive system, which may include animals and robots in addition to humans. My tentative way to upgrade from first-order thinking to the second-order thinking. Then, instead of searching for "truth", we search for the "Lyapunov potential function" for the situation if we could find one...
Louis H Kauffman <kauffman@....edu>
Eigenform is important way to formalize a kind of stability. Truth is a special kind of eigenform, not just any eigenform. Truth means the truth of a PROPOSITION about something. So we need to have a language involved and the notion that the propositions are talking about some domain where it is possible to c