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Created September 19, 2012 04:16
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Save MechCoder/3747669 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A python script to output other properties of steam when temperature and pressure are given.Requires three database files called 'super.dat' , 'ptables.dat' , 'Temptables.dat'
A python module used to retrieve information about various other properties of steam , when either temperature , pressure and one of enthalpy , entropy , specific volume and quality are given .
Author = S.Manoj Kumar
import shelve
import bisect
class State:
def GetTemp(self):
return self.T
def GetPressure(self):
return self.P
def GetEnthalpy(self):
return self.h
def GetEnergy(self):
return self.u
def GetVolume(self):
return self.v
def GetEntropy(self):
return self.s
def GetQuality(self):
return self.x
def __init__(self ,T = None , P = None , h = None , u = None , s = None , x = None , v = None):
'''initializing all the variables'''
self.T = T
self.P = P
self.v = v
self.h = h
self.u = u
self.s = s
self.x = x
self.StateList = {'pressure' : [self.P , 0] , 'temp' : [self.T ,1] , 'volume' : [self.v ,2 ] , 'energy': [self.u ,3] , 'enthalpy' : [self.h ,4 ], 'entropy' : [self.s, 5 ], 'quality' : [self.x , 6]}
self.SatList = ['pressure' , 'temp' , 'vf' , 'vg' , 'uf' , 'ug' ,'hf' , 'hg' , 'sf' , 'sg']
self.GivenStates = []
for key in self.StateList:
if self.StateList[key][0] != None:
#If input is less than one , raise an error
assert(len(self.GivenStates) == 2) , 'Please input two values'
#If pressure is given as input , perform this function
if 'pressure' in self.GivenStates:
if 'quality' not in self.GivenStates:
if self.x >= 0 and self.x <= 1:
elif 'temp' in self.GivenStates:
if 'quality' not in self.GivenStates :
if self.x >= 0 and self.x <= 1:
def _QualitySearch(self , TorP):
#Searches for given pressure or temperature and quality.
if TorP == 0:
Data ='ptables.dat')
Property = 'pressure'
Value = self.P
UpperValue = 22064.0
LowerValue = 1.0
elif TorP == 1:
Data ='Temptables.dat')
Property = 'temp'
Value = self.T
UpperValue = 373.95
LowerValue = 0.01
if Value >= LowerValue and Value <= UpperValue:
TorpInd = bisect.bisect_left(Data[Property] , Value)
Isotherm1 = [Data['pressure'][TorpInd - 1] , Data['temp'][TorpInd - 1] , Data['vf'][TorpInd - 1] , Data['vg'][TorpInd - 1] , Data['uf'][TorpInd - 1] , Data['ug'][TorpInd - 1] , Data['hf'][TorpInd - 1] , Data['hg'][TorpInd - 1] , Data['sf'][TorpInd - 1] , Data['sg'][TorpInd - 1]]
Isotherm2 = [Data['pressure'][TorpInd], Data['temp'][TorpInd] , Data['vf'][TorpInd] , Data['vg'][TorpInd] , Data['uf'][TorpInd] , Data['ug'][TorpInd] , Data['hf'][TorpInd] , Data['hg'][TorpInd] , Data['sf'][TorpInd] , Data['sg'][TorpInd]]
Isotherm = self.interpolate(Value,TorP,Isotherm1 , Isotherm2)
self.P = Isotherm[0]
self.T = Isotherm[1]
self.v = Isotherm[2] + self.x * (Isotherm[3] - Isotherm[2])
self.u = Isotherm[4] + self.x * (Isotherm[5] - Isotherm[4])
self.h = Isotherm[6] + self.x * (Isotherm[7] - Isotherm[6])
self.s = Isotherm[8] + self.x * (Isotherm[9] - Isotherm[8])
def interpolate(self ,state, index ,lowerlimit ,upperlimit ):
'''Interpolate is a function used to find the other properties for a given state, provided one property is given. The arguments needed are two lists which are close to each other , and the index of the known property in the list'''
slope = float(state - upperlimit[index]) / (upperlimit[index] - lowerlimit[index])
difference = [x - y for x, y in zip(upperlimit , lowerlimit)]
dx = [slope * x for x in difference]
interpolatedvalue = [x + y for x , y in zip(upperlimit , dx)]
return interpolatedvalue
def _helper(self , Isotherm):
'''This is a private function used to find the corresponding other values when a given pressure and other state is given.This function is used because the block of code below has to be repeated many times for multiple interpolations'''
OtherState = self.GivenStates[0]
#These are the beginning and ending values for the given pressure and other state
OtherPropValue = self.StateList[OtherState][0]
OtherIndex = self.StateList[OtherState][1]
StartingValue = Isotherm[0][OtherIndex - 1]
EndingValue = Isotherm[-1][OtherIndex - 1]
#Checking if for a given pressure value , the other state is between the starting and ending values
if OtherPropValue >= StartingValue and EndingValue >= OtherPropValue:
OtherStateList = []
#Extracting the values required for a given pressure and storing it in a temporary list
for isotherm in Isotherm:
OtherStateList.append(isotherm[OtherIndex - 1])
if OtherPropValue in OtherStateList:
TempList = Isotherm[OtherStateList.index(OtherPropValue)]
return TempList
#Search the list for two properties which are relatively close to the user input
OtherStateIndex = bisect.bisect_left(OtherStateList , OtherPropValue)
PrevIndex = OtherStateIndex - 1
TempList = self.interpolate(OtherPropValue ,OtherIndex - 1, Isotherm[PrevIndex], Isotherm[OtherStateIndex])
return TempList
def _QualityHelper(self , torp):
'''Quality is a private function that helps in finding the quality when the state of water is saturated'''
if torp == 1:
SatData ='ptables.dat')
TorpList = SatData['pressure']
Torp = self.P
UpperValue = 22064.0
LowerValue = 1.0
elif torp == 0:
SatData ='Temptables.dat')
TorpList = SatData['temp']
Torp = self.T
UpperValue = 373.95
LowerValue = 0.01
List1 = ['volume' , 'energy' , 'enthalpy' , 'entropy']
List2 = ['vf' , 'vg' , 'uf' , 'ug' , 'hf' , 'hg' , 'sf' , 'sg']
OtherState = self.GivenStates[0]
OtherValue = self.StateList[OtherState][0]
TempIndex = List1.index(OtherState)
if Torp in TorpList:
TempList = []
index = TorpList.index(Torp)
for state in self.SatList:
VapourState = SatData[List2[2 * TempIndex + 1]][index]
FluidState = SatData[List2[2 * TempIndex]][index]
if OtherValue >=FluidState and VapourState >= OtherValue:
x = (OtherValue - FluidState) / (VapourState - FluidState)
self.x = x
self.T = SatData['temp'][index]
self.v = SatData['vf'][index] + x * (SatData['vg'][index] - SatData['vf'][index])
self.u = SatData['uf'][index] + x * (SatData['ug'][index] -SatData['uf'][index])
self.h = SatData['hf'][index] + x * (SatData['hg'][index] -SatData['hf'][index])
self.s = SatData['sf'][index] + x * (SatData['sg'][index] -SatData['sf'][index])
elif Torp >= LowerValue and UpperValue >= Torp:
#If P lies in between 1 and 22064 kPa , use the Saturated Pressure Tables to interpolate for a given pressure and follow the same procedure as above.
index = bisect.bisect_left(TorpList , Torp)
Isobar = [SatData['temp'][index - 1] , SatData['pressure'][index - 1] ,SatData['vf'][index - 1] , SatData['vg'][index - 1] , SatData['uf'][index - 1] ,
SatData['ug'][index - 1] , SatData['hf'][index - 1] , SatData['hg'][index - 1] ,SatData['sf'][index - 1] , SatData['sg'][index - 1]]
Isobar2 = [SatData['temp'][index] , SatData['pressure'][index] ,SatData['vf'][index] , SatData['vg'][index] , SatData['uf'][index] ,
SatData['ug'][index] , SatData['hf'][index] , SatData['hg'][index] ,SatData['sf'][index] , SatData['sg'][index]]
TempList = self.interpolate(Torp , torp ,Isobar , Isobar2)
if TempList:
self.T = TempList[0]
self.P = TempList[1]
if OtherValue >= TempList[TempIndex * 2] and TempList[TempIndex * 2 + 1] >= OtherValue:
x = (OtherValue - TempList[TempIndex * 2]) / (TempList[TempIndex * 2 + 1] - TempList[TempIndex * 2])
self.x = x
self.v = TempList[0] + x * (TempList[1] - TempList[0])
self.u = TempList[2] + x * (TempList[3] - TempList[2])
self.h = TempList[4] + x * (TempList[5] - TempList[4])
self.s = TempList[6] + x * (TempList[7] - TempList[6])
def _PressureSearch(self):
#super.dat is a database file containing the superheated tables which was scraped from this website '' It opens a dictionary having pressure as the key value and the other values stored as lists of lists.For example data['20'] will give the entire superheated data for the pressure 20 kPa
SuperheatedData ='super.dat')
#Storing it as float numbers because the user can input float also
PressureList = map(lambda x : float(x) ,SuperheatedData.keys())
#Storing the Pressure values in a sorted list , since in a dictionary it is kept in a random order
#Checking if the input Pressure is present in the super.dat file
if self.P in PressureList:
#If present find out the corresponding subtables for the given pressure
PressureIndex = PressureList.index(self.P)
Isotherm = SuperheatedData[str(int(self.P))]
TempList = self._helper(Isotherm)
if TempList:
self.T = TempList[0]
self.v = TempList[1]
self.h = TempList[3]
self.u = TempList[2]
self.s = TempList[4]
self.x = 1
elif self.P > 10.0 and self.P < 20000.0:
'''If pressure is not present in between 10 and 20000 kPa , then interpolate once to find the pressure between two pressures , and then interpolate again to find the values for the corresponding states'''
OtherState = self.GivenStates[0]
PressureIndex = bisect.bisect_left(PressureList , self.P)
PrevIndex = PressureIndex - 1
Isotherm1 = SuperheatedData[str(int(PressureList[PressureIndex]))]
Isotherm2 = SuperheatedData[str(int(PressureList[PrevIndex]))]
TempList1 = self._helper(Isotherm1)
if TempList1 and TempList2:
del TempList1[self.StateList[OtherState][1] - 1]
TempList1.insert(0 , PressureList[PressureIndex])
TempList2 = self._helper(Isotherm2)
del TempList2[self.StateList[OtherState][1] - 1]
TempList2.insert(0 , PressureList[PrevIndex])
TempList = self.interpolate(self.P , 0 ,TempList2 , TempList1)
self.v = TempList[1]
self.h = TempList[3]
self.u = TempList[2]
self.s = TempList[4]
self.x = 1
#ptables.dat is a database file consisting of saturated data for pressure values ranging from 1kPa to 22064 kPa
if 'temp' not in self.GivenStates[0]:
def _TemperatureSearch(self):
'''TemperatureSearch is a private function used to search for other properties when temperature and any other property is given.'''
SuperheatedData ='super.dat')
PressureList = map(lambda x : int(x) ,SuperheatedData.keys())
TemperatureList = []
#Storing the values corresponding to a given temperature for all pressure
for pressure in PressureList:
TempList = []
Isobars= SuperheatedData[str(pressure)]
for Isobar in Isobars:
if self.T in TempList:
index = TempList.index(self.T)
List = Isobars[index]
List.insert(0 , pressure)
elif self.T >= TempList[0] and TempList[-1] >= self.T:
index = bisect.bisect_left(TempList , self.T)
PrevIndex = index - 1
Isobar1 = Isobars[index]
Isobar2 = Isobars[PrevIndex]
List = self.interpolate(self.T, 0 ,Isobar2,Isobar1)
List.insert(0 , pressure)
OtherStateIndex = self.StateList[self.GivenStates[0]][1]
OtherValue = self.StateList[self.GivenStates[0]][0]
OtherValueList = []
if TemperatureList and OtherValueList:
for Temperature in TemperatureList:
if OtherValue in OtherValueList:
ValueFlag = OtherValueList.index(OtherValue)
Answer = TemperatureList[ValueFlag]
self.x = 1
self.P = Answer[0]
self.v = Answer[2]
self.u = Answer[3]
self.h = Answer[4]
self.s = Answer[5]
elif OtherValue <= OtherValueList[0] and OtherValue >= OtherValueList[-1]:
length = len(OtherValueList)
temp = bisect.bisect_left(OtherValueList , OtherValue)
ValueFlag1 = length -1 -temp
ValueFlag2 = ValueFlag1 + 1
Answer = self.interpolate(OtherValue,OtherStateIndex,TemperatureList[ValueFlag2] , TemperatureList[ValueFlag1])
self.x = 1
self.P = Answer[0]
self.v = Answer[2]
self.u = Answer[3]
self.h = Answer[4]
self.s = Answer[5]
if 'pressure' not in self.GivenStates:
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Can you do this using two py files??

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