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Created May 16, 2013 18:22
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Save Meettya/5593874 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Just naive cached image loader in coffee with jade
extends includes/layout
block content
images_srcs = [
total_counter = images_srcs.length - 1
all_done = ->
console.log 'all done'
console.log images_dementions
$container = $('#content')
for image in images_storage
$(image).attr( height: '20%', width : '20%').appendTo $container
images_storage = []
# here we are save dementions for images
images_dementions = []
image_done_builder = (image_idx) ->->
# console.log @
images_dementions[image_idx] =
width : @width
height : @height
all_done() if total_counter-- is 0
for image_src, idx in images_srcs
images_storage[idx] = image = new Image
image.onload = image_done_builder(idx)
image.onerror = image.onabort = ->
console.log "Loading error |#{image_src}|"
image.src = "#{image_src}?#{+ new Date}"
$ ->
console.log 'worked'
console.log images_dementions
h1 Images
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