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Created March 20, 2025 12:16
Simple grid-based pathing, without any heuristic. This means the path is generated from one point to everywhere
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
// ### Start helper stuff (This would normally be in differnt helper files)
// # I use these all the time for iterating over stuff
#define inc(variable, start, max_comp) for (int variable = (start); variable < (max_comp); ++variable)
#define inc0(variable, max_comp) for (int variable = 0; variable < (max_comp); ++variable)
// # Profiler stuff
unsigned __int64 profiler_startTime;
unsigned __int64 profiler_endTime;
double profiler_timerFrequency;
inline void PROFILER_INIT() {
unsigned __int64 dummyFreq;
QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER *)&dummyFreq);
profiler_timerFrequency = (1.0 / dummyFreq);
#define PROFILER_START() QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&profiler_startTime);
inline double PROFILER_END() {
QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&profiler_endTime);
return ((profiler_endTime - profiler_startTime) * profiler_timerFrequency);
// # Asserts because why not
inline void Throw() {
char* ptr = nullptr;
*ptr = 'X';
inline void Assert(bool condition, char* errorMsg, ...) { __assume(condition); }
inline void Assert(bool condition, char* errorMsg, ...) {
if (!condition) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, errorMsg);
fprintf(stderr, "Wrong assertion error:\n\t");
vfprintf(stderr, errorMsg, args);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
// # Pseudo random generator
struct rand_data {
unsigned int Seed;
void RandDataSeed(rand_data* rd, unsigned int seed) {
rd->Seed = seed;
int RandDataNext(rand_data* rd) {
rd->Seed = (214013 * rd->Seed + 2531011);
return (rd->Seed & RAND_MAX) >> 16;
int RandRange(rand_data* rd, int min, int max) {
Assert(max > min, "");
int diff = max - min;
int add = RandDataNext(rd) % diff;
return min + add;
int RandRange0(rand_data* rd, int max) {
Assert(max > 0, "");
return RandDataNext(rd) % max;
float Rand01(rand_data* rd) {
return RandDataNext(rd) / 32768.0f;
// # To store 2d coordinates
struct vec2i {
int X;
int Y;
inline vec2i operator+(vec2i vec1, vec2i vec2) {
return vec2i{ vec1.X + vec2.X, vec1.Y + vec2.Y};
// # Accessing a 2d array with a vec2i
#define XY(thing) (thing).Y][(thing).X
// ### End Helper stuff
#define HEIGHT 100
#define WIDTH 100
#define RINGBUFFER_SIZE 16384 // 100 * 100 rounded up to the next power of 2 (this makes shifting it later cheaper)
#define OBSTACLE_DENSITY 0.25f
struct ringbuffer_vec2i {
int Start;
int End;
vec2i Data[RINGBUFFER_SIZE]; // I don't know how big I should make that
// There is a neat trick where one can make the memory size the multiple of a page table and can map the memory in a way where one doesn't really need to care about the fact that its a ring
int main (int, char**) {
bool obstacles[HEIGHT][WIDTH];
rand_data rand;
RandDataSeed(&rand, 1337);
/// Setup obstacles
/// Left/Right walls
inc (y_i, 1, HEIGHT - 1) {
obstacles[y_i][ 0] = true;
obstacles[y_i][WIDTH - 1] = true;
/// Top/Bottom walls
inc0 (x_i, WIDTH) {
obstacles[ 0][x_i] = true;
obstacles[HEIGHT - 1][x_i] = true;
/// Random obstacles
inc (y_i, 1, HEIGHT - 1) {
inc (x_i, 1, WIDTH - 1) {
obstacles[y_i][x_i] = Rand01(&rand) < OBSTACLE_DENSITY;
// Printing the level; very slow due to sending each char to printf on its own
inc0 (y_i, HEIGHT) {
inc0 (x_i, WIDTH) {
printf("%c", obstacles[y_i][x_i] ? 'X' : ' ');
// Stupidly simple that doesn't use any heuristic
int longestPathsCombined = 0;
inc0 (run_i, 1000) {
vec2i deltas[4] = {
vec2i { -1, 0 },
vec2i { +1, 0 },
vec2i { 0, -1 },
vec2i { 0, +1 },
vec2i start = vec2i { RandRange(&rand, 1, WIDTH - 1), RandRange(&rand, 1, HEIGHT - 1) };
obstacles[XY(start)] = false;
int distFromStart[HEIGHT][WIDTH] = {};
ringbuffer_vec2i ringbuffer;
ringbuffer.Start = 0;
ringbuffer.End = 1;
ringbuffer.Data[0] = start;
distFromStart[XY(start)] = 1;
while (ringbuffer.End != ringbuffer.Start) {
vec2i here = ringbuffer.Data[ringbuffer.Start];
int valueHere = distFromStart[XY(here)];
ringbuffer.Start = (ringbuffer.Start + 1) % RINGBUFFER_SIZE;
// Given that I have a border of obstacles around the world, I don't have to check if the neighbours are actually on the map
inc0 (neighbour_i, 4) {
vec2i neighbour = here + deltas[neighbour_i];
if (obstacles[XY(neighbour)]) { continue; }
// Given that I don't use a heuristic and I am working on the things from low value to high value, my number has to be the lowest one
if (!distFromStart[XY(neighbour)]) {
distFromStart[XY(neighbour)] = valueHere + 1;
ringbuffer.Data[ringbuffer.End] = neighbour;
ringbuffer.End = (ringbuffer.End + 1) % RINGBUFFER_SIZE;
int longestPath = 0;
vec2i longestPathGoal = {};
inc0 (y_i, HEIGHT) {
inc0 (x_i, WIDTH) {
int dist = distFromStart[y_i][x_i];
if (dist > longestPath) {
longestPath = dist;
longestPathGoal = vec2i { x_i, y_i };
longestPathsCombined += longestPath;
// I commented out generating and printing the final path
// While generating the path should be part of the test; I wasn't sure if it would be optimised away
// However, I kept searching for the longest path, which probably actually takes longre (and normally you wouldn't do that)
#if 0
vec2i path[1000]; // Again, idk how long that should be
vec2i workingPos = longestPathGoal;
for (int pos_i = longestPath - 1; pos_i >= 0; --pos_i) {
path[pos_i] = workingPos;
inc0 (neighbour_i, 4) {
vec2i neighbour = workingPos + deltas[neighbour_i];
if (distFromStart[XY(neighbour)] == pos_i) {
workingPos = neighbour;
// The printing code here is obviously really bad
inc0 (y_i, HEIGHT) {
inc0 (x_i, WIDTH) {
bool isOnPath = false;
inc0 (i, longestPath) {
if (
path[i].X == x_i &&
path[i].Y == y_i
) {
isOnPath = true;
if (isOnPath) {
} else {
printf("%c", obstacles[y_i][x_i] ? 'X' : ' ');
double time = PROFILER_END();
printf("1000 runs needed %fs (Longest paths combined: %d)", time, longestPathsCombined);
// With -O2 -DNDEBUG runs in less than 0.2s on my machine
return 0;
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In hindsight, if I make the ringbuffer bigger than the map, it will never wrap-around, so I could have just made it an array.

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