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Created April 28, 2017 22:47
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Value of Pi computed using Monte Carlo
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
struct Point2
float x, y;
float distance(Point2 center, Point2 point)
float cpx = (center.x - point.x);
float cpy = (center.y - point.y);
return sqrt(cpx*cpx + cpy*cpy);
bool isInCircle(Point2 center, float radius, Point2 point)
return distance(center, point) <= radius;
int main()
const unsigned int NB_SAMPLES = 10'000'000;
const float sizeSquare = 2.;
const float areaSquare = sizeSquare * sizeSquare;
const float radius = 0.5*sizeSquare;
const Point2 center = { radius,radius };
random_device r;
default_random_engine e1(r());
uniform_real_distribution<float> uniform_dist(0.f, sizeSquare);
unsigned int count = 0;
float estimatedPi;
auto before = system_clock::now();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NB_SAMPLES; ++i)
// Generate a 2d point sample in [0,sizeSquare]x[0,sizeSquare]
// Add to counter if the sample is in circle
if (isInCircle(center, radius, { uniform_dist(e1) , uniform_dist(e1) }))
// Current Pi estimation
estimatedPi = areaSquare * static_cast<float>(count) / static_cast<float>(i);
// cout << "Estimated Pi : " << estimatedPi << "\n";
auto after = system_clock::now();
auto deltaTime = duration_cast<seconds>(after - before).count();
cout << "Estimated Pi : " << estimatedPi << " computed in " << deltaTime << " seconds" << "\n";
cin >> estimatedPi;
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