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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public static class PythagoreanTriplet
public static IEnumerable<(int a, int b, int c)> TripletsWithSum(int sum)
for (int i = 0; i < sum; i++)
var thing = Triplet(i, sum);
private IEnumerable<DiaOption> DialogueOptions(Pawn pawn, Caravan caravan, EventDef eventDef, Faction host)
string annualExpoDialogueOutcome = "Something went wrong with More Faction Interaction. Contact the mod author with this year's theme. If you bring a log(press CTRL + F12 now), you get a cookie.";
DiaOption diaOption = new DiaOption(text: "MFI_AnnualExpoFirstOption".Translate())
action = () => DetermineOutcome(pawn: pawn, caravan: caravan, eventDef: eventDef, annualExpoDialogueOutcome: out annualExpoDialogueOutcome, host),
//linkLateBind = () => DialogueResolver(annualExpoDialogueOutcome)