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Last active December 7, 2018 19:21
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(ns christmas.day07)
(defn find-candidates [remaining restrictions]
(->> (map last restrictions)
(reduce #(remove (fn [x] (= %2 x)) %1) remaining)
(defn find-next [remaining restrictions]
(first (find-candidates remaining restrictions)))
(defn exercise07 [allofthem file]
(loop [remaining allofthem
result []
restrictions file]
(let [newestResult (find-next remaining restrictions)]
(if (empty? remaining)
(apply str result)
(recur (remove #(= % newestResult) remaining)
(conj result newestResult)
(remove #(= (first %) newestResult) restrictions))))))
;------------- Part II
(defn duration [masterpiece secs]
(- (int (first masterpiece)) (- 64 secs)))
(defn tick [workers]
(reduce #(assoc %1 (first %2) (dec (last %2))) workers workers))
(defn free-up-workers [workers finishedwork]
(apply dissoc workers finishedwork))
(defn finish-work [workers]
(map first (filter #(= 1 (val %)) workers)))
(defn time-candidates [candidates secs]
(map #(vector % (duration % secs)) candidates))
(defn get-to-work [elves workers timedcandidates]
(->> (- elves (count workers))
(#(take % timedcandidates))
(reduce #(apply assoc %1 %2) workers)))
(defn tcandidates [remaining restrictions secs]
(->> (find-candidates remaining restrictions)
(#(time-candidates % secs))))
(defn loosen-restrictions [restrictions finishedwork]
(reduce #(remove (fn [x] (= %2 (first x))) %1) restrictions finishedwork))
(defn throw-out-finished [remaining finishedwork newworkers]
(->> (apply disj remaining finishedwork)
(into #{})
(#(apply disj % newworkers))))
(defn thingy [[elves restrictions workers remaining secs] newtime]
(let [finishedwork (finish-work workers)
newrestrictions (loosen-restrictions restrictions finishedwork)
newremainders (throw-out-finished remaining finishedwork (keys workers))
newworkers (->> (tick workers)
(#(free-up-workers % finishedwork))
(#(get-to-work elves % (tcandidates newremainders newrestrictions secs))))]
(vector elves
(defn exercise07b [restrictions elves remaining secs]
(->> (range)
(reductions thingy [elves restrictions {} remaining secs])
(drop 1)
(take-while #(not (empty? (nth % 2))))
(ns christmas.day07-test
(:require [christmas.day07 :as chr]
[expectations :refer :all]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(defn getFile [fileName]
(->> (slurp fileName)
(map #(str/replace % (re-pattern "Step ") ""))
(map #(str/replace % (re-pattern " can begin.") ""))
(map #(str/split % (re-pattern " must be finished before step ")))))
(def allofthem ["A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F"])
(def realAllofthem ["A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H" "I" "J" "K" "L" "M" "N" "O" "P" "Q" "R" "S" "T" "U" "V" "W" "X" "Y" "Z"])
(def realFile (getFile "resources/Input07real")) ; TestData from the description
(def file (getFile "resources/Input07")) ; Input Data. I removed the newline at the end.
(expect ["A" "B" "D" "E" "H" "I" "J" "K" "L" "N" "O" "P" "Q" "R" "S" "T" "U" "V" "W" "X" "Y" "Z"]
(sort (vec (into #{} (map last realFile)))))
(expect "C" (chr/find-next ["A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F"] file))
(expect "CABDFE" (chr/exercise07 allofthem file))
(expect "CFGHAEMNBPRDISVWQUZJYTKLOX" (chr/exercise07 realAllofthem realFile))
(expect 15 (chr/exercise07b file 2 allofthem 0))
(expect 828 (chr/exercise07b realFile 5 realAllofthem 60))
(expect 5 (chr/duration "E" 0))
(expect 26 (chr/duration "Z" 0))
(expect 86 (chr/duration "Z" 60))
(expect {"A" 0 "Z" 25} (chr/tick {"A" 1 "Z" 26}))
(expect {"C" 2 "N" 13} (chr/tick {"C" 3 "N" 14}))
(expect {"Z" 25} (chr/free-up-workers {"A" 0 "Z" 25} ["A"]))
(expect {} (chr/free-up-workers {"A" 0 "Z" 0} ["A" "Z"]))
(expect ["A"] (chr/finish-work {"A" 1 "Z" 25}))
(expect ["A" "B"] (chr/finish-work {"A" 1 "C" 2 "B" 1 "Z" 25}))
(expect [["A" 1] ["N" 14] ["K" 11]] (chr/time-candidates ["A" "N" "K"] 0))
(expect {"B" 2 "Z" 25 "A" 1 "N" 14 "K" 11} (chr/get-to-work 5 {"B" 2 "Z" 25} [["A" 1] ["N" 14] ["K" 11]]))
(expect {"B" 2 "Z" 25 "A" 1 } (chr/get-to-work 3 {"B" 2 "Z" 25} [["A" 1] ["N" 14] ["K" 11]]))
(expect {"A" 2 "G" 25 "N" 14} (chr/get-to-work 5 {"A" 2 "G" 25} [["N" 14]]))
(expect {"A" 2 "G" 25} (chr/get-to-work 5 {"A" 2 "G" 25} []))
(expect {"B" 2 "Z" 25 "A" 1 "N" 14 "K" 11} (chr/get-to-work 5 {"B" 2 "Z" 25 "A" 1 "N" 14 "K" 11} [["Q" 1] ["R" 14] ["S" 11]]))
(expect [["C" 3]] (chr/tcandidates allofthem file 0))
(expect (drop 2 file) (chr/loosen-restrictions file ["C"]))
(expect #{"A" "B" "E" "F"} (chr/throw-out-finished (into #{} allofthem) ["C" "D"] {}))
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