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Last active May 29, 2024 09:04
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Use kubectl to build and push docker image to ECR
# Build and push a docker image to ECR, with an ad-hoc pod running in kubernetes. no need for local docker installation.
# Prerequisites:
# - tar, gzip, kubectl, aws cli
# - kubectl access to kubernetes cluster
# - aws cli with access to ECR
# Caveats:
# - Files or folders starting with '.' (except for `.dockerignore`) will not be included in the build context to avoid problems with .git, .venv, .env, etc.
# Usage:
# ./ <registry>/<image>:<tag> <path-to-dockerfile> <path-to-context>
# example:
# ./ ./Dockerfile .
set -eo pipefail
IMAGE=${1?:"first argument must be in the form of <registry>/<image> or <registry>/<image>:<tag>"}
DOCKERFILE=${2?:"second argument must be the path to the dockerfile"}
CONTEXT=${3?:"third argument must be the path to the context. for example: '.'"}
# extract aws region from registry name
AWS_REGION=$(echo $IMAGE | cut -d'.' -f4)
# extract the registry name from the image name
REGISTRY=$(echo $IMAGE | cut -d'/' -f1)
ECR_PASS=$(aws ecr get-login-password --region ${AWS_REGION})
TEMP_FOLDER=$(mktemp -d)
cp -r ${CONTEXT}/* ${TEMP_FOLDER} || :
cp -r ${CONTEXT}/.dockerignore ${TEMP_FOLDER} || :
cat "${DOCKERFILE}" > ${TEMP_FOLDER}/Dockerfile
tar -cf - . | gzip --best | kubectl run kaniko-$RANDOM \
--rm --stdin=true \
--image=${BUILDER_IMAGE} --restart=Never \
\"apiVersion\": \"v1\",
\"spec\": {
\"initContainers\": [
\"name\": \"configure-ecr-auth\",
\"image\": \"${CRANE_IMAGE}\",
\"stdin\": true,
\"stdinOnce\": true,
\"volumeMounts\": [
\"name\": \"docker-config\",
\"mountPath\": \"/root/.docker/\"
\"args\": [
\"containers\": [
\"name\": \"kaniko\",
\"image\": \"${BUILDER_IMAGE}\",
\"stdin\": true,
\"stdinOnce\": true,
\"args\": [
\"volumeMounts\": [
\"name\": \"docker-config\",
\"mountPath\": \"/kaniko/.docker/\"
\"volumes\": [
\"name\": \"docker-config\",
\"emptyDir\": {}
rm -rf ${TEMP_FOLDER}
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