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Mekk/set.cpp Secret

Created October 17, 2010 00:25
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Looking for SET-free card group. Primitive attempt
// -*- coding: utf-8; compile-command: "scons" -*-
// Hacking over the problem of maximal set of cards not containing "SET"
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
* Single card representation. Templatized to generalize, dimension
* is the number of features (4 in SET), valcount is the number of possible
* values per feature (3 in SET).
* Apart from obvious operations cards handle + and - operations implemented
* so that the group of cards is SET iff their sum is a 0 card.
template <short dimension=4, short valcount=3>
class Card
for(short *v = values;
v < values + dimension;
++ v)
*v = 0;
Card(const Card<dimension, valcount>& card)
copy(card.values, card.values + dimension, values);
void printOn(ostream& o) const
o << "(";
copy(values, values + dimension, ostream_iterator<short>(o, ""));
o << ")";
short& operator[] (unsigned int pos)
return values[pos];
bool operator< (const Card<dimension, valcount>& other) const
const short *his = other.values;
for(const short* my = values;
my < values + dimension;
++ my, ++ his)
if( *my < *his )
return true;
if( *my > *his )
return false;
return false;
bool operator== (const Card<dimension, valcount>& other) const
const short *his = other.values;
for(const short* my = values;
my < values + dimension;
++ my, ++ his)
if( (*my) != (*his) )
return false;
return true;
Card& incAt(unsigned int pos)
values[pos] = (values[pos] + 1) % valcount;
return *this;
Card& setAt(unsigned int pos, short value)
values[pos] = value % valcount;
return *this;
Card<dimension, valcount>& operator+= (const Card<dimension, valcount>& c)
const short* his = c.values;
for( short* my = values;
my != values + dimension;
++ my, ++ his)
*my = (*my + *his) % valcount;
return *this;
Card& operator-= (const Card& c)
const short *his = c.values;
for( short *my = values;
my != values + dimension;
++ my, ++ his)
*my = (valcount + *my - *his) % valcount;
return *this;
bool isZero() const
for( short *my = values;
my != values + dimension;
++ my )
if (*my)
return false;
return true;
short values[dimension];
template <short dimension, short valcount>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const Card<dimension, valcount>& c)
return o;
template <short dimension, short valcount>
Card<dimension, valcount> operator+ (
const Card<dimension, valcount>& c1,
const Card<dimension, valcount>& c2)
Card<dimension, valcount> c(c1);
return c += c2;
template <short dimension, short valcount>
Card<dimension, valcount> operator- (
const Card<dimension, valcount>& c1, const Card<dimension, valcount>& c2)
Card<dimension, valcount> c(c1);
return c -= c2;
* Group of cards. Used while searching for maximal SET-free groups.
* Knows not only which cards are in the group, but also which are not yet
* "forbidden" (because they would make a SET with already present cards).
template <short dimension=4, short valcount=3>
class CardGroup
typedef Card<dimension, valcount> CardType;
// Trickery to avoid the need to define all template variations of zero
static const CardType& zero()
static CardType zero;
return zero;
CardGroup(const CardType& initial=zero())
populateSpare(zero(), 0);
// Let's start from 0,0,0 card, by simmetry it doesn't matter
CardGroup(const CardGroup& other)
: present(other.present), spare(other.spare)
void printOn(ostream& o) const
o << "{ ";
copy(present.begin(), present.end(), ostream_iterator<CardType>(o, " "));
o << endl << " spare: ";
copy(spare.begin(), spare.end(), ostream_iterator<CardType>(o, " "));
o << endl;
o << "}";
// Helper operator used inside next method. Remove from candidates (spare)
// sums of the given card and card specified in the constructor.
struct ForbidSum
ForbidSum(set<CardType> &spare_, const CardType& c_)
: spare(spare_), c(c_)
void operator() (const CardType& card)
CardType removed = zero() - (card + c);
set<CardType> &spare;
const CardType& c;
//const CardType zero;
// Adds given card to the group and forbids any cards which woudl make SET with it
// and previously present cards. Note: the card is NOT removed from spare, it is assumed
// it was already picked from there.
void addToPresent(CardType c)
for_each(present.begin(), present.end(), ForbidSum(spare, c));
// Grabs one of spare cards and returns it, removing from spare at the same time.
// Can be only called when ! isMaximal
CardType grabSpare()
CardType c = * spare.begin();
return c;
size_t presentCount() const
return present.size();
size_t spareCount() const
return spare.size();
// Returns true if the group is maximal and nothing can be added to it
isMaximal() const
return spare.empty();
// Can this group, by any chance, exceed given number?
canBeat(size_t currentBest)
return present.size() + spare.size() > currentBest;
// Fills "spare" with all possible cards
void populateSpare(CardType initial, short firstVaryingDim)
if( firstVaryingDim >= dimension )
for( short i = 0; i < valcount; ++ i)
populateSpare(initial, firstVaryingDim + 1);
vector<CardType> present;
set<CardType> spare;
template <short dimension, short valcount>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const CardGroup<dimension, valcount>& c)
return o;
// Comparable for card groups (used for priority queue). Makes group the bigger,
// the more present items it has, and - after that - the more spare items it has
template< class CardGroup >
struct CardGroupStrengthCompare
// compare(a,b) = true <===> a<b
bool operator() (const CardGroup& g1, const CardGroup& g2)
int size_diff = int(g1.presentCount()) - int(g2.presentCount());
if (size_diff > 0)
return false;
else if (size_diff < 0)
return true;
return g1.spareCount() < g2.spareCount();
template <short dimension, short valcount>
CardGroup<dimension, valcount> searchBest(ostream& o)
typedef CardGroup<dimension, valcount> CardGroupType;
typedef typename CardGroup<dimension, valcount>::CardType CardType;
unsigned short bestSize = 0;
CardGroupType bestGroup;
// All groups not yet checked. Implemented as priority queue
// to ensure we check biggest items first
priority_queue<CardGroupType, vector<CardGroupType>, CardGroupStrengthCompare<CardGroupType> > pending;
pending.push( CardGroupType(CardGroupType::zero()) );
while( ! pending.empty() )
CardGroupType group =;
if (group.isMaximal())
size_t groupSize = group.presentCount();
if (groupSize > bestSize)
o << "New best, size " << groupSize << ": " << group << endl;
bestSize = groupSize;
bestGroup = group;
if (group.canBeat(bestSize))
CardType c = group.grabSpare();
// Dwie wersje: używamy c albo nie
return bestGroup;
int main()
CardGroup<2> bset = searchBest<2,3>(cout);
cout << "Best for 2: " << bset.presentCount() << endl << bset << endl;
CardGroup<3> bset = searchBest<3,3>(cout);
cout << "Best for 3: " << bset.presentCount() << endl << bset << endl;
CardGroup<4> bset = searchBest<4,3>(cout);
cout << "Best for 4: " << bset.presentCount() << endl << bset << endl;
return 0;
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