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Created June 4, 2019 22:54
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Automatically expose all the ACF fields to the Wordpress REST API in Pages and in your custom post types.
function create_ACF_meta_in_REST() {
$postypes_to_exclude = ['acf-field-group','acf-field'];
$extra_postypes_to_include = ["page"];
$post_types = array_diff(get_post_types(["_builtin" => false], 'names'),$postypes_to_exclude);
array_push($post_types, $extra_postypes_to_include);
foreach ($post_types as $post_type) {
register_rest_field( $post_type, 'ACF', [
'get_callback' => 'expose_ACF_fields',
'schema' => null,
function expose_ACF_fields( $object ) {
$ID = $object['id'];
return get_fields($ID);
add_action( 'rest_api_init', 'create_ACF_meta_in_REST' );
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Hey thanks for sharing this! I was wondering how you would implement this as editable fields? I would like to be able to update them through the api.

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Hey thanks for sharing this! I was wondering how you would implement this as editable fields? I would like to be able to update them through the api.

Hi! Can you expand on what you would need? Ideally what this script is for is to dynamically have all the fields you created in ACF exposed to the wp-json api so that you can query them with your js or js framework of choice.

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I would like to be able to update the fields in the 'update_callback' of register_rest_field() . Since this script exposes all fields, I was wondering if there was also a 'catch all' snippet for updating the fields.

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nimmolo commented Jul 30, 2019

THANKS very much for sharing this gist.
+1 for @abetoots, that's also what i'm trying to do, expose the fields not only for viewing but also for updating (via PUT request)

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Many thanks for sharing this, It works well but not for the post relations field.
It's return normal post object.
Do you have some solution for this ?

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marty-mcgee commented Nov 18, 2020

I appreciate you sharing this approach! However, I am getting a "null" return in the REST field
"ACF": null
Any suggestions? Thanks so much!

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Can someone help me out here? Why is ['acf-field-group','acf-field'] the value for $postypes_to_exclude = ['acf-field-group','acf-field']?

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Can someone help me out here? Why is ['acf-field-group','acf-field'] the value for $postypes_to_exclude = ['acf-field-group','acf-field']?

Hi there, because is the array of post_types to exclude that can be expanded as needed, if you don't do that (comment it out or make it an empty array) check what happens :)

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Hi, i need help because i have two fields in my post, but my response it empty or null

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Can someone help me out here? Why is ['acf-field-group','acf-field'] the value for $postypes_to_exclude = ['acf-field-group','acf-field']?

Hi there, because is the array of post_types to exclude that can be expanded as needed, if you don't do that (comment it out or make it an empty array) check what happens :)

Hi, my code is the same problem.
But i forgete this field "Show in REST API" in settings you need set to "YES".

So is done, thanks

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easaw commented Oct 6, 2022

I was wondering if there was a way to filter this to only show some of the fields (per post type)?

Thank you

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