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Created October 5, 2017 01:57
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1. if you are not yet familiar with the CSS structure, please do one of two things:
--put the CSS you think you need into the wip.scss file and tag @MelSumner in your commit (I'll put it in the correct place)
--get to know the awesome organized awesomeness of the CSS. It might feel tight at first, like a new pair of shoes, but they will be awesome shoes after a while.
2. Writing CSS Rules because I love you but I've chosen process.
# keep specificity low. If you're getting really specific, I'm so sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but you're wrong.
# don't use IDs
# lowercase class names, please.
# put classes in alphabetical order if you can.
# put the properties in alpha-order. It's *usually* as easy as highlighting the properties and hitting F9.
# give the component its name as a class and then scope the css to that component. don't give it IDs, stop ruining the world.
-- example: my-button component gets the class name .my-button and then the classes can be scoped in the scss.
# write the CSS in a mobile-first way, and scope the media query/queries inside the class.
-- example:
.my-button {
width: 100%;
padding: 0.1em;
border: 1px solid $blue;
@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
width: 50%;
@media screen and (min-width: 992px) {
width: 25%;
3. Variables
# colors only go in the global/variables file.
# how to name color variables: color first, then shade superlative
-- example:
4. Typography
How to do vertical height:
to calculate vertical height properly, the margin-top and margin-bottom should each be equal to the line-height.
for example, if the line-height is 1.2, then the margin-top and margin-bottom should be each set to 1.2.
however, if you want more space above the heading than below it, then the margin-top should get 1.8em and margin-bottom should be 0.6em.
since this extra vertical margin is typically desired for h1 & h2, we will use those here by default.
To calculate font sizes, we will use Perfect Fourth.
If you were to later decide to use a bigger body(base) font size, these will still scale perfectly.
All you have to do is change the body(base) font size (and keep it in px, please).
# put your base font size and line height in your body CSS and then LEAVE IT ALONE.
-- example:
body {
font-size: 16px; //I'm happy to explain why this is okay to do now (in 2017)
line-height: 1.2; //yes unitless line heights. and yes 1.2 by default.
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Here's my plan to get through this:

  1. immediate freeze on all CSS changes
  2. get these guidelines in a place where we can proper repo/share them
  3. get our current CSS fixed in a spike over the next week
  4. we need a proper chat about how all of these pieces fit together, I really need to know what they are if I am going to organize this in a way that will have any meaningful effect.
  5. iterate.

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There will be a lot of comments right now but it's the only way to communicate in code across time zones in a way that isn't forgotten.

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locks commented Oct 5, 2017


  1. / -> website in middleman
  2. /api/* -> ember-api-docs in ember
  3. /builds/* -> builds in ember
  4. -> guides in middleman

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