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Last active April 28, 2023 19:49
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Zoo Manager: a one-to-many relationship
Zoo can have many animals
Table -> zoos
- auto-generated ID (PRIMARY KEY)
- auto-generated created_at
- auto-generated updated_at
- name:string
- admission_cost:integer
- opening_time:integer
- closing_time:integer
Animals belong to a zoo
Table -> animals
- auto-generated ID (PRIMARY KEY)
- auto-generated created_at
- auto-generated updated_at
- name:string
- species:string
- age:integer
- habitat:string
- zoo_id:integer (FOREIGN KEY)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
User Story 1 - Zoo Index:
As a visitor
When I visit '/zoos'
Then I see the name of each zoo
Zoo Names:
- Denver Zoo
- The Nature Habitat
User Story 2, Animal Index:
As a visitor
When I visit '/animals'
Then I see the attributes of each animal
Name: Timmy
Species: Tiger
Age: 3
Habitat: Jungle
User Story 3, Zoo Show:
As a visitor
When I visit '/zoos/:id'
Then I see all the attributes of that zoo and each animal's name and species that are associated with that zoo.
Denver Zoo
Admission Cost: $3.00
Opening Time: 8:00
Closing Time: 20:00
Animals: Timmy, Tiger
Henry, Hippo
Tina, Tiger
Bob, Elephant
User Story 4, Zoo Animals Index:
As a visitor
When I visit '/zoos/:zoo_id/animals'
Then I see a total count of all animals that are associated with that zoo.
Total Animals at Denver Zoo: 4
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