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Melevir/ Secret

Created December 28, 2017 16:38
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import ast
import os
import collections
from nltk import pos_tag
def flat(_list):
""" [(1,2), (3,4)] -> [1, 2, 3, 4]"""
return sum([list(item) for item in _list], [])
def is_verb(word):
if not word:
return False
pos_info = pos_tag([word])
return pos_info[0][1] == 'VB'
Path = ''
def get_trees(_path, with_filenames=False, with_file_content=False):
filenames = []
trees = []
path= Path
for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=True):
for file in files:
if file.endswith('.py'):
filenames.append(os.path.join(dirname, file))
if len(filenames) == 100:
print('total %s files' % len(filenames))
for filename in filenames:
with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as attempt_handler:
main_file_content =
tree = ast.parse(main_file_content)
except SyntaxError as e:
tree = None
if with_filenames:
if with_file_content:
trees.append((filename, main_file_content, tree))
trees.append((filename, tree))
print('trees generated')
return trees
def get_all_names(tree):
return [ for node in ast.walk(tree) if isinstance(node, ast.Name)]
def get_verbs_from_function_name(function_name):
return [word for word in function_name.split('_') if is_verb(word)]
def get_all_words_in_path(path):
trees = [t for t in get_trees(path) if t]
function_names = [f for f in flat([get_all_names(t) for t in trees]) if not (f.startswith('__') and f.endswith('__'))]
def split_snake_case_name_to_words(name):
return [n for n in name.split('_') if n]
return flat([split_snake_case_name_to_words(function_name) for function_name in function_names])
def get_top_verbs_in_path(path, top_size=10):
global Path
Path = path
trees = [t for t in get_trees(None) if t]
fncs = [f for f in flat([[ for node in ast.walk(t) if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef)] for t in trees]) if not (f.startswith('__') and f.endswith('__'))]
print('functions extracted')
verbs = flat([get_verbs_from_function_name(function_name) for function_name in fncs])
return collections.Counter(verbs).most_common(top_size)
def get_top_functions_names_in_path(path, top_size=10):
t = get_trees(path)
nms = [f for f in flat([[ for node in ast.walk(t) if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef)] for t in t]) if not (f.startswith('__') and f.endswith('__'))]
return collections.Counter(nms).most_common(top_size)
wds = []
projects = [
for project in projects:
path = os.path.join('.', project)
wds += get_top_verbs_in_path(path)
top_size = 200
print('total %s words, %s unique' % (len(wds), len(set(wds))))
for word, occurence in collections.Counter(wds).most_common(top_size):
print(word, occurence)
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