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Created February 10, 2011 17:01
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Exercises in Chapter 4 of Eloquent Javascript
//Ex. 4.2
function range (num) {
var arr = [];
if (isNaN(Number(num)))
alert ("Invalid number");
for (var i=0;i<num;i++)
return arr;
//Ex. 4.3
var mack = [];
show(mack.join(" "));
mack.push("comes to town.");
js> mack
Mack,the,Knife,bandit,comes to town.
js> mack.join(" ")
Mack the Knife bandit comes to town.
js> mack.join(" ").split(" ")
//join/split combo do not give back the original array if some of the values originally contained the join string.
function startsWith (first,second) {
var chunk = first.slice(0,second.length);
return chunk == second;
js> startsWith("sarah","sa")
js> startsWith("sarah", "sasasasa");
//Ex. 4.5
function catNames (paragraph) {
var lines = paragraph.split("/n");
var catnames = [];
for (var i=0;i<lines.length;i++) {
var colon = lines[i].indexOf(":");
if (colon >= 0) {// cat names here
var names = lines[i].slice(colon+1);
var cats = names.split(",");
for (var j=0;j<cats.length;j++)
return catnames;
js> catNames(myparr);
Doctor Hobbles the 2nd, Noog
// unfortunately, I get the space before "Doctor".
//Ex. 4.6
function extractDate (sentence) {
var colon = sentence.indexOf(":");
var beforeColon = sentence.slice(0,colon);
var extract = beforeColon.split(" ");
var thedate = extract[1];
var compDate = thedate.split("/");
return new Date(compDate[2],compDate[1],compDate[0]);
var mystr = "died 27/04/2006: Black Leclère";
//Ex 4.7
function between (str, first, second) {
var index1 = str.indexOf(first);
var index2 = str.indexOf(second,index1);
return str.slice(index1+2,index2);
js> var mystr = "bu ] boo [ bah ] gzz";
js> between (mystr, "[ ", " ]");
// looking at the solution, I should have made my solution more general
// Ex. 4.8
function formatDate(date) {
var myday = date.getDate();
if (myday < 10)
myday = "0" + myday;
var mymonth = date.getMonth() + 1;
if (mymonth < 10)
mymonth = "0" + mymonth;
return myday + "/" + mymonth +
"/" + date.getFullYear();
// here again, looking at the solution, I feel short of the generalization required in the code
// where a pad function within the function formatDate would have taken care of the code duplication.
// I'll blame it on too much Java.
js> print (mydate);
Wed Feb 09 2011 16:36:34 GMT-0500 (EST)
js> formatDate (mydate);
// Ex. 4.9
// oldest cat
// Each cat object consists of property/value pair with birth: as a property
function oldestCat (catData) {
var oldest = "unknown";
var birthdate = new Date().getTime();
for (var cat in catData) {
var catbirth = catData[cat].birth.getTime();
if (catbirth < birthdate) {
oldest = cat;
birthdate = catbirth;
return oldest;
// okay, I didn't check to see if the cat was living or not !("death" in cat)
// so I got "Spot" as the oldest cat instead of "Bugeye"
// Ex. 4.10
// Extended range function to have a start-range number
function xRange (start, end) {
if (arguments.length < 2) {
end = start;
start = 0;
if (start > end) {
print (end + " not greater than " + start);
var arr = [];
var k = 0;
for (var i=start;i<end;i++,k++)
return arr;
js> xRange(3,8);
js> xRange(8);
// okay, looking at the solutions here, I should have used arr.push(i) to dynamically populate the array. No need for this extra k variable.
// Ex. 4.11
function sum (numList) {
var sum = 0;
for (var i=0;i<numList.length;i++)
sum += numList[i];
return sum;
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