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Last active January 15, 2020 20:08
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Mod 0 Professional Development

Mod 0 Professional Development Capstone


What is your greatest strength and how do you know?

Years ago I completed two Strengths Finder tests, and my top result for both tests were input. I find great vlaue in understanding how others think, prioritize, and what factors led to them to make a decision. When I understand others, I gather more infomation, find point of views that I didn't consider, nor even know to consider. I also find that it can help establish better communication and relationships with others, as I am actively asking for their thoughts. I truly strive to understand how others think. Input also means having strong active listening skills, which is something that I have continued to improve upon in my career. I take great pride in having input as my strength, as I tend to learn something new everyday!

How do you work best?

I work best when I have focused on ensuring that my personal habits are supporting of my professional life. When I have slept well, eat a healthy diet, am active, and practice yoga, I am mentally ready to be 100% at my professional life. Knowing that my mental health is key to productivity. 🤓 I am able to think clearer, retain information and focus on the job at hand. At times, when dealines are looking, I find that motivation is very abundant.

What is your greatest area of improvement?

Taking a moment to breathe when feeling overwhelmed or anxious, I often feel the flight or fight of flight. I know that when I do not take a moment to complete deep breaths, a moment to walk away and let my thoughts clear, that I often skim read and mis understand what the e-mail or communication message. When I am able to recongize those moments it is key to ensuring that allow myself to fully understand what is being asked of me and reduce a mistake or miscommunication. I also recongnise that I need to slow down, my thoughts, typing and reading so that I can work on not missing little coding mistakes.

How do you hope to maximize your strengths for your new career in software development?

Input is a great strength in software development. I believe that my inqusitive nature, and strength of being cooperative, w to wanting to learn something new will drive me to be a better student. I look forward to talking and collaborting with other students, asking them "How'd you do that!" - most everyone enjoys sharing a cool trick, insight or knowledge from an eager learners. Having the strength of Director and Self Confidence will drive me to have confidence in myself when I am struggling and to remember to breathe and to ask for help.

How might knowing about your strengths and working preferences benefit you as a software developer?

Knowing that once I have confidence in my skills and knowledge, that I am likely to be to confident in what I'm doing, and utulizing that in knowing that asking questions, partnering and googling information is highly important in dev. Knowing that I am a supporting of others and ensuring that everyone is included is very important for me - that will leverage for a more effective team. That also helps me keep coworkers accountable and myself more accountable. Am I where I need to be, is my team members, if not, what needs to be broken down to finish it. Asking for help can be a very vulurnable feeling, when in fact, its couragous.

Reflection on reading/YouTube

It was eye opening to watch the YouTube video and see myself as one that likes to fully be an expert. It will be a new learning challenge for me to to let go and allow myself to be a half mastered learner. That will be something that will slow me down while in school and I have learned that does not allow me to save my cognitive resources for mastery skills. I really appreciated Coate's vulnerability around having struggling moments, and being OK with those moments, as that is growth. Struggling is very humbling, but is how we grow and learn. I will have to remember to take those high moments, of great success and achievement and understand that those will be rarer. With my life experience, I have learned in those true flight/fight moments, that it will pass. To breathe, acknowledge & name the anxiety and know that it will pass. To be the best at Turing will take great planning, remembering that I'm a human, and utulizing my resources with good time management.


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